Running the web page in Chrome
When viewing or editing HTML files in WebStorm, you will notice a small set of browser icons popping up in the top-right corner of the editing window. Clicking on any one of the icons will launch your current HTML page using the selected browser:

To debug our web application in WebStorm, we will need to set up a debug configuration for the index.html file. Click on Run | Debug, and then edit configurations. Click on the plus (+) button, select the JavaScript debug option on the left, and give this configuration a name. Note that WebStorm has already identified that index.html is the default page, but this can easily be modified. Next, click on Debug at the bottom of the screen, as shown in the following screenshot:

WebStorm uses a Chrome plugin to enable debugging in Chrome and will prompt you the first time you start debugging to download and enable the JetBrains IDE Support Chrome plugin. With this plugin enabled, WebStorm has a very powerful set of tools to inspect JavaScript code, add watchers, view the console, and many more, right inside the IDE, as demonstrated in the following screenshot: