1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to ensure the construction quality of the installation engineering of power cable line,promote the improvement of the technical level for the construction of power cable line,insure the safety running of power cable line.
1.0.2 The technical requirements are specified in this code for the installation engineering in electric cable system(called power cable line in the following).The technical requirements are specified for the construction and acceptance of the attached equipments and structure facilities of the cable line too.
1.0.3 This code is applicable to the electric cable system,its attached equipments and structure facilities with the rated voltage of 500kV or under 500kV.The codes for the control cable and guiding cable can refer to this code.
1.0.4 The installation engineering of the cable system which has special requirements such as mine,shipping,metallurgy,chemical industry and so on shall also be complied with the relative specifications in the special regulations.
The installation of power cable line shall be constructed according to the approved design.
1.0.5 The adopted cables and accessories shall all be complied with the specifications in the current national standard and relative product standard,and shall have product identifier and acceptance certification.
1.0.6 The technical measurements for safety in the construction shall be complied with the specifications in this code,the current relative safety standard and the technical requirements for the products.For the important construction projects or key working procedures,the pertinent safety technical measurements shall also be made in advance.
1.0.7 The steel fasteners for the installation of the cables and its accessories,except anchor bolts,shall adopt the products with hot zincification or with the equivalent performance of the hot zincification.
1.0.8 For the power cable line with the anti-disturbance requirement,the anti-disturbance measurements shall be adopted according to the design requirements.
1.0.9 The construction and acceptance of power cable line shall also be complied with the specifications in the current national standards and codes in addition to being compliance with the specifications in this code.