第25章 Act sometimes on Second Thoughts,
sometimes on First Impulse.
Man's life is a warfare against the malice of men.Sagacity fights with strategic changes of intention:it never does what it threatens,it aims only at escaping notice.It aims in the air with dexterity and strikes home in an unexpected direction,always seeking to conceal its game.It lets a purpose appear in order to attract the opponent's attention,but then turns round and conquers by the unexpected.But a penetrating intelligence anticipates this by watchfulness and lurks in ambush.It always understands the opposite of what the opponent wishes it to understand,and recognises every feint of guile.It lets the first impulse pass by and waits for the second,or even the third.Sagacity now rises to higher flights on seeing its artifice foreseen,and tries to deceive by truth itself,changes its game in order to change its deceit,and cheats by not cheating,and founds deception on the greatest candour.But the opposing intelligence is on guard with increased watchfulness,and discovers the darkness concealed by the light and deciphers every move,the more subtle because more simple.In this way the guile of the Python combats the far darting rays of Apollo.