第二节 专八阅读技巧
1.2.1 阅读速度加速训练
例如:例1:The hotel workers①received him and telephoned the manager②, for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel hall before③though they live in④“the kingdom of bicycles”.
在上例中①为名词词组,②为动宾词组,③为状语从句(表原因), ④为状语从句(表让步)。
例2:In the summer holidays①, buses going to the town center②will leave the main hall③, every hour on the half hour during the day④.
例3:A young man from a village called Nawal married a young woman from Mali, a nearby village.
然而,倘若我们采用意群阅读法则此句就只有三个阅读单位,即①A young man from a village called Nawal, ②married, ③a young woman from Mali, a nearby village。这样阅读起来,效果就不一样,就化繁为简了,提高了阅读速度,更有利于对句子的正确理解。
当然,仅仅将句子分成一定的意群或词组是不够的。在阅读有关材料时,为了把所获信息贮存入我们的大脑,还需要我们根据文章的内容和上下文的关系,进一步把握住每个意群中的关键词(key words),从而有利于我们集中注意力,抓住材料的核心内容,更进一步地提高阅读速度,提高获取信息的效率。
(1)Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones was a teenager /before he saw his first cow in his first field.(2)Born in Jamaica, /the 47-year-old /grew up in inner-city Birmingham/ before /making a career as a television producer/ and launching his own marketing agency/.(3)But deep down/ he always nurtured every true Englishman's dream of a rustic life, a dream that/ his entrepreneurial wealth/ has allowed him to satisfy/.(4)These days/ he's the owner of a thriving 12-hectare farm/ in deepest Devon with cattle, sheep and pigs/.(5)His latest business venture/: pushing his brand of Black Farmer gourmet sausages and barbecue sauces.(6)“My background/ may be very urban/.” Says Emmanuel-Jones. “But /it has given me a good idea of/ what other urbanites want.”
(1)v.(prep.)+the(a, his等)+adj.+n.+of(prep.)+n.(如:saw his first cow in his first field; making a career as a television producer; nurtured every true Englishman's dream of a rustic life);
(2)助动词+ be +表语(如:was a teenager; may be very urban);
(3)n. + that(who, whatever)+ clause(如a dream that/ his entrepreneurial wealth/has allowed him to satisfy)。
1.2.2 调整阅读速度训练
考生需要阅读每段的首句,这种阅读不是随意地浏览,而是需要将前后段的首句联系起来,考虑整个篇章的逻辑发展顺序,以便摸清文章的主题及作者的观点,也有助于确定细节题在原文中出题的位置。为了更好的抽象概括主题及细节题的出题点,考生可以将首句中的关键词划出。但是,有时候首句之后,段落中如果有表示转折的词汇,如but, however等,需要尤其注意,因为这类词汇会对文章的逻辑走向产生重要影响。
以2008年的真题Text A为例:
(1)At the age of 16/, Lee Hyuk Joon's life/ is a living hell. The South Korean 10th grader gets up at 6 in the morning to go to school, and studies most of the day until returning home at 6 p.m. After dinner, it's time to hit the books again—at one of Seoul's many so-called cram school. Lee gets back home at 1 in the morning, sleeps less than five hours, then repeat the routine—five days a week. It's a grueling schedule, but Lee worries that it may not be good enough to get him into a top university. Some of his classmates study even harder.
(2)South Korea's education system/ has long been highly competitive/. But for Lee and the other 700,000 high-school sophomores in the country/, high-school studies/have gotten even more intense. That's because South Korea has conceived a new collegeentrance system, which will be implemented in 2008. This year's 10th graders will be the first group evaluated by the new admissions standard, which places more emphasis on grades in the three years of high school and less on nationwide SAT-style and other selection tests, which have traditionally determined which students go to the elite colleges.
(3)The change/ was made mostly/ to reduce what the government says /is a growing education gap in the country/: wealthy students /go to the best colleges and get the best jobs/, keeping the children of poorer families on the social margins. The aim is to reduce the importance of costly tutors and cram schools, partly to help students enjoy a more normal high-school life. But the new system has had the opposite effect. Before, students didn't worry too much about their grade-point averages; the big challenge was beating the standardized tests as high-school seniors. Now students are competing against one another over a three-year period, and every midterm and final test is crucial. Fretful parents are relying even more heavily on tutors and cram schools to help their children succeed.
(4)Parents and kids/ have sent thousands of angry online letters to the Education Ministry/ complaining that the new admissions standard/ is setting students against each other. “One can succeed only when others fail, ” as one parent said.
(5)Education experts/ say that South Korea's public secondary-school system is foundering/, while private education is thriving/. According to critics, the country's high schools are almost uniformly mediocre—the result of an egalitarian government education policy. With the number of elite schools strictly controlled by the government, even the brightest students typically have to settle for ordinary schools in their neighbourhoods, where the curriculum is centred on average students. To make up for the mediocrity, zealous parents send their kids to the expensive cram schools.
(6)Students in affluent southern Seoul neighbourhoods complain that the new system will hurt them the most. Nearly all Korean high schools will be weighted equally in the college-entrance process, and relatively weak students in provincial schools, who may not score well on standardized tests, often compile good grade-point averages.
(7)Some universities, particularly prestigious ones, openly complain that they cannot select the best students under the new system because it eliminates differences among high schools. They've asked for more discretion in picking students by giving more weight to such screening tools as essay writing or interviews.
(8)President Roh Moo Hyun doesn't like how some colleges are trying to circumvent the new system. He recently criticized “greedy” universities that focus more on finding the best students than trying to “nurture good students”. But amid the crossfire between the government and universities the country's 10th graders are feeling the stress. On online protest sites, some are calling themselves a “cursed generation” and “mice in a lab experiment”. It all seems a touch melodramatic, but that's the South Korean school system.
Life, a living hell—South Korea's education system competitive, more intense.—The change, to reduce, a growing education gap—Parents and kids, angry online letters—Education experts, public secondary-school system is foundering, private education is thriving—Students in affluent, hurt them the most—Some universities, complain, cannot select the best students—President doesn't like, circumvent the new system.主题为韩国中学生课业负担越来越重,原因是教育制度改革,引起了各方面的反对和抱怨。在细读完首句之后,对于具体段落的内容,我们可以跳过去,或者略读一下。
11. According to the passage, the new college-entrance system is designed to____ .
A. require students to sit for more college-entrance tests
B. reduce the weight of college-entrance tests
C. select students on their high school grades only
D. reduce the number of prospective college applicants
12. What seems to be the effect of introducing the new system?
A. The system has given equal opportunities to students.
B. The system has reduced the number of cram schools.
C. The system has intensified competition among schools.
D. The system has increased students' study load.
1.2.3 调整答题思维偏差