第6章 弗朗西斯•培根
6.1 复习笔记
Francis Bacon (1561-1626) (弗朗西斯·培根)
1.Life (生平)
Bacon was the son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Keeper of the Privy Seal to Queen Elizabeth, an Ambassador to France. At the age of 12, he went to Cambridge and after graduating at 16 he took up law. He completed his legal education, was called to the bar and at 23 he became a member of the House of Commons. During the reign of James I, his position raised quickly. He was appointed Lord High Chancellor, the head of the legal system of England and made a peer with the titles of Baron Verulam and Viscount St Alban. But three years later, he was accused of bribery and was deprived of his office and banished from London. His last years were spent on literary and philosophical works. Alexander Pope described him as “the wisest, brightest, meanest of mankind”.
2.Major Works (主要作品)
Bacon’s works may be divided into three categories:
(1) Philosophical works--the best known of which is the Advancement of Learning (1605), Novum Organum (1620), and De Augmentis Scientiarum (1623);
(2) Literary works--Essays;
(3) Professional works--the largest and most important of his professional works are the treaties entitled Maxims of the Law and Reading on the Status of Uses.
Among his works, his essays have been greatly widely read. He continued to revise and enlarge his essays until the final edition of 58 essays appeared in 1625. His essays have been quoted as textbooks as much as Shakespeare’s plays.
3.Selected Works (选读作品)
◆Of Truth《论真理》
“Of Truth” first analyzes why people love lies, and then states that truth is the sovereign good of human nature. At the end of the essay, Bacon quotes the words of Montaigne to show the vice and disgrace of lies: “If it be well weighed, to say that a man lieth is as much as to say that he is brave towards God and a coward towards men.”
◆Of Studies《论读书》
“Of Studies” discussed the purposes, functions of study, people’s different views towards study and various study methods. The essay is characterized by the use of parallelism, concision and full of wisdom.