Willow Trees
Translated by Xu Yuanchong
Ten thousand branches of tall trees begin to sprout,
They droop like fringes of a robe made of green jade.
But do you know by whom these young leaves are cut out?
The early spring wind is as sharp as scissor blade.
(droop v.下垂 fringe n.穗;边缘 blade n.刀片)
Ode to the Willow
Translated by Zhao Yanchun
The tree's dressed with jade green from high to low,
Ten thousand twigs sway down their silky sheen.
Who's tailored the leaves so thin, I don't know,
The second month wind seems like scissors keen.
(twig n.嫩枝 silky adj.柔滑的,丝的 sheen n.光泽keen adj.渴望的;热心的)
Ode to Willows
Translated by Wu Xinjian
The willow tree is dressed in green jade,
Branches droop like many a silk braid.
Who has cut out the leaves so slender?
Breeze in early spring is a handy tailor.
(braid n.穗带;发辫 breeze n.微风)
Willow trees shoot its tender leaves in early spring.In the poet's eyes, the trees are like green jade, and leaves are like fringes of a robe. But who has cut out such young leaves like a magician? He gives an answer which people may all like and appreciate.
原诗为aaba押韵,译文一、二的韵式作了改变,采用abab 押韵。英译一北京大学许渊冲教授主要用意译,英译二赵彦春(天津外国语大学教授)则用直译,各有特色。
英译一:Ten thousand branches of tall trees begin to sprout, They droop like fringes of a robe made of green jade,先将第二句译出,第一句后出,但语句流畅,很好地表达出了原诗的意义。
“不知细叶谁裁出”:But do you know by whom these young leaves are cut out? Do you know是主句,by whom引导的是宾语从句,英文地道流畅。
The early spring wind is as sharp as scissor blade,这里“似剪刀”译成as sharp as scissor blade,像剪刀一样锋利。
英译二采用对等直译:The tree's dressed with jade green from high to low, Ten thousand twigs sway down their silky sheen, “妆成”直译为:be dressed with(好像人着装一样)。但“不知细叶谁裁出”,译成:Who's tailored the leaves so thin, I don't know,我不知是谁把柳叶剪裁得这么细。把tailor用作动词:剪裁,贴近原句。但把“二月”译成the second month,似不恰当。中国古代(农历)的二月,相当今天(公历)的三四月,似乎意译为early spring更好一些。
The willow tree is dressed in green jade, Branches droop like many a silk braid,柳树就像穿着碧玉一样,枝条像无数的穗带垂着。
Who has cut out the leaves so slender? Breeze in early spring is a handy tailor,谁把叶子剪裁得这么苗条?早春的微风就是那巧手的裁缝。
“似剪刀”这种比喻,英文有as. . . as和like两种翻译,哪种译法更能表达原意?