Mastering WooCommerce 4

Jetpack Without Promotions

One of the plugins you can use to remove all of the ads in Jetpack is Jetpack Without Promotions. You can get this plugin from WordPress ( The following screenshot displays how it looks:

The actual code for this plugin is tiny. There are only a couple of important lines:

add_filter( 'can_display_jetpack_manage_notice', '__return_false', 20 );
add_filter( 'jetpack_just_in_time_msgs', '__return_false', 20 );
add_filter( 'jetpack_show_promotions', '__return_false', 20 );

The first line disables promotions for site management through WordPress (

The next line turns off just in time messages ( These are not errors or warningsthose will still come through normally. Just-in-time messages are nudges to use free and paid features in Jetpack.

The final line turns off promotions in the plugin search results, which was added in Jetpack 7.1 (