5.2 考研真题与典型题详解
I. Fill in the blanks.
1.Shakespeare’s authentic non-dramatic poetry consists of two ______ and 154 ______. (国际关系学院2009研)
【答案】long poems; sonnets
【解析】莎士比亚的作品除了戏剧之外,还包括两首长诗(Venus and Adonis及The Rape of Lucrece)和154首十四行诗。
2.Cordelia is a character in ______. (大连外国语学院2007研)
【答案】King Lear
3.______, ______, ______, and ______ are generally regarded as Shakespeare’s four great tragedies. (南开大学2007研)
【答案】Hamlet,Macbeth, Othello, King Lear
4.Shakespeare’s plays have been traditionally divided into four categories according to dramatic type: histories, ______, tragedies and ______.
【答案】comedies; romances
5.The principal idea of Shakespeare’s historical plays is the necessity for ______ under one king. These ideas were of vital interest to the Elizabethan audience.
【答案】national unity
6.Shakespeare’s plays are poetical dramas. A great number of important dialogues and soliloquies in his plays assume the form of ______.
7.“Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines” is a line taken from “Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare. The underlined phrase refers to ______. (首师大2008研)
【答案】the sun
8.Author: ______; Title: _______. (南京大学2008研)
【答案】Author: William Shakespeare; Title: Romeo and Juliet
【解析】题目节选自莎士比亚的Romeo and Juliet中Act II scene 2。题中诗句译文为:她脸庞的光辉,可使群星羞愧。/就像阳光可使灯光失色一般。/她的眼眸从天空穿过大气/流泻出光亮,鸟儿们会以为夜已尽而开始歌唱。
9.“Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is?”
The speaker is ______. (天津外国语2013研)
【答案】Shylock in The Merchant of Venice
10.To what period does the following extract, poetical or prose, belong? If possible, name the author. (北师大2007研)
【答案】English Renaissance; William Shakespeare
II. Multiple Choices
1.Which of the following plays does NOT belong to Shakespeare’s comedies?
A. Henry V
B. The Merchant of Venice
C. A Midsummer Night’s Dream
D. The Winter Tale
2.Among the following plays. ______ is NOT written by William Shakespeare? (首师大2009研)
A. Richard II
B. The Tempest
C. The Winter’s Tale
D. Lady Windermere’s Fan
【解析】Lady Windermere’s Fan(《温德米尔夫人的扇子》)的作者是Oscar Wilde(奥斯卡·王尔德),其余都是莎士比亚的剧作。
3.The author of the following sonnet is ______. (大连外国语2007研)
A. William Shakespeare
B. Geoffrey Chaucer
C. John Donne
D. Herbert Spencer
4.The Elizabethan age in the history of British literature represents the glory of the English theater. The greatest playwright produced in this age is ______. (天津外国语2007研)
A. William Shakespeare
B. Edmund Spencer
C. Philip Sydney
D. Christopher Marlowe
5.The Age of William Shakespeare is also called the second period of ______. (北二外2008研)
A. Elizabethan Period
B. Victorian Period
C. English Renaissance
D. James Period
6.“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” This is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s ______.
A. songs
B. plays
C. comedies
D. sonnets
【解析】“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”是莎士比亚十四行诗第28首的开头。
7.With the performance of ______ in 1613, which caused the burning of the Global Theatre by the firing of the cannon at the end of Act I, ended Shakespeare’s dramatic career.
A. Measure for Measure
B. Antony and Cleopatra
C. Coriolanus
D. Henry VIII
8.“Denmark is a prison”. In which play does the hero summarize his observation of his world into such a bitter sentence?
A. Charles I
B. Othello
C. Henry VIII
D. Hamlet
9.Which of the following statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 18”?
A. The speaker eulogizes the power of Nature.
B. The speaker satirizes human vanity.
C. The speaker praises the power of artistic creation.
D. The speaker meditates on man’s salvation.
10.The works of ______ and the Authorized Version of the English Bible are the two great treasuries of the English language.
A. Geoffrey Chaucer
B. Edmund Spenser
C. William Shakespeare
D. Ben Johnson
Ⅲ. Explain the following terms.
1.Renaissance literature (中国人民大学2006研)
Key: Renaissance literature refers to a new tradition running from Petrarch and Boccaccio in Italy to Jonson and Milton in England, embracing the work of the French Pleiade and of Sidney, Spenser and Shakespeare, marked by a new self-confidence in vernacular literatures, a flourishing of lyric poetry, and a revival of such classical forms as epic and pastoral literature.
2.Tragedy (天津外国语学院2008研;厦门大学2009研)
Key: A tragedy is a story that presents courageous individuals who confront powerful forces within or outside themselves with a dignity that reveals the breadth and depth of the human spirit in the face of failure, defeat, and even death. Tragedies recount an individual’s downfall; they usually begin high and end low. Shakespeare is known for his tragedies, including Macbeth, King Lear, Othello and Hamlet.
3.Sonnet (南开大学2010研)
Key: (1) A lyric poem consisting of a single stanza of fourteen iambic pentameter lines linked by an intricate rhyme scheme.
(2) There are two major patterns of rhyme in sonnets written in the English language: ①The Italian or Petrarchan sonnet (named after the fourteenth century Italian poet Petrarch) falls into two main parts: an octave (eight lines) rhyming abbaabba followed by a sestet (six lines) rhyming cdecde or some variant, such as cdccdc. ②Shakespearean sonnet. This sonnet falls into three quatrains and a concluding couplet: abab cdcd efef gg. There was one notable variant, the Spenserian sonnet, in which Edmund Spenser linked each quatrain to the next by a continuing rhyme: abab bcbc cdcd ee.
IV. Read the following quotations and answer the questions.
Passage 1 (北航2009研)
(1) From which play are these lines taken from?
(2) Who is the playwright?
(3) Who is the speaker?
(4) What does this speech show?
Key: (1) Hamlet
(2) William Shakespeare
(3) Hamlet
(4) In this famous monologue, Hamlet, facing the dilemma of action and mind, is hesitating whether he should revenge for his father, which may bring him death, or he should suffer and hide his hatred for his uncle in his deep heart, which may secure his life.
Passage 2
Identify each of the following quotations by giving the title of the work and the full name of the author, and explain the implications of the underlined parts. (人大2007研)
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
lead’st this fashion of thy malice: pretend be hate. Here it implies that the Duke hopes they will persuade Shylock to give up his original thought through saying that Shylock is kind and does not want to hurt others in his inner heart.
moiety: a half of his property. Here it implies Shylock is so kind in the Duke’s mouth.
Enow: enough. Here it implies Duke’s sympathy to Bassanio.
V. Short answer questions
1.What are the unique features of Shakespeare’s sonnets?
Key: (1) The Shakespearean sonnet comprises three quatrains and a final couplet, rhyming ababcdcdefefgg.
(2) It is obvious that Shakespeare wrote his sonnets partly in conformity with the popular vogue, but we must admit also that in some of them he revealed his innermost thoughts and feelings, made topical allusions to certain contemporary events and to his own life, and above all, divulged a few of his rare comments on social evils of his time.
(3) Generally speaking, in these sonnets, Shakespeare exalted friendship and love, sang the praises of youth and beauty, but since the numerous pieces must have been composed on different occasions, it is quite natural that they were expressions of vastly different moods and thoughts of different moments and their artistic worth was not of the same level.
2.Make comments on the heroines in William Shakespeare’s comedies.
Key: (1) In William Shakespeare’s comedies we find an expression of his ungrudging, equalitarian attitude toward women. These plays show, in different ways, William Shakespeare’s respect for the dignity, honesty, wit, courage, determination and resourcefulness of women. Though there are weariness and frailty sometimes, they never lose courage in time of danger. Portia in The Merchant of Venice is a best example. Portia is a woman of the Renaissance, beautiful, prudent, cultured, courteous and capable of rising to an emergency.
(2) The young heroines in William Shakespeare’s comedies are always independent in character and take their own way of life, such as Julia, in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, and Rosalind, the heroine of As You Like It. Heroines like these are no longer the women who, under the yoke of feudalism, cling about the neck of a father or a husband. They are able to defend themselves.
In all, William Shakespeare’s heroines belong to a new type. They are witty, brave, independent, optimistic and faithful.
3.What is the central theme revealed by the conflict between the group of Christians such as Antonio, Bassanio, Portia, and the others, and the Jew Shylock in Shakespeare’s comedy The Merchant of Venice? On which side, Antonio’s or Shylock’s, does Shakespeare stand and why? And what is the progressive significance of the play? (人大2003研)
Key: The conflict between Shylock and the Christian characters comes to a head over the issue of mercy. The other characters acknowledge that the law is on Shylock’s side, but they all expect him to show mercy, which he refuses to do. Shakespeare stands by the Antonio’s side. As is seen in the drama, he praises Antonio’s sense of love and generosity, and he condemns Shylock’s selfishness and cold-bloodiness. The progressive significance of the play is that it makes a contrast and comparison of the Christian and the Jew. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages. The Christian is generous and sympathetic, but he only shows his generosity and sympathy within his community, i.e. to other Christians, not the Jew. The Jew, despite his selfishness and sense of hatred, is pitiable, as he is looked down upon and not treated equally by the Christian.
VI. Essay questions
1.What gives Shakespeare the unwavering reputation for greatness in age after age?
Key: ①First of all, living in the transitional period of the rapid decline of feudalism and the steady rise of capitalism, Shakespeare showed much antipathy towards many evil practices. And there is also the intense sympathy that his work conveys for people of every type and class, from the most exalted monarch to the humblest gravedigger or porter. ②He was a consummate artist in playwriting and in poetry. He created a whole gallery of vivid, lifelike characters. In his romantic comedies, there are many brilliant heroines of talent and ingenuity. In his history plays, he portrays his ideal king and the colorful Falstaff. In his early tragedies, Romeo and Juliet have become the celebrated as synonym for young, star-crossed lovers. And in his four great tragedies, his insuperable skill in portrayal reaches the summit in such renowned figures as Hamlet, Othello, etc. ③His most striking attainment in characterization is his ever-conscious emphasis on the psychological make-up of his major characters. His heroes and heroines not only do things and say things, but reveal to the audience and readers their thought. He uses soliloquies to show the thinking process of his characters. ④He also showed great craftsmanship in the management of plot in most of his plays. He took stories from many sources. The secrets of his success lies in his abilities to mould these borrowed source materials to the best advantages. He frequently employed dramatic irony. The use of disguise leads to mistaken identity and comic effects and pathos. ⑤He was a great poet, master of prose, and sonneteer. He has been regarded as the foremost poet and dramatist of England, and by some, of all Europe.
2.In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the tragic hero Hamlet seems to be delaying his revenge. Why? Please give your explanations by in-depth analysis with textual evidences. (北航2012研)
Key: There are many reasons as to why Hamlet might be delaying the revenge.
One of Hamlet’s many reasons could be that he is afraid of the consequence after killing. He worries that the killing will cause turbulence to his country. He can not decide to take such revenge. Also, Hamlet is quite religious, which can been seen in the prayer scene: “Now might I do it pat, now he is praying, and now I’ll don’t - and so goes to heaven, and am I reneged. That would be scanned. A villain kills my father, and for that, I his sole son do this same villain send to Heaven.” Hamlet fears the result of killing because he knows that if he kills Claudius while Claudius prays, Claudius will go to heaven, and Hamlet will have to suffer the sin of killing.
Another reason as to why Hamlet postponed the revenge, could be that he didn’t want to hurt his mother Gertrude, especially after his father warned him not to hurt her in any way. “I will speak daggers to her but use non”, this indicates Hamlet’s protection over his mother--he will “speak in daggers”, i.e. talk to her with a sharp tone, but “use non” to hurt his mother. It could be said that Hamlet didn’t want to kill Claudius because he didn’t want to see his mother suffer a loss of another loved one.