About the Reviewers
Steve Husting wears various hats by day, including that of a website worker, in a company that designs and manufactures radio-controlled hobby cars. By night, he writes, does calligraphy, and creates iPhone and Android apps. He posts his findings about PhoneGap app development on his blog, http://iphonedevlog.wordpress.com, which is focused towards beginners.
Julio César Sánchez has been a professional software developer since 2007. Over the years, he has worked with various web-related technologies. In 2010, he discovered PhoneGap and has been following the PhoneGap Google Group since then, learning, helping other developers, and even contributing with PhoneGap plugins. He spends part of his spare time developing mobile apps. Julio also writes tutorials about PhoneGap development for http://www.phonegap.es. You can visit his personal website (http://www.jcesarmobile.com), or follow him on twitter at @jcesarmobile
to know more about him and his work.