.NET 4.0 Generics

Using named ranges

With named ranges , it is possible to define a worksheet cell or a range of cells with a logical name.

How to do it...

  1. Select a range of cells (for example B1:B12).
  2. Put a description (for example Total_Sales) for this range in the Name Box in the upper left-hand side of the worksheet.
  3. Now this named range can be used in formulas in other worksheet cells. Type the formula =SUM(Total_Sales) in cell B13.

How it works...

Using named ranges makes your formulas more readable, especially when you are working with multiple worksheets and using formulas that refer to cells on other worksheets.

There is more...

Defined named ranges

By clicking on the little triangle in the Name Box, it will show a list of all your defined named ranges in all your worksheets.

Name Manager

If you use a lot of named ranges, the Name Manager can be a helpful tool to manage your named ranges. Here, you can also edit and delete the existing named ranges. You can find the Name Manager under the Formulas tab or by using the shortcut Ctrl-F3.