C# 7 and .NET Core Cookbook

How to do it...

  1. Inside the Chapter1 class, create a new method called GetLargest(). The method is nothing special. It only gets the largest of two values and returns it to the calling code.
        public int GetLargest(int valueA, int valueB)
if (valueA > valueB)
return valueA;
return valueB;
  1. Create a second method with the same name. Only this time, add the ref keyword.
        public ref int GetLargest(ref int valueA, ref int valueB)
if (valueA > valueB)
return ref valueA;
return ref valueB;
  1. In the static void Main method, create an instance to the Chapter1 class and call the GetLargest() method. Increment the variable val and write the variable values to the console window.
        int a = 10;
int b = 20;
Chapter1 ch1 = new Chapter1();
int val = ch1.GetLargest(a, b);
val += 25;

WriteLine($"val = {val} a = {a} b = {b} ");
  1. Then, write the following code just after the previous calling code, but call the ref ch1.GetLargest() method. Increment the refVal variable and write the variable values to the console window.
        ref int refVal = ref ch1.GetLargest(ref a, ref b);
refVal += 25;

WriteLine($"refVal = {refVal} a = {a} b = {b} ");
  1. Run your console application and consider the output displayed.