5.3 Preliminary Investigation
5.3.1 The preliminary investigation shall preliminarily identify the selected site's engineering gedogical and hydrogedogical conditions.
5.3.2 The preliminary investigation report shall include the following contents:
1 Topographical conditions and gedogical phenomena in the site;
2 Lithology(strata),structures,and stratum occurrences in the site as well as the locations,occurrences,sizes,and combination relations of the main faults,fracture zones,and joint/fissure-intensive zones therein.
3 Hydrological parameters of the site,such as ground water table,permeability coefficient,and water chemical composition;
4 Rock mass quality pre-classification and ground stress distribution of the site as well as recommended underground engineering layout,as on cavern axis direction,span,and spacing;
5 Preliminarily determine the elevation of the stable ground water table and propose a cavern tank depth;
6 Physical and mechanical indexes of the rock/soil mass;
7 Water inflow rate estimation,ground water numerical analysis and simulation,and cavern rock mass stability analysis;
8 Unsolved problems and suggestions.