Study on the Medical Rehabilitation and Related Factors of Disabled Children Aged 0~18 in Guangzhou and Dongying City
Public Health College of Beijing UniversityLiu Chuang Liu Min
China Disabled Persons' FederationBo Shaoye Wang Zhijiang
[Abstract]Objective To explore the medical rehabilitation condition of disabled children aged 0~18 in Guangzhou and Dongying city and its related factors.Methods A census was carried among disabled children aged 0~18 in Guangzhou and Dongying city.Using a self-designed questionnaire,face to face interviews were taken to collect the basic information,the condition of rehabilitation form and support appliances.Results The proportion of disabled children that are having medical rehabilitation is 57.9% ( 1053 out of 1872) .The proportion among different types of disabled children are hearing disability 63.3%,speech disability 69.0%,visual disability 54.3%,intellectual disability 60.9%,physical disability 57.2%,psychiatric disability 50.0%,multiple disability 54.7%.The rate of rehabilitation form are home rehabilitation 57.5% ( 606),medical service 36.7% ( 386),rehabilitation agency 18.9% ( 199),community rehabilitation centers 10.5% ( 111) and others 6.6% ( 69) .Age,household nature,income of households and the social assistances are the infect factors of medical rehabilitation among disabled children.Conclusion The condition of medical rehabilitation are bad,the proportion of disabled who are having medical rehabilitation is low.In order to make more disabled children have medical rehabilitation,we should build better medical facilities in rural area,improve the income level of disabled family and offer them social assistant.
[Key words]Disabled children; Medical rehabilitation; Condition; Related factors
北京大学公共卫生学院 刘 闯 刘 民
中国残疾人联合会 薄绍晔 王治江
【摘要】目的 了解广州、东营两市137名6岁以下残疾儿童(肢体残疾除外)生长发育和营养状况,并分析影响残疾儿童营养状况的因素。方法 采用定点普查的方法,对广州、东营两市6岁以下残疾儿童进行调查,通过测量残疾儿童身高和体重等指标,反映残疾儿童的生长发育现状;通过自主设计的调查问卷收集残疾儿童信息,残疾儿童家庭信息以及残疾儿童的营养状况等信息。结果137名6岁以下残疾儿童身高中位数为男性100.00cm,女性105.00cm;体重中位数为男性19.00kg,女性20.00kg。91名残疾儿童中有36人( 39.6%)患有各种类型的营养性疾病,且以维生素缺乏所占比例最高( 26.4%)。残疾儿童半年内患病情况是其是否患有营养性疾病的主要影响因素( P = 0.002)。结论 我国6岁以下残疾儿童生长发育和营养状况较差,营养性疾病患病率较高。应重点关注残疾儿童的生长发育状况和营养状况,为其提供良好的生长环境。
【关键词】残疾儿童 生长发育 营养状况 现状 影响因素