6.6 Piping Layout for Extremely Hazardous Fluid Service
6.6.1 Unless otherwise specified,piping for extremely hazardous fluid service shall be weld joined,and should not be buried.
If the piping is required to be buried by a process,safety provisions such as leak monitoring,corrosion protection and hazardous fluid containment shall be provided.
6.6.2 Manual valves in the piping for extremely hazardous fluid service located inside of safety partitions or separation plates shall be equipped with extended stem,and the extended stem shall be projected out of the safety partitions or separation plates for operation.
6.6.3 The piping for extremely hazardous fluid service shall not be routed in accessible pipe trenches.
6.6.4 Safety shower and eye washer shall be provided in the production area and handling area of extremely hazardous fluid.