Mastering Gephi Network Visualization

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Fundamentals of Complex Networks and Gephi, provides background into the world of complex networks and how we can use Gephi to explore and analyze network patterns.

Chapter 2, A Network Graph Framework, provides a process for creating and developing network visualizations using Gephi.

Chapter 3, Selecting the Layout, will introduce many available layout algorithms in Gephi, and help you to select the most appropriate types based on the characteristics of your network data.

Chapter 4, Network Patterns, examines several critical network patterns, including contagion, diffusion, and homophily. We then use Gephi to explore and understand these behaviors.

Chapter 5, Working with Filters, provides multiple examples for how and when to use the powerful filtering capabilities provided within Gephi.

Chapter 6, Graph Statistics, provides readers with background on some key statistical network measures, followed by examples for how to effectively apply these methods in Gephi.

Chapter 7, Segmenting and Partitioning a Graph, provides insight into the multiple approaches that can be used to effectively segment a network, based on categorical or behavioral attributes. The use of size and color to partition a graph will be thoroughly explored.

Chapter 8, Dynamic Networks, will introduce the concept of Dynamic Network Analysis (DNA) and how time-based networks can be explored and understood in Gephi.

Chapter 9, Taking Your Graph Beyond Gephi, gives an overview of available export options, followed by several examples for creating visualizations by combining Gephi with external tools.

Chapter 10, Putting It All Together, incorporates many of the methods covered earlier in the book to create both revised and brand new visualizations. We'll also introduce some new methods that will allow for further network customization.

Appendix, Data Sources and Other Web Resources, lists out all the important references that you can use to understand the book in much more detail.