.NET 4.0 Generics

Debugging your spreadsheets

It is common that Dashboard Design developers may accidently put in the incorrect formula when developing logic on their spreadsheets. Using the Ctrl+` hotkey will make things much easier.

How to do it...

  1. Select the worksheet you want to see formulas for.
  2. Hit the Ctrl key and ` (grave accent) key together.
  3. You will see the value in the cell change to the formula.

How it works...

The hotkey Ctrl +` works by showing the underlying formula of a cell. This is extremely useful if you are comparing formulas from multiple cells, the reason being that the developer does not have to flip between formulas in order to see what they are doing wrong when comparing multiple cells. Developers can quickly analyze their worksheet and find the cause of their problem quickly.

The following screenshot shows the results of two Excel formulas in cells A1 and A2:

After using the Ctrl+ ` hotkey, the formulas of both cells are displayed as you can see in the next screenshot:

There's more...

An alternative way to accomplish the same task is to go to the Formulas tab and then click on Show Formulas. Refer to the following screenshot: