He is the greatest conquerer who has conquered himself.
Happy is the man who sees his folly in his youth.
① 指示形容词或冠词,② 数量,③ 性质,④ 大小,⑤ 新旧,⑥ 形状,⑦ 颜色,⑧ 材料。
There are many ② big ④ white ⑦ birds on the pond.
A ① pickpocket robbed me of my ① new ⑤ gold ⑧ watch.
The ① lion is a ① wild ③ animal.
I bought an ① old ⑤ square ⑥ table at that ① store.
如果同一类的形容词用了好几个的话,就把音节少的词置于前面,或是看怎样念来顺口地排列。用二词时中加 and,三词以上用逗号隔开,只在最后一个形容词前才加用 and,有时不加 and 也可以。
The people of Switzerland were not always free and happy.
How good it was,in the hot summer days,to drink the clear,cold,sparkling water from the well!
① 形容短语: |
a basket full of fruit a wall ten feet high a child three years old |
② thing 的复合词: |
There is something noble about the man. Nothing great is easy. Tell me anything interesting. |
③ 惯用的成语: |
heir apparent poet laureate from time immemorial |
④ 重叠使用形容词时: |
A man poor but content is to be envied. I never heard a tale,so sad,so tender and so true. |
形容词可分为性质形容词(Qualifying Adjective)、数量形容词(Quantitative Adjective)和代名形容词(Pronominal Adjective)三种。如 wise、idle、blue、old、gold、wooden、European 等为性质形容词,many、much、few、little、some、all、first、second 等,为数量形容词,而 this、that、such、the、same、some、any、each、every、both、what、which、my、your 等,则为代名形容词。
1. 固有形容词(Proper Adjective)。
这是由固有名词做成的,首字必须大写,如 The Chinese flag、the English language、the French people。但地名可不变形即作形容词用,如 a London paper、a Taipei man、China tea。
2. 物质形容词(Material Adjective)。
这是由物质名词做成的,有时用原形,有时加 -en。如 a gold watch、a silver medal、an iron will、a brick building 及 the golden age、a golden opportunity、a wooden house、woolen goods、earthen ware 等等。
3. 动词形容词(Verbal Adjective)。
a. 现在分词(Present Participle):
Close to the meadows is a shining river.
The rising sun,a flying bird,an interesting book,a puzzling question,a rolling stone.
b. 过去分词(Past Participle)
The king carried the wounded man into the hut.
A broken watch、a learned man、lost time、sunken eyes、withered flowers.
4. 副词也可用作形容词,如 an up -train、a down train、a through train、the house here、the people there、the above address、the then premier。
“数量形容词”分不定数量(Indefinite)形容词及数词(Numeral)两种。不定数的形容词有 many、few、a few、some、all 等,不定量的形容词有 much、little、a little、some、all 等。数词则又分基数(Cardinal),如 one、two、three、four;序数(Ordinal),如 first、second、third;及倍数(Multiplicative),如 half、double、twice。
A. 不定数量形容词的用法。
① many 和 much:many 是表“数”的,与复数普通名词连用,而 much 是表“量”的,与物质名词或抽象名词连用,例如:
Many men are poor.(复数普通名词)
Much rain has fallen.(物质名词)
He has much knowledge of English.(抽象名词)
又有 many a 的说法,是加强语气的,many a man(is)= many men(are)。例如 Many a father has learned to his sorrow,what it is to have a boy idle.(许多父亲深知养子不教结果可悲。)
此外在 many 或 much 之前,又可加 as 或 so,即 as many 为“同数的”,as much 为“同量的”,so many 及 so much 用于不定的数量,例如:
I found six mistakes in as many lines.
When he was sentenced to death,he seemed as calm as if he had expected as much.
Apples are sold at so many for a dollar.
This article is sold at so much a catty.
但 so many 用于 as、like 之后时,与 as many(同数的)同义,如 The boys climbed the trees like so many monkeys.
② few 和 a few;little 和 a little:few、a few 是表“不定数”的,通常接复数普通名词,而 little、a little 则是表“不定量”的,通常接物质名词或抽象名词。在 few 或 little 之前加用 a 时,意为“稍有”,不加 a 时意为“几无”,例如:
There are few grammatical mistakes in your composition.(你的作文“差不多没有”语法上的错误。)
I have little money left.(存款所余无几)。
Not a few boats have been sunk by the storm.(暴风沉船“不少”。)
He has made not a little money on account of the business activity.(因为生意兴隆他赚钱“不少”。)
Please stay with us a few days more.(请跟我们多住几天。)
There is a little hope in the enterprise.(那事业有一点儿希望。)
③ several:三四个乃至五六个的意思,比 a few 要多数些。
They have collected several kinds of tropical trees,I hear.(听说他们搜集好几种热带植物。)
④some、any、no、all 这些不定数量形容词的用法,容在代名形容词的用法中说明。
B. 数词的用法。
① 基数:关于基数应注意事项,分述如下:
a. 要注意拼写的变化,如“四”及“十四”都有 u(four、fourteen),但“四十”便无 u(forty)。
b. 在二十以上十位数上加一位数时,先加短划(-),再加 one、two、three 等词。
c. 在 hundred 后再接数字时,必须加用 and(在 thousand 后如无 hundred 时同样),如
200——two hundred
250——two hundred and fifty
2245——two thousand two hundred and forty-five
2060——two thousand and sixty
234,567,898——two hundred and thirty-four million,five hundred and sixty-seven thousand,eight hundred and ninety-eight
d. 年号有三种读法,但以第一种为最普遍。
1955 |
1. Nineteen fifty-five 2. Nineteen hundred and fifty-five 3. One thousand nine hundred and fifty-five |
e. 在 hundred、thousand 之前,即便有 two,three 等多数的数字,也不说 two hundreds 或 three thousands,只有在说几百、几千的不定数时才加 s,如 hundreds of people(好几百人)、thousands of students(好几千学生)、hundreds of thousands(几十万)等。
f. million 之前加有一定的数字,而其后接有名词时,仍不要加 s,只有在后面不接名词时才用复数。
three million men
three millions of men
g. 基数作名词用时也可以加 s,例如:
There are three twos in six.
The boys went out by twos.
She married while still in her teens.
He is a young officer in his twenties.
② 序数:
a. 应注意拼写及发音。
eighth 的发音为〔eitθ〕,twentieth 的发音为〔twentiiθ〕。写略字时,应注意 st,nd,rd,th 的分别,如
b. 在序数前必得加定冠词 the,但如所加者为不定词 a 时,则不是表顺序,而是表 another 之意。
This is the first time I have heard of it.
One was deaf,another was blind,and a third was lame.
c. 有时可将基数代序数用。
No. 1(Number one)= The first
Book Two = The Second Book
World War Ⅱ = The Second World War
George V = George the Fifth
·April 12th,读时应读 April the twelfth。
·公元说基数,年号说序数,如1955 = nineteen fifty-five;“中华民国”三十四年 = the thirty-fourth year of the Republic of China。
·年龄有各种说法,如 I am twenty year old;I am twenty years of age;I am in my twentieth year。
·货币等的读法,如$2.35 = two dollars thirty-five cents;£ 2 5s 2d = two pounds,five shillings and two pence;90° = ninety degrees;4. 30 p. m. train = four thirty p m train;Telephone No. 1203 = one two naught three。
·分数是分子用基数,分母用序数,当分子在 two 以上时,分母的序数要再加 s,如
⅓ = a third 或 one third
⅔ = two thirds
2 ⅔ = two and two thirds
¼ = a quarter
¾ = three quarters
·小数的读法:28.372 = twenty eight |
decimal point |
three seven two |
Two and(plus)three is(或 are)five.
Three from(minus)five is two.
Three times four is(或 are)twelve.
Fifteen divided by three equals five.
d. first 作副词用,有下列各种说法:
The king arrived first,and next came his retinue.
He first went to Paris,and then to London.
I found English difficult at first,but I liked it from the first.
He was only ten years of age when he went to America for the first time.
e. 基数上加用 first 或 last 时。
Please look over the first two chapters.(指同一本书中头两章。)
Compare the two first chapters.(两本不同的书中第一章。)
Examination will be held on the last two days of this month.(最后两天。)
③ 倍数:
a. double 有“二重”或“二倍”之意,单复名词前皆可用。
He has the double capacity of preacher and teacher.(二重资格)
On Sunday,we have to pay double the usual fare.(二倍票价)
b. half 可用在冠词之前或后,如 half a mile;half an hour;two hours and a half;She repaid him half the total sum。
c. 除 once(= one time),twice(= two times),及间或用 thrice(= three times)外,三倍以上通常都说 three times,four times 等。
The oysters in which pearls are found are twice the size of those used for food.
Your estate is twice as large as mine. Your estate is as large again as mine. |
(大两倍) |
This is half as large as that.(一半大)
This is half as much again as that.(一倍半)
This is twice and a half as heavy as that.(二倍半)
They have three times as many ships as we have.(多三倍)
The earth is forty-nine times as large as the moon.(大四十九倍)
〔注意〕与倍数连用的比较字为 as...as,而不是 more 或 -er...than,我们若说“China is twenty times larger than Japan. ”就错了,应改为“China is twenty times as large as Japan. ”才对。
1. Possessive(所有)
2. Demonstrative(指示)
3. Interrogative(疑问)
4. Relative(关系)
This is my dictionary.
That is your dictionary.
Those are their books.
a. such:在单数普通名词前用 such a 或 such an,但在复数普通名词或在抽象名词前,就单用 such,如:
We had never witnessed such an interesting game.(单普)
There are many such men.(复普)
I have never heard such music in my life.(抽象)
b. the same:加强语气时还可说 the very same。
These are all(of)the same prices.
The girl was born on the very same day that he returned.
c. some:表不定数时接复数普通名词,表量时接物质名词。有时 some 又可接抽象名词用。
The custom is still observed in some places.(复普)
Give me some water.(物质)
This operation requires some skill.(抽象)
用于单数普通名词前,some 表不定之意,如 He is suffering from some disease.(他害着什么病。)Some student must have written it.(一定是那个学生写的。)I will tell you some day next week.(下星期哪一天我告诉你。)
此外,some 还有下面几种用法:
Some fish can fly.(有的鱼能飞。)
He owes me some 200 dollars.(他欠我二百元光景。)
You like some tea?(你要点茶吗?)
d. any:some 是用于肯定句的;否定句、疑问句及条件句就用 any,对于数或量皆可。
Have you any letters or telegrams for me?(疑问句)
Yes,we have some letters.(肯定句)
No,we have not any(= no)telegrams.(否定句)
If any friends should call,I would see them.(条件句)
如果把 any 用于肯定的叙述句中,即表示“无论何人、何处、何事”之意,单复数都可用。
Any man could do that.
You may take any books that you like best.
e. some 和 certain:
①He is reading some novel.
②He is reading a certain novel.
f. any 和 either:either 为二者之一,any 为三者以上的人或物中间的一个。
Any pen will do.(任何一支笔都行。)
Either pen will do.(两支笔中哪支都行。)
这个 either 除二者之一(one of two)的意思外,还有两个(each of two)的意思,如 There are trees on either side(= both sides)of the river. 又作“也”解时肯定句用 too,否定句用 either,如
I have seen him too.
I have not seen him either.
g. any 和 every:any 普通与表示“动作”的动词连用,多指“未来”而言;every 接单数名词,比 all 的意思更强,与表示状态的动词连用,多指“现在”及“过去”而言。every 不可作代词用。
Any boy can solve such an easy problem.(谁都可以)
Every man has his weak side.(人人都有弱点。)
又 not any 是三个以上“全部否定”,与 no 或 none 同义,not every 是“部分否定”,与 very few 或 some 同义。
I do not want any money.(= I want no money.)(完全不要)
Every man can not be a poet.(= Very few can be poets.)(未必人人能成诗人。)
误:He can teach everything.(all at a time)
正:He can teach anything.(one at a time)
误:Anyone can not understand him.
正:No one can understand him.
h. every 和 each:every 是“全部都”之意,比 all 或 each 的意义皆强;each 是“各个”之意。
Every dog has its day.(所有的狗)
Each country has its own customs.(各国)
关于 every 的常用词句,尚有 every day(每天),every other day(隔日),every three days(三天一次),every seven days 或 every seventh day(每隔七日),every now and then(时常)。
i. another:
Have another cup of coffee.(one more)
That is quite another matter.(different)
To know is one thing,to teach is another.
One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
j. every 和 all:all 是接复数普通名词的,冠词或代词要置于与名词之间;every 是接单数普通名词的,比 all 的意思更强。
All the sailors got on board the ship.
Every sailor has a knife.
All of us are happy.
We are all happy.
Every one of us is happy.
k. all 和 both:all 是用于三者以上,both 是用于二者或双方的。all 后接复数普通名词、物质名词或抽象名词时,表数量的整体。后接单数普通名词或固有名词时,表 whole 之意。
All boys like play.(比说 Boys like play 意强)(复普)
He has run through all his money.(物质)
Pines are green all the year round.(单普)
Keelung is the best sea-port in all Taiwan.(单固)
Both his parents are dead.
All the students did not go.(不是全体都去)
No student went.(全都未去)
Both his parents are not living.(不是双方都在)
Neither of his parents is living.(双方都不在)
又 not all 为“部分否定”,如果是全部否定就用 not any,又 not both 是“部分否定”,即 one 之意,双方都否定时则用 not either。
Not all good men will prosper,nor will all bad men fail.(善人未必皆繁昌,恶人未必皆败亡。)
Both his brothers are not diligent.(他两兄弟并非都用功。)(即有一个不用功)
关于 all 的常用字句,尚有:
If you do it at all,do it well.(条件句)(要做就好好地做。)
Are you going to do it at all?(疑问句)(你到底要不要做?)
Do not do it at all.(否定句)(一点也不要去做。)
For all(或 With all)his wealth,he is not a happy man.(他虽富而不幸福。)
He was all but drowned.(他几乎溺死。)
After all,it does not matter to us whether we win or not.(毕竟,我们胜败都无关系。)
What color is her new dress?
Which way shall we take?
What money(= all the money that)we had with us barely sufficed for our railway fares.
He spoke to me in German,which language I do not understand.