03 拜登政府酝酿3万亿美元新支出计划
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全文共527个词,by James Politi, Lauren Fedor in Washington
Joe Biden is set to consider a plan from his top advisers to plough roughly $3tn in additional government spending into the US economy for investments in infrastructure, clean energy and education, two people familiar with the matter said on Monday.
两名知情人士周一表示,美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)将考虑其高级顾问提出的一项计划,即通过增加政府支出,向美国经济中再投入约3万亿美元,主要投资于基础设施、清洁能源和教育方面。
The additional fiscal support for the US recovery would closely track Biden’s 2020 presidential election pledges to tackle some of the major structural deficiencies afflicting the US economy. It is expected to be partially offset by increases in taxes on wealthy households and US corporations.
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It would represent the second stage of Biden’s ambitious economic agenda, after Congress approved a$1.9tn stimulus plan to deliver immediate relief to households during the pandemic.
Biden’s advisers have turned to infrastructure and education investment plans in recent weeks, and are expected to present the president with more detailed proposals this week. People familiar with the matter said Biden had not yet signed off on any specifics, and nothing has been finalised.
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“President Biden and his team are considering a range of potential options for how to invest in working families and reform our tax code so it rewards work, not wealth,” Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, said. “Those conversations are ongoing, so any speculation about future economic proposals is premature and not a reflection of the White House’s thinking.”
“拜登总统和他的团队正在考虑一系列可能的选项,针对如何把资金投入到工薪家庭,并改革我们的税法,以奖励工作、而非财富,”白宫新闻秘书珍·萨基(Jen Psaki)说,“这些讨论仍在进行中,所以任何关于未来经济提案的猜测都言之过早,不能反映白宫的想法。”
Biden had previously said he wanted to present his multitrillion-dollar investment package as early as February, but that goal was quickly sidelined as White House officials and lawmakers focused on passing the $1.9tn coronavirus stimulus package.
Clinching congressional approval for a massive new round of spending with razor-thin majorities for Democrats in both the House of Representatives and the Senate may be even more difficult than it was for the stimulus package.
Although Republicans on Capitol Hill have often expressed an interest in approving more infrastructure spending, they have balked at tax increases and other domestic spending initiatives.
During the presidential campaign, Biden proposed increasing the corporate tax rate from 21 per cent to 28 per cent, as well as raising individual taxes on Americans earning more than $400,000 per year.
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Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate minority leader, ripped into the White House’s nascent investment plans on Monday, calling them a “Trojan horse for massive tax hikes and other job-killing, leftwing policies”.
共和党籍参议院少数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)周一猛烈抨击了白宫正在酝酿的投资计划,称其为“暗藏大规模增税和其他扼杀就业的左翼政策的特洛伊木马”。
McConnell then referred back to the economic policies of former president Donald Trump, saying they had yielded better results in the pre-pandemic era.
麦康奈尔随后回顾了前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的经济政策,称这些政策在疫情爆发前那段时期产生了更好的效果。
“Wages were growing faster at the bottom than the top. Unemployment was at historic lows. American workers were a hot commodity and were getting compensated accordingly,” he said. “Pro-worker prosperity does not entail having big government politicians or big labour bosses micro manage every aspect of the economy to suit liberal fads.”
The New York Times first reported that Biden’s economic advisers were close to presenting the president with an investment plan worth $3tn this week, noting that they were considering splitting it into two separate packages.
《纽约时报》(The New York Times)最先报道称,拜登的经济顾问或在本周内向总统提交一项规模3万亿美元的投资计划,并指他们正在考虑将该计划分为两项独立的方案。
The first would be focused on traditional infrastructure and clean energy investments, while the second would be centred around child care and education investments, including funding for universal pre-kindergarten courses and free community college.