Once there were three billy goats. They were all named“Gruff”.
Every day they went up a hill to eat the grass and grow fat.
They had to go over a little brook before they came to the hill.
Over the brook was a bridge. A troll lived under the bridge.
He was so big and cross that everyone was afraid of him.
One day the three billy goats were going up the hill to get fat.
Little Billy Goat Gruff was the first to cross the bridge.
Trip-trap! trip-trap! went the bridge. “Who is that tripping on my bridge? ”called the troll.
“Oh, it is just Little Billy Goat Gruff. I am going up the hill to get fat.”said the little billy goat.
“Well, I am coming to gobble you up! ”said the troll.
“Oh, no! ”said Little Billy Goat. “Do not take me! I am too little. Wait for Second Billy Goat. He is bigger than I am.”
“Well, be off with you! ”said the troll.
Soon Second Billy Goat Gruff came to the bridge.
Trip-trap! trip-trap! trip-trap! went the bridge.
“Who is that tripping on my bridge? ”called the troll.
“Oh, it is just Second Billy Goat Gruff. I am going up the hill to get fat.”said the second billy goat.
“Well, I am coming to gobble you up! ”said the troll.
“Oh, no! ”said Second Billy Goat, “Do not take me. I am not very big. Wait for Big Billy Goat. He is bigger than I am.”
“Well, be off with you! ”said the troll.
Just then Big Billy Goat Gruff came to the bridge.
Trip-trap! trip-trap! trip-trap! trip-trap! went the bridge.
“Who is that tripping on my bridge? ”called the troll.
“Oh, it is just Big Billy Goat Gruff! I am going up the hill to get fat.”
“Well, I am coming to gobble you up! ”said the troll.

“Come along, then, Troll! ”said Big Billy Goat Gruff. So the troll came along.
Big Billy Goat Gruff flew at him. He caught the Troll on his horns and threw him into the brook.
The Troll was frightened. He jumped out of the water and ran away. The three billy goats never saw him again. They go up the hill every day, and now they are as fat as they can be.
(Norse Tale)

Word list
gruff: tough and not scared
gobble: to eat quickly
You Practice
A) Answer the following questions.
1) Why did the Three Billy Goats Gruff go up the hill every day?
2) Why was everyone afraid of the troll?
3) Why did the Little Billy Goat Gruff tell the troll that his brother was bigger than he?
4) What did the Second Billy Goat Gruff tell the troll when the troll said he was going to gobble him up?
5) Was Big Billy Goat Gruff scared of the troll? How do you know?
B) What happened? Complete these sentences with 5 important things that happened in the story.
1) First, _______________________________________________________.
2) Then, _______________________________________________________.
3) Next, _______________________________________________________.
4) After that, ___________________________________________________.
5) Finally, _____________________________________________________.
C) True or false? Read these sentences carefully. Write true or false for each one.
1) _____ The troll ate the Three Billy Goats Gruff.
2) _____ The troll was scared of the biggest billy goat.
3) _____ The troll lived on the hill.
4) _____ The Three Billy Goats Gruff gobbled up the troll.
5) _____ The troll returned to the bridge the next day.