[词语]to gaze into the crystal ball
to look into the crystal ball
[趣释]【物事喻指】在西方,看水晶球(crystal ball)算命是一种很古老的占卜术。算命的人盯着水晶球往里看,据说能看到即将要发生的事情和别的地方正在发生的事。因而人们用“盯着水晶球往里看”(to gaze into the crystal ball)喻指算命、预卜未来。
[运用]The fortuneteller at the fair looked into her crystal ball and told me that I would take a long trip next year. 集市那位占卜者给我算命,告诉我说我明年将有远行。
Gazing into the crystal ball is fraught with peril, especially when done in print. 预测未来是件很危险的事,尤其是在报纸上公布于众就更加危险。
So, we invite you to gaze into the crystal ball and predict how the year 2050 will bode for a complicated world. 让我们一起凝望代表未来的水晶球,一起预测2050年,这个错综复杂的世界将发生什么。
After I had given her some money, she looked into the crystal ball and said, “A relation of yours is coming to see you.” 我给了她一些钱后,她便查看一个水晶球说:“您的一位亲戚要来看您了。”