Father said, “Come, Alice.
Come to me.
See the basket.
What is in it?
Can you guess? ”
ALICE: What is in the basket?
FATHER: Can you guess?
ALICE: Is it a bird?
FATHER: No, it is not a bird.
ALICE: It is a little dog!
FATHER: No, it is not a dog.
ALICE: Is it a kitten?

FATHER: Yes, it is a kitten.
ALICE: Is it for me?
FATHER: Yes, it is for you.

The kitten is black.
Alice likes the kitten.
She gave it some milk.
The kitten likes milk.
Alice likes milk, too.
The kitten said, “Mew, mew! ”
It went to sleep.
(Jane L. Hoxie)

Word list
basket: a container for holding solid things
You Practice
A) Answer the following questions.
1) What is the girl's name?
2) What surprise did the father give to the girl?
3) What did the girl do for the kitten?
4) What did the kitten do at the end of the story?
5) Would you like to have a kitten? Why or why not?
B) What's the word? Choose the correct words from the story.
1) a kind of drink: m _ _ _
2) the colour of the kitten: b _ _ _ _
3) a sound that cats and kittens make: m _ _
4) what the kitten was in: b _ _ _ _ _
5) what the father wanted the girl to do: g _ _ _ _
C) Yes or No? Read the sentences carefully and write Yes or No for each one.
1) _____ The kitten's name is Alice.
2) _____ Alice gave the kitten to her father.
3) _____ Alice's father drank milk.
4) _____ Alice was in the basket.
5) _____ The kitten was not a surprise.