Raspberry Pi Mechatronics Projects HOTSHOT

Setup of a remote login into the Raspberry Pi

In this section, we will remotely log in to the Raspberry Pi using a secure shell. Since the Raspberry Pi comes with sshd enabled, it is possible to log in remotely using the local name, raspberrypi.local (During the bootstrapping process, the avahi-daemon tool is installed and hence, it is possible to remotely log in to the Raspberry Pi using the local name, raspberrypi.local). Alternatively, on a Windows machine, you can use a tool such as Advanced IP Scanner (http://www.advanced-ip-scanner.com/) to find the IP address of the Raspberry Pi. A snapshot of this tool is shown later in this project.


If you are using a Windows machine, the Bonjour Print Services drivers have to be installed to remotely log in using the local name, raspberrypi.local. The Bonjour Print Services drivers are available from http://support.apple.com/kb/DL999.

Prepare for lift off

The IP address of the Raspberry Pi can be identified using tools such as Advanced IP Scanner, as shown in the following screenshot:

Prepare for lift off

A list of devices and IP addresses connected to a network similar to the Raspberry Pi

Engage thrusters

  1. Once we know the IP address, we use an SSH client such as PuTTY on Windows or a command-line terminal on a Linux or a Mac machine to remotely log in to the machine (in this case, we show this on a Windows machine).
  2. On a Windows machine, we either use the IP address of the Raspberry Pi or its local name (raspberrypi.local) and log in to the Raspberry Pi, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Engage thrusters
  3. Once we enter the IP address / local name in the PuTTy window, we log in as follows:
    login as: pi
    <username>@<ip address>'s password: raspberry

    Alternatively, we can also log in using the IP address of the Raspberry Pi instead of the local name, raspberrypi.local.

Objective complete – mini debriefing

If the username and password are entered correctly, we should be able to remotely log in to the Raspberry Pi to install the web server.