Python Social Media Analytics

Introducing social graph

A social graph is created through this widespread interaction and exchange of information on social media. A social graph is a massive network that illustrates the relations between individuals and information on the internet. Facebook owns the largest social graph of relations of 1.5 billion users. Every social media has its own social graph. The nature of social graph and its utility can be of various types, based on the types of relations described as follows. We will show a concrete example of a piece of the social graph and how to analyze it.

  • User graph: This is a network that shows the relationships between users or individuals connected to each other.
  • Content graph: As there are billions of content being uploaded on social media, there is a relationship existing between different types of content (text, images, videos, or multimedia). These relations could be based on semantic sense around those content, or in-bond or out-bond links between them, like that of the Google's page rank.
  • Interest graph: The interest graph takes the original graphs a step further, where individuals on the social media or the internet are not related based on their mere links, like being added as a friend or followed on Twitter, but on their mutual interests. This has a huge advantage over standard social graph, in the sense that it leads to finding communities of people with similar interests. Even if these people have no interaction or know each other personally, there is an inherent link based on their interests and passions.