第22章 The Boat Upset 翻船事件
"Sit still, children. Do not move about in the boat," said Mr. Rose to the young folks he was taking for a trip on the water.
The boat was a large one, and could not easily be upset. There were in it Mr. and Mrs. Rose, the boatman, and several little boys and girls.
"Keep still, please, young gentlemen," said the boatman, when Edgar Rose and Thomas Read began to move from one side to the other.
They kept quiet for a short time only. Edgar soon wanted a stick which Thomas held in his hand. He lost his balance in trying to get the stick, and fell into the water.
Mr. and Mrs. Rose both started up, and stretched out their arms to save him; but in so doing, they upset the boat.
Every one fell into the water, and all were in the greatest danger of being drowned.
Another boat was near, with but one man in it. He hastened to them as quickly as possible, and saved them from drowning.
Children should always be careful and quiet when they are in a boat on the water, and should obey what older people tell them.