3 成语、谚语举隅
和汉语不同,英语书面语中见到成语的情况不算太多。英语成语主要常见于日常交际和报纸杂志。另外,较之汉语,英语中成语的数量也有限。美国学者Richard A. Spears编纂的NTC's American Idioms Dictionary收录的成语总量不过八千五百条左右,并且该词典收录的成语包括了动词短语、介词短语、短语成语和谚语。
电影《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》(Four Weddings and a Funeral)中,男主人公Charles在结婚仪式进行当中突然决定取消婚礼,为此遭到新娘一顿暴打。之后,他和几个朋友回到房间休息。不久,门铃响了,其他的人想去开门,但Charles阻止了他们,说道:
(1)No, no. If there is music to be faced, I shall be facing it.
这里face the music是“勇敢承担不好的后果”的意思。其来源据说有二: 一种说法是,歌剧和音乐剧演员上场时要面对观众席那边的乐队。因此 “面对音乐”也就是要硬着头皮接受观众的检验,上舞台如上刑场一般。另一说法是,军队里士兵做了不光彩的事被开除、离开的时候,其他人敲锣打鼓为其送行。
我们再来看一个和成语相关的例子。电影《执法者》(A Change of Heart)的女主人正在和领养机构的工作人员商量领养孩子的事,这时,外面传来了汽车声。
(2)工作人员: That must be him. 一定是你丈夫回来了。
女主人: Yes, it is. Speak of the devil. 是他,刚说到他,他就真的回来了。
上面的对话中,女主人用了“talk of the devil and he will appear(说到鬼,鬼就真会出现。或: 说曹操,曹操就到了。)”这个谚语,是说她丈夫回来得正巧。不过,女主人只说了前半句。
Adam Makkai在A Dictionary of American Idioms中把英语成语分为词汇成语、短语成语和谚语三类。
1. 词汇成语
(1)A: How many flies do you count in this room?这房间里有多少只苍蝇?
B: 15, give or take. 15只左右吧。
(2)I'm fine, fit as a fiddle. 我身体没问题,很健康。
(3)Aluminum is the odd man out. 这里能发现铝,比较奇怪。
(odd man out,另类的人或物。)
(4)I'll quit this job in a heartbeat if it threatened what we have.
(in a heartbeat,马上。)
《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)
(5)This guy could prove to be a pain in the ass.这家伙可能会给我们捅娄子。
(A pain in the ass, 或a pain in the neck,讨厌的人或事。A pain in the ass是粗鄙的说法。)
《突然死亡》(Sudden Death)
(6)An old girlfriend calls you out of blue on Christmas Eve.
《居家男人》(The Family Man)
2. 短语成语
(1)Your husband and I never quite saw eye to eye, ma'am.
(see eye to eye,看法完全一致。)
《傲骨贤妻》(The Good Wife)
(2)Maia, why are you still protecting your father? He left you holding the bag.
(be left holding the bag,接手烂摊子。)
《傲骨之战》(The Good Fight)
(3)So we are back to square one.看来,我们只好拉倒重来了。
(be back to square one,前功尽弃,回到原点。)
《天才医院》(Pure Genius)
(4)Someone's got to take the short straw.总有人要吃亏,倒霉。
(take the short straw源自抽签游戏,抽到最短一根的为失败者。)
《护法为民》(For the People)
(5)That being said, finding a way to expose Falcone is music to my ears.
(music to somebody's ears,乐意听到的好消息,求之不得的事情。)
《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(6)Hey, good luck. Oh, sorry. I mean break a leg or whatever they say.
(Break a leg.是演员上台时祝福的惯用语,相当于good luck。)
3. 谚语
(1)To which, I reply, “Old habits die hard.”对此我回答道: 积习难改。
(2)Don't judge a book by its cover.人不可貌相。
(类似谚语有: Don't judge a person by his appearance.)
《美国X档案》(American History X)
(3)Rules are made to be broken.制定规则,就是为了让人打破的。
《三个奶爸一个娃》(Three Men and a Little Lady)
(4)I guess one man's corpse is another man's candy.
(化用one man's meat is another man's poison,这里的意思是,虽说受害人很不幸,但他的尸体对调查取证非常重要。)
(5)I see “great minds think alike.”我看,“英雄所见略同。”
《亲亲杰西卡》(Kissing Jessica Stein)
4. 影视剧台词中的成语应用和分析
(1)That's a genie I can't put back in the bottle.
(上面的genie源自《天方夜谭》: 一个渔翁一天捕鱼时捞到一只瓶子。瓶子打开后,里面的妖怪跳了出来,要吃掉他。渔翁沉着冷静,机智地让妖怪又钻回瓶子里,并将瓶子扔回了大海。)
《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)
(2)So basically this is a Hail Mary pass?
《傲骨贤妻》(The Good Wife)
(Hail Mary pass源于体育用语,表示希望不大的尝试。美式足球比赛到了最后关头,在比分差距不大的情况下,落后的一方不顾一切地传球,放手一搏,希望能反败为胜。罗马天主教徒向圣母祈祷的祷告词是以Hail Mary开始的,意为“万福,玛利亚”,希望圣母能助他一臂之力。)
(3)You are cashing in your chips?
《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)
(4)My first time with Leonard was nothing to write home about.
我和Leonard 的第一次没有什么特别之处。
(日常生活用语,have nothing to write about home是说自己的生活平淡无奇,没有什么值得向家里人报喜的东西。)
《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)
(5)You just cannot bury your head in the sand like an ostrich, Liz.
(bury one's head in the sand,拒绝承认问题,面对现实。)
(6)Hooking us is half the battle. You still got to reel us in.
(half the battle,成功了一半。)
(6)、(7)、(8)均出自《新郎上错床》(A Guy Thing)
(7)They think they have bigger fish to fry.
(to have another fish to fry,有其他的事情要做。)
(8)He is a man of the cloth.他是出家人。
(a man of cloth,僧人。)
(9)You have got to start from scratch on that.那事你得从头开始做起。
(start from scratch,白手起家,从头做起。)
《神魂颠倒》(Head Over Heels)
(10)Dancing is just the tip of this iceberg.跳舞只是一个小小的方面。
(tip of the iceberg,冰山一角。)
(11)A: See, I am naturally graceful. 我天生姿态优雅。
B: Grace doesn't run in our family. 优雅跟我们家根本无缘。
(run in the family,家里的遗传。)
(12)The gauntlet has been thrown down.你必须接受挑战才行。
(Throw down the gauntlet,发出挑战,take up the gauntlet 接受挑战。Gauntlet是一种由皮革和金属做成的手套,中世纪的骑士把gauntlet扔在地上表明向对方发出挑战,对方如果拾起地上的gauntlet,就表明他接受挑战。)
(12)、(13)均出自《心灵捕手》(Good Will Hunting)
(13)This is just a shot in the dark.只是试试,完全没有把握。
(a shot in the dark,瞎猜、没有把握的事。比较,Hail Mary pass。)
(14)I have been on the wagon seven weeks now.我戒酒已有七个星期了。
(on the wagon,戒酒,off the wagon 又开始喝酒。注意: 不要和jump on the bandwagon搞混了。Jump on the bandwagon是“赶时髦,随大流”的意思,源于美国竞选活动。以前候选人参加竞选要坐马车,带上乐队做宣传。所到之处有民众登上马车,以示支持。)
《午夜惊情》(Sea of Love)
(15)I fell off the wagon.我又开始喝酒了。
(16)All is fair in love and war.情场如战场,可以不择手段。
《三个奶爸一个娃》(Three Men and a Little Lady)
(17)True or false, “All is fair in love and war”?
《十日拍拖手册》(How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days)
(18)Every dog has his day.人人皆有得意之时。
(18)、(19)、(20)、(21)均出自《魔鬼代言人》(Devil's Advocate)
(19)He's got a lot of fingers in a lot of pies.
(have a finger in every pie,凡事都要插上一手。)
(20)You live to fight another day.明哲保身乃上策。
(to live to fight another day,留得青山在,不愁没柴烧。)
(21)Better to resign in hell than to serve in heaven, is that right?
(22)一大早,学生向老师打招: Hey, Mr. Macallister. Macallister先生,你好!
老师: Not wasting any time, are you? 你可是一分一秒都不肯浪费呀?
学生: You know about the early bird? 您知道“早起的鸟儿有虫吃。”这句话吗?
老师: Yes, I do.当然。
(这里学生想说的完整谚语是:“The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。”)
(23)How did you get his butt off the fence?
(fence rider,骑墙者,见风使舵的人,这里是让他从墙上下来的意思。)
《白宫奇缘》(The American President)
(24)I see the table has turned.我看局势发生了根本改变。
(turn the tables,扭转局势,转败为胜。)
(25)Are you making ends meet?你生活还过得去吗?
(make ends meet,使收支相抵,量入为出。)
《纽约故事》(New York Sstories)
(26)Better safe than sorry.与其事后后悔,不如稳妥安全。
(强调“安全第一”时常用的一句谚语。Sorry and safe都以S开头,押头韵。)
《超完美谋杀案》(A Perfect Murder)
(27)This issue is a drop in the bucket.这只是很小的事情。
(a drop in the bucket, a drop in the ocean,沧海一粟。)
(27)、(28)、(29)、(30)均出自《惊爆内幕》(The Insider)
(28)The straw that broke the camel's back for me and really put me in trouble with Sandetur was a compound called coumarin.
(the straw that broke camel's back,使人承受不了的负担,超过限度的负担。)
(29)It doesn't work. You've burned your bridges, man.
(burn the bridges, burn the boats,断绝退路。Burn the boats是英国用法。)
(30)The cat is, totally, out of the bag.我们完全暴露了。
(Let the cat out of the bag.不小心泄露机密,露馅了。)
(31)You call me as soon as Kim's out of the woods, okay?
(out of the woods,摆脱困难,脱离险境。使用频率较高的短语成语。下同。)
《执法者》(A Change of Heart)
(32)The doctor says she ain't out of the woods yet, though.
《杀戮时刻》(A Time to Kill)
(33)Let's call a spade a spade.我们直言不讳吧。
(call a spade a spade,不拐弯抹角,直言不讳。)
(34)If these guys pay the piper, the piper does their show.
(Whoever pays the piper calls the tune. 谁出钱,就听谁的。)
(35)His bark is worse than his bite.
(One's bark is worse than one's bite.雷声大,雨点小。或: 刀子嘴豆腐心。)
(35)、(36)均出自《闻香识女人》(Scent of a Woman)
(36)There are two kinds of people in this world: those who stand up and face the music and those who run for cover. Cover is better.
这世界上有两种人: 一种人敢于面对挑战,勇于承担后果;另一种人只知道明哲保身。得到好处的往往是后者。
(face the music,勇敢面对困难、勇敢接受后果。)
(37)Brevity is the order of the day.简洁应该成为一种风尚。
(the order of the day,常态。这里化用莎士比亚诗剧的Brevity is the soul of wit.)
(37)、(38)均出自《我最好朋友的婚礼》(My Best Friend's Wedding)
(38)Tell him that you love him. Bite the bullet!
(bite the bullet,咬紧牙关,挺住。)
(39)Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.我们不能因噎废食。
(Throw the baby out with the bath water. 因噎废食,矫枉过正,利弊均除。下同。)
《大卫·戈尔的一生》(The Life of David Gale)
(40)I still don't understand why we have to throw out the baby with the water.
《广告狂人》(Mad Men)
(41)The more, the merrier.多多益善,人越多越好。
《诺玛·蕾》(Norma Rae)
(42)I know you probably think I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth.
(be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth,出身豪门。下同。)
(43)But she was born with a silver spoon.但她家境好。或: 她出身名门。
《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)
(44)I always tell people to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
(Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.凡事乐观,但要做最坏的打算。)
《母女情深》(Terms of Endearments)
(45)It's just a jungle out there.外面是一个残酷的世界。
(45)、(46)、(47)、(48)均出自《亲亲杰西卡》(Kissing Jessica Stein)
(46)Let's not put the cart before the horse here.我们不要本末倒置。
(Put the cart before the horse.颠倒次序。)
(47)Home is where the heart lies.家是心灵的避风港。
(48)Nothing to fear but fear itself.没有什么比“恐惧”本身更可怕。
(源自美国总统罗斯福的名言: There is nothing to fear but fear itself.)
(49)You can't whip a dead horse.
(Whip a dead horse.做徒劳无功、白费力气的事。)
(49)、(50)均出自《拜金一族》(Glengarry Glen Ross)
(50)They killed the goose.他们干了自绝财源的蠢事!
(To kill the goose that lays golden eggs.杀鸡取卵,自绝财源。)
(51)Two is company; three is crowd.两人成伴,三人不欢。
(51)、(52)均出自《玩尽杀绝》(Wild Things)
(52)Once is a happenstance. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is an enemy action.一次算偶然,二次算巧合,三次绝对是敌对行动。
(53)One ship is accidental, maybe, six ships, Mr. President, is intentional.
(这是化用: Once is a happenstance. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is definitely an enemy action.)
《惊爆十三天》(Thirteen Days)
(54)Every cloud has a silver lining.任何事情总有好的一面。
(常用谚语。也说a silver lining,有一线希望,有一丝慰藉。下同)
《玩尽杀绝》(Wild Things)
(55)It feels like a silver lining there.感觉是不幸中的万幸。
《妙女神探》(Rizzoli & Isles)
(56)It's his bed. Afraid he's gonna have to lie in it.
(这里化用谚语: As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.自己铺的床自己躺,自作自受。下同。)
《致命诱惑》(Fatal Attraction)
(57)But he made his bed. He can lie in it.
《护法为民》(For the People)
(58)Like father, like son.有其父,必有其子。
《死亡诗社》(Dead Poets Society)
(59)Oh, like father, like son.对啊,有其父必有其子。或: 父亲英雄儿好汉。
《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(60)Don't count your chickens.不要高兴得太早。
(完整的谚语是: Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.)
(60)、(61)均出自《偷听女人心》(What Women Want)
(61)I can't believe I have butterflies in my stomach.
(have butterflies in one's stomach,紧张,忐忑不安。)
(62)A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不生苔。
《楚门的世界》(The Trueman Show)
(63)It ain't over until the fat lady sings.咱们等着瞧,好戏还在后头呢。
《独立日》(Independence Day)
(64)Television is like a monkey on his back.他很讨厌电视。
(a monkey on one's back,烦人之事或人。)
《幕后谎言》(Quiz Show)
(65)You are not seeing the forest for the weed here,man.
(化用谚语: Do not see the forest for the tree.只见树木,不见森林。)
《将错就错》(Say It Isn't So)
(66)Cut off her nose to spite her face.她这是和自己过不去。
(Cut off one's nose to spite one's face.损人不利己。害人也害己。)
(67)Anyway, enough of that. My job today is to talk about Angus, and there are no skeletons in his cupboard, or so I thought.
(a skeleton in the closet,家丑,不可告人之事。)
《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
(68)To err is human. To forgive divine.人非圣贤,孰能无过。
(英国诗人和批评家Alexander Pope语。)
《修女也疯狂》(Sister Act)
(69)Alea jacta est. The die is cast.木已成舟。
(The die is cast.骰子已经掷出去了,做过的事没法更改了。)
《皇家俱乐部》(The Emperor's Club)
(70)I mean I didn't have a clue. I just came over from Ireland. I'm with all the guys that are supposed to be the cream of the crop.
(cream of the crop,精英。)
《激情何处》(The Good Mother)
(71)Two sharp women are better than one.
(化用谚语: Two heads are better than one.)
(72)You ever heard of a wolf in sheep's clothing?
(73)Turns out he's red herring.
(red herring,转移注意力的事和人。)
(74)I think it's shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted, somewhat.
《心灵猎人》(Mind Hunter)
(75)What do you say? Water under the bridge?
(water under the bridge,木已成舟,既成事实。下同。)
《危险第三情》(Unlawful Entry)
(76)All that trial stuff is water under the bridge.
(76)、(77)均出自《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(77)Fine. Get your ducks in a row. We'll do this again in two days.
(Get one's ducks in a row. 源自保龄球术语,把木柱排好。这里是“把事情安排得井井有条”的意思。下同)
(78)Stall him for a few minutes, Jonathan, till I get my ducks in a row.
(78)、(79)均出自《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)
(79)We're going to nip this thing in the bud.
(nip something in the bud,及时制止,防微杜渐。下同。)
(80)I gotta nip this in the bud.我得及时制止这种事情。
《白宫奇缘》(The American President)
(81)The proof is in the pudding.要想知道梨子的味道,你要亲口尝一下。
《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)
(82)You know, I cut you a lot of slack, because you come from another country, but you've been here a long time.
(cut somebody a slack,优待有加,放某人一马。下同。)
《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)
(83)Now, Marty, cut me a little slack here.
《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)
(84)Lee. Cut me some slacks, my husband is missing!
《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)
(85)And I'm taking you to task for it.我要找你算账。
(take someone to task,责备、申斥某人。下同。)
《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)
(86)A: Hi, Rod. Rod,你好。
B: Excellent eulogy, by the way. 你刚才致的悼词很好。
A: Thank you. Though I think I took our firm a little too hard to task.
《傲骨之战》(The Good Fight)
(87)Oh, I gave my life to my children on a silver platter.
(on a silver platter,拱手相让;轻松地、毫不犹豫地给予。)
《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)
(88)Fine. I'll take another rain check. You are starting to owe me a lot of rain, you know.好的,那再约吧。你知道,你欠我的已经很多了哦。
(take a rain check,改日,下一次。遇到雨天比赛被迫延期,主办方发给观众的凭证叫rain check。这里指已经推迟过一次了,再向后推迟。)
《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)
(89)I told Anthony Jr. we'd rain-check his birthday.
《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)
(90)This is the greatest advertising opportunity since the invention of cereal.
(这里化用成语: It's the greatest /best thing since the invention of sliced bread.最好的事情。)
《广告狂人》(Mad Men)
(91)I felt guilty. I was probably instrumental in getting you arrested. Sure, that's my job to find the needle of guilt in the haystack of denials, but I couldn't stop thinking about it, Maia.
(这里化用谚语: Find a needle in a haystack.大海捞针。)
《傲骨之战》(The Good Fight)
(92)Maybe we bit off more than we can chew here.也许我们有些太贪了。
(Bite off more than one can chew,贪多嚼不烂,自不量力。下同)
《亲亲杰西卡》(Kissing Jessica Stein)
(93)We have bitten more Vietnam than we could possibly chew.
(94)I confess I can't remember the case off the top of my head.
(off the top of my head,不假思索地。)
(94)、(95)均出自《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(95)Maybe a leopard can change its spots.也许有时浪子真能回头。
(这里化用谚语: A leopard can't change its spot.本性难改。)
(96)When you are young in New York, roommates are your family. They drive you crazy. They share every moment of your life with you. But if you do it right, they will have your back forever.
(have one's back,支持某人,是某人的后盾。)
《护法为民》(For the People)
(97)Well, it'll be a big feather in my cap to win this.得这个奖将是我的荣耀。
(a feather in someone's cap,荣耀,值得骄傲的事情。)
(98)I'll give him such a piece of my mind.我要好好教训他一顿。
(give somebody a piece of your mind,把某人训斥一顿。)
(99)Let me see if I can cut to the chase by using myself as an example.
(cut to the chase直奔主题。动作片剪辑的时候直接剪到追逐、打斗的场面,即最精彩的部分。下同)
(100)Let's cut to the chase, Gil.
(101)I'll go out on a limb and take that as a compliment.
(out on a limb或on a limb,处于一种孤立无援的危险境地,limb树枝。)
(102)老公没有妻子挣钱多,却在妻子面前趾高气扬,于是一帮闺蜜给妻子出主意,教她怎么打击她老公的嚣张气焰: You know you make a lot more money than Howard. Can't you just rub his nose in that?
(rub one's nose in something,揭伤疤,羞辱,让某人难堪。)
(102)、(103)、(104)、(105)均出自《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)
(103)She called your bluff.你对她吹牛,不是自找没趣吗?
(call somebody's bluff,在某人吹牛的时候揭穿他的大话。源于纸牌游戏。)
(104)Sorry, Raj, who cares if Howard tries to steal the show?
(steal the show,抢风头。)
(105)I thought you said you are spread too thin.
(be spread too thin,疲于同时应付很多事情。)
(106)It's sometimes hard not to paint you with the same brush.
(paint something with the same brush,不加区别地归为一类,一概而论。)
《白宫风云》(The West Wing)
(107)Really, Pal. You got to toe the line on this one.
(toe the line言听计从,服从。)
(107)、(108)、(109)、(110)、(111)均出自《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)
(108)I hope you don't have any pie-in-the-sky plans for a life of your own.
(109)A: I hope you don't mind a moment of shop talk. 我想占用你一点时间,谈点工作上的事情,希望你不介意。
B: Ok, please. 没事,请讲。
(shop talk,谈工作,谈正事。)
(110)Marcia Forman is having a field day with this dissent memo.
Marcia Forman为了这个反对备忘录忙得不可开交。
(have a field day,好机会;有事情可干、忙碌的一天。)
(111)I'm the one who decided to drop out of school. I can't blame you guys for making me pull my weight.
(pull my weight尽自己的一分力量,不偷懒。)
(112)I can't leave him in the lurch.我不能扔下他不管。
(leave somebody in the lurch,置某人于困境。)
《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)
(113)Just between you and me. I can't hold a candle to him.
(A can't hold a candle to B. A连给B提鞋的资格都没有。或: A比B差得太远了。)
(114)A: Can't you pull some strings? 你能不能帮忙通融、通融?
B: I don't have any strings. 我没有路子。
(pull strings,拉关系,走后门。)
《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)
(115)You are barking up the wrong tree, sister.老姐,我看你是搞错了对象。