张高媛 王韫佳 黄靖雯
摘要 本文旨在研究经过不同声学处理的普通话情感语音信号的感知。实验中的感知刺激是携带中性、高兴、恐惧、愤怒、悲伤、惊讶六种情感的语音,对这六种携带不同情感的自然语音进行了低通滤波及平均时长与平均音强的归一化处理。要求被试对自然语音刺激、滤波后语音刺激、滤波且归一化后语音刺激进行情感类型的辨认。在部分语音线索掩蔽的情况下,听者对于情感类型的识别正确率依然高于随机水平。实验结果表明,情感听辨的优劣性差异较大;不同情感感知依靠的感知线索有可能不同;在不同语音条件下,情感之间的混淆模式虽不尽相同,但也有一定的相似之处。
关键词 情感语音,声学线索掩蔽,情感感知
The Perception of Emotional Speech under Acoustic Cues Masking in Mandarin
ZHANG Gaoyuan WANG Yunjia HUANG Jingwen
Abstract This paper aims to investigate the perception of emotional speeches that have gone through different acoustic masking processes in Mandarin. The perceptual stimuli in the experiment were speech items with 6 different emotions,i.e.,neutral,happy,scared,angry,sad and surprised. These natural speech items were low-pass filtered,and then normalized in duration and intensity. The experimental task was to identify the emotion type for all the natural and acoustically processed speech. The identification accuracies of emotional types were above chance level even when partial acoustic information was removed in the stimuli. The results demonstrated that(1)in Mandarin,the identification accuracies of each emotion were different;(2)different emotional speech perception might depend on different cues;(3)under the three stimulus conditions,the confusion patterns for emotions were also showed up differently,while there were still commonalities.
Key words Emotional speech,Acoustic cues masking,Emotional perception