Chapter Ⅱ Interpersonal Relations
Section One Getting aIong with PeopIe
Part A Situational Dialogues
Dialogue 1
Background:Cathy Lee wants to know more abou ther boss Mr.Smith.She asks Paul, one of her colleagues, for further information.
A:Cathy Lee B:Paul
A:Paul, you work with Mr. Smith longer than anyone else here, so I think you know more about him.
B:Yes. Mr.Smith has got many achievements.He's described as Superman and is qualified for the position.
A:Really?It is said that those who work with him can always get big prize each month and handsome bonus at the end of the year.
A:Well, I'd like to work harder with a wiser boss. I've heard he seldom made wrong decisions at work.
B:He really has rich experience, but he seems a bit strict. I heard he's very clear about his likes and dislikes and he's not the type to let things go easily.
A:Then just don't provoke him or keep the distance. Working with such kind of boss is better than working with an indecisive person.
B:You're right. Maybe he's not so easy-going, but he has amazing ability to handle all the tough work.And he is very good at making the right decisions under unusual circumstances.
A:I think the competitive atmosphere he would bring us is definitely good to our growth.
B:Yes. To be honest, we can learn a lot from him.You'll soon get used to it.
Dialogue 2
Background:Cathy Lee thinks she may have offended Mr.Smith's dignity at yesterday's meeting and Paul comforts her that Mr.Smith is a wise man.
A:Cathy Lee B:Paul
A:Paul, do you have a minute?
B:Sure. What's it, Cathy?
A:I can't help thinking about the meeting yesterday. I'm afraid I got too hotheaded at the meeting.
B:Hotheaded?Why do you think you were hotheaded?
A:I might have expressed my ideas too directly that Mr. Smith hadn't made a thoughtful decision.I didn't expect him to be angry with me.
B:I understand. But you were not hotheaded at all.You just air what you thought over, which was what Mr.Smith wanted.I think he appreciated that.
B:Of course. He's open-minded.He always encourages people to express their ideas frankly and directly in the work.He's willing to accept the appropriate suggestions as well.
A:I'm glad to hear that, Paul. You know, I don't know much about him.And I don't want to make a bad impression.
B:Don't worry. I've been working with Mr.Smith for years.I have a feeling that he appreciates initiative.
A:It's very kind of you. Thank you for telling me that.
Dialogue 3
Background:At lunch time, Cathy Lee discusses with Mr.Smith about whether he should offer other help when they are in trouble.
A:Mr.Smith B:Cathy Lee
A:Let's stop here to get something to eat.
B:Yes. A good idea.
(In the canteen)
B:Would you mind if I ask you something?
A:Go ahead.
B:Why did you help Tracy out?It was her responsibility.
A:I suppose we are in the same team and we should support each other when someone is in trouble.
B:Yes, teamwork is important. But it doesn't mean you need to do parts of her job.Sometimes it means your distrust.
A:Oh, no. That's not what I really mean.Well, since we've finished eating.Let's talk about business.
B:All right. Where shall we begin?
Practical Sentences
1.I admire his achievements.I just don't want to work with him.
2.He always makes important decisions by himself and never follows others' views.
3.I think he is too conservative, otherwise our company would have developed better.
4.I don't like his attitude and he's difficult to work with.
5.I don't know why, but it seems he always tries to make things hard for us.
6.My boss makes me crazy and he always asks me to repeat what we've done.
7.I know he's my boss, but I can't bear his arrogance.
8.He is capable of dealing with personnel at all levels effectively.
9.He would remember your faults for years, but he forgets your advantages easily.
10.He's over-critical.I never hear him praise anyone.
Oral Practice-1y
Make up dialogues in pairs according to the situational background.
Situation:Cathy Lee and her friend discuss how to get on well with others in the office.
Oral Practice-2
Directions:Mini-presentation. You are asked to give a short talk about three minutes on a business topic with one-minute preparation.
What is important when dealing with a difficult boss?
●Change your own way
●Stay cool under fire
●Use constructive confrontation
Part B Reading Module
How to Deal with a Difficult Boss
A difficult or abusive boss can poison the best of jobs. But you are not powerless;before you even consider quitting, try the boss-taming strategies below.
(1)Change Your Own Way. Few people are randomly violent.They blow up on particular occasions over particular issues.Track your boss's peeves and patterns, then eliminate the triggers within your control.For example, if he snarls when you arrive just five minutes late to work or make one typo on a memo, avoid these slipups no matter how trivial they seem.If one of your coworkers manages your boss's moods skillfully, ask him what you could be doing more effectively, then borrow a few of his moves.
(2)Stay Cool Under Fire. Respond to the content of your boss's tirade, not the curses.Whatever you do, don't cower, stammer or apologize.Some people get off on brutalizing others, and passivity makes you a target.Respond confidently:Say“I'd like to put together a report that will satisfy you.Let's discuss how I can make that happen.”
(3)Use Constructive Confrontation. Your boss may be more willing to change his behavior than you think.Some managers don't realize how much their words or actions upset staffers.Tell him bow his outbursts make you feel.Say for example, when you call me names and criticize my work in meetings I feel demoralized.Please address me respectfully and take me aside to discuss criticisms in private.If he values your work, he may rein in his abusiveness.
(4)Appeal to a Higher Authority. If your boss becomes intolerably abusive, you may have to go above his head to your personnel department or senior manager.But before you take this course, discreetly, ask coworkers if they've clashed with your boss in the past.Ideally, they will back you up and permit you to mention their names when you make your charges.That way, you can bring a pattern of behavior to management's attention.Begin by asking,“Can I have a discussion with you off the record?”then cite examples that show how you boss's treatment negatively affects your performance.Make it clear that you want to improve the situation, not punish your boss.If discipline is what he needs, let the higher-ups make that call.
Reading Comprehension
Directions:Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the text.
1.()You are powerless when working with a difficult boss.
2.()If one of your coworkers manages your boss's moods skillfully, you can borrow a few of his moves.
3.()Whatever you do, apologize first.
4.Keep silent even when you are hurt by the boss'unfair words and actions.
5.()If your boss becomes intolerably abusive, you may have to appeal to a higher authority.
Part C Writing Module
Recommendation Letters
Dear Ms. Jean Rosales,
At the request in your July 10thletter, I submit this confidential information in support of her application for the position of customer service manager in your organization. Ms.Marry L.Lamme has served under my supervision as Assistant Manager at Nicolvin Hospital for the past three years.
Ms. Lamme was in charge of many customers'service programs for our 850-bed hospital.A large part of her job involves monitoring and improving patient satisfaction.Because of her personable nature and superior interpersonal skills, she gets along well with fellow employees, patients, and physicians.Her personnel record includes a number of honors given to her for her exemplary performance.
Ms. Lamme works well with a team, as evidenced by her participation on steering committee to develop our“Service First Every Day”program.Her most significant contribution to our hospital came as a result of her own creativity and initiative.She developed and implemented a patient hotline to hear complaints and resolve problems immediately.This enormously successful telephone service helped us raise the patent satisfaction rating from 6.8 last year to 8.4 this year.
We're sorry to lose Ms. Lamme, but we recognize her desire to advance her career.I am confident that her resourcefulness, intelligence and enthusiasm will make her successful in your organization.I recommend her without reservation.
Practical Sentences
1.At the request of Miss Li Jia, I am pleased to write a recommendation for her.
2.I have no hesitation in recommending her highly.
3.I strongly recommend Liu Wei to you for the position of CFO in your company.
4.Miss Li has worked under my supervision for five years and has proved to be a capable assistant.
5.Zhang Qiang is reliable and honest and, most of all, he has 10 years'experience as a doctor.
6.Zhao Yan is a highly motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.
7.I am very happy to recommend Allen to any potential employer, as I am confident that he will justify my confidence in him.
8.I heartily recommend Wang Qiang to you and it will prove to be wise to choose him.
9.He left my company of his own will, believing that advertising agency work would be more exciting and offer greater opportunities.
10.Please feel free to contact me if I can answer any additional questions about her.
Practical Writing
Directions:Write a recommendation letter to recommend one of your previous colleagues to your boss.
Part D Exercises for Consolidation
I.Fill in the blanks with words or expressions given.Change the form if necessary.
bonus circumstance distrust eliminate be qualified for get used to help out blow up in private back up
1.I have something to tell you, but I'll speak to you about it_________.
2.The food in England is strange at first but you'll soon_________it.
3.The videotape evidence_________the manager's story.
4.Maybe under these_________we may say that man can conquer nature.
5.Negotiations between unions and management are made more difficult by mutual_________.
6.She's extremely well_________the job.
7.Those who put in many hours of overtime will receive a percentage of their salary as a_________.
8.She got_________her boss for being late.
9.The dictator had_________all his political opponents.
10.He's always willing to_________when we're short of staff.
II.Translate the following Chinese sentences into English, and read them out.
III.Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with words, phrases or sentences.
A:Hi, Paul, would you like some candies?
B:Well, thank you. I really like them.
A: 1 .Have more.I remember Emma at the HR department often 2 candies to us.
B:Yes, 3 ,her 4 is not so 5 .
A:Why?It sounds as if you don't like her.
B:Not really;it's just that I feel she is a little 6 .
A:That's true. And the people from the HR department are all 7 .
B:I agree. But she is responsible.
A: 8 Terry, she is much better.
B:Here he comes. Let's go back to work.