[词语]the seventh heaven
[趣释]【经典喻指】希伯来(Hebrew)神秘哲学学派认为,天(heaven)由七重组成。第七重天被认为是最幸福的极乐之地。西方人用“第七重天”(the seventh heaven)喻指极乐之地;用“进入七重天”(to be in the seventh heaven)喻指极其幸福、欢天喜地。
[运用]She was in the seventh heaven of rapture. 她欣喜若狂。
The children are in the seventh heaven with their new toys. 孩子们有了这些新玩具而欢天喜地。
I'm in seventh heaven when I listen to Mozart's music. 当我听莫扎特的音乐时,感到如临仙境。
With the delicacies on the table, the delightful music, and the elegant environment of the restaurant, Tom felt himself in the seventh heaven. 桌上的佳肴、迷人的音乐、饭馆里的高雅环境,这一切都使汤姆感到快乐无穷。