C# 7 and .NET Core Cookbook

How to do it...

  1. Consider the class SomeClass. It contains a constructor, finalizer, and a property. 
        public class SomeClass
private int _initialValue;

// Property
public int InitialValue
return _initialValue;

_initialValue = value;

// Constructor
public SomeClass(int initialValue)
InitialValue = initialValue;

// Finalizer
WriteLine("Release unmanaged code");
  1. With expression-bodied members, the class SomeClass can be simplified and the number of lines of code reduced.
        public class SomeClass
private int _initialValue;

public int InitialValue
get => _initialValue;
set => _initialValue = value;

public SomeClass(int initialValue) =>
InitialValue = initialValue;

~SomeClass() => WriteLine("Release unmanaged code");