Working with saveNotes
Now, the same thing will go for saveNotes just as in the case of the fetchNotes function. The saveNotes function will take the notes variable and it will say this using fs.writeFileSync. I will cut out the line in addNote that does this (that is, fs.writeFileSync('notes-data.json', JSON.stringfy(notes));) and paste it in the saveNotes function, as shown here:
var saveNotes = (notes) => {
fs.writeFileSync('notes-data.json', JSON.stringify(notes));
Now, saveNotes doesn't need to return anything. In this case, we'll copy the line in saveNotes and then call saveNotes in the if statement of the addNote function, as shown in the following code:
if (duplicateNotes.length === 0) {
This might seem like overkill, we've essentially taken one line and replaced it with a different line, but it is a good idea to start getting in the habit of creating reusable functions.
Now, calling saveNotes with no data is not going to work, we want to pass in the notes variable, which is our notes array defined earlier in the saveNotes function:
if (duplicateNotes.length === 0) {
With this in place, the addNote function should now work as it did before we did any of our refactoring.