第一部分 考博英语基本词汇考点详注
abandon [ə'bændən] vt. ①抛弃;舍弃;离弃
【同】desert, give up, quit, leave
abandon one's home离弃家园
They abandoned the game because of rain.
He abandoned himself to despair. 他自暴自弃。
【习惯用语】abandon oneself to沉湎于,陷入
【长难例句】The lost car of the Lees was found abandoned in the woods off the highway.
【考题精解】The lost car of the Lees was found_____in the woods off the highway.
A. vanished
B. scattered
C. abandoned
D. rejected
【答案】C。abandon vt. 丢弃,离弃;放弃。vanish vi. 消失,突然不见;逐渐消散,消灭。scatter v. 撒;(使)散开;驱散。reject vt. 拒绝,驳回;退回。
【真题链接】The search for the lost ship must be_____because of poor weather.(2002年上海交通大学考博试题)
A. released
B. resigned
C. abandoned
D. surrendered
abate [ə'beit] vt. 减少,减弱,清除;减轻,废除;对价格打折:~part of price对某项价格打折
abdomen ['æbdəmən] n. 腹部
abduct [æb'dʌkt] vt. (=kidnap) 绑架,劫持,诱骗
aberrant [æ'berənt] a. 畸形的,脱离常轨的,异常的
abet [ə'bet] vt. ①教唆,唆使,煽动②帮助,支持
abide [ə'baid] vi. ①(+by)遵守
【同】cling to, conform to, obey
【同】stick, comply, adhere to, endure, hold on to
【同】accept, obey, endure, tolerate
ability [ə'biləti] n. ①能力;本领;才能
【同】capacity, capability, competence, faculty, talent
【反】inability, incapacity
ability to pay支付能力
【同】expertise, genius
great musical ability伟大的音乐天才
【习惯用语】to the best of one's ability竭尽全力
【长难例句】An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to stimulate further research and further thinking about a particular topic.
ablate [æb'leit] v. 融化;切除,摘除;风化
able ['eibl] a. 能够的,有能力的,能干的
【同】capable, competent, talented, efficient, qualified
【反】unable, incapable, incompetent, inefficient, unqualified
【派】ability, enable, unable, disable, disability
abnormal [æb'nɔːml] a. ①反常的,变态的,异常的
【同】irregular, unusual, unnatural
【反】normal, regular, usual
aboard [ə'bɔːd ] ad. 在船(或飞机、车)上prep. 上船(或飞机、车);在船(或飞机、火车、公共汽车)上(里)
We must not take combustible goods aboard.
【习惯用语】All aboard! ①请上船(飞机、车)!②都上来!③通知驾驶员可以起航(或起飞)了!
abolish [ə'bɔliʃ] vt. ①废除
【同】eliminate, cancel, remove, call off, do away with, wipe out, destroy
【同】abrogate, annul, call off, cancel
【派】abolishment, abolition
【词义辨析】abolish, cancel
【真题链接】Should the death penalty be_____?(2004年上海理工大学考博试题)
A. abolished
B. abandoned
C. eliminated
D. omitted
【答案】A。本题是说“死刑应该被废除吗?”A项的“abolish废除、废止(法律、制度等)”符合题意。如:Bad customs should be abolished. (坏的风俗应当废除。)其他三项“abandon放弃,遗弃;eliminate排除,消除;omit省略,遗漏”都不正确。
abortion [ə'bɔːʃn] n. 流产,堕胎
【真题链接】_____is forbidden in some states,such as in the United States for religious reasons, while it is permitted in some other states.(2007年中国矿业大学考博试题)
A. Conception
B. Abortion
C. Delivery
D. Perception
abound [ə'baund] vi. ①大量存在
②(in, with) 充满,富于
【真题链接】English_____in idioms,and so does Chinese.(2008年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. caters
B. exists
C. remains
D. abounds
about [ə'baut] prep. 关于,对于;在……附近
【同】around, nearby, concerning, regarding ad. 大约;在附近,到处
【同】around, close, everywhere, approximately, almost
【反】precisely, exactly
【习惯用语】①all about关于……的一切;到处,各处 ②be about已开始;正忙着;到处有(某种危险);流行着;弥漫着 ③be about to do sth. 准备,将要,正打算
【考题精解】How did it come_____that you made a lot of mistakes in your homework?
A. about
B. along
C. around
D. by
【答案】A。come about发生,造成(多用于how疑问句中,也可用于陈述句,在非正式英语中还可简化为“How come+从句?”,如:How come you were late for class yesterday?)。come along进行,进展;(机会)出现;(用在祈使句中)赶快,快点。come around苏醒;顺访。come by sth.=get/obtain得到。
above [ə'bʌv] prep. 在……之上,高于
【同】beyond, over, on top of
【反】below, beneath
a. 上述的
【同】preceding, foregoing, previous
ad. 在上面;在前文
【同】overhead, over, more/greater than
【习惯用语】①above all首先;尤其;最重要的是 ②above oneself过于自信,自负
abrade [ə'breid] v. 擦伤,磨损
abroad [ə'brɔːd] ad. 国外,海外
【同】overseas, about, around, widely, broadly, everywhere
【长难例句1】After twenty years abroad, William came back only to find his hometown severely damaged in an earthquake.
【长难例句2】One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group, while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.
abrogate ['æbrəɡeit] vt. 废除,取消(法律/习俗)=abolish
abrupt [ə'brʌpt] a. ①突然的
【同】sudden, unexpected
【同】coarse, gauche
【派】abruptly, abruptness
absence ['æbsəns] n. 缺席,不在场;缺乏,不存在
【反】presence, attendance, appearance, enough, adequacy, sufficiency
【同】lack, inadequacy, need, want
【词义辨析】absence, defect, lack和want absence:完全缺乏某物,也可指某物非常缺少或根本没有,亦可指人的缺席。defect:指某事物缺乏完整性,因而无法达到完美境界或充分发挥作用。lack:指某个环境中事物全部或部分缺少,lack所表示的缺乏程度范围也较广。want:指必需、需要或盼望得到的东西,部分或全部的缺少。
【考题精解】We were obliged to accept it as false in the_____of other evidence.
A. presence
B. absence
C. missing
D. shortage
【答案】B。absence n. 缺乏,不存在,没有;缺席,不在(如:He shows an absence of initiative. Absence of mind may have bad results. The secretary will be in charge in the absence of the director.)。presence n. 出席,到场;存在。missing a. 缺掉的,失踪的,不见的,少了的。shortage n. 不足,缺少。
absent ['æbsənt] a. 缺席的,不存在的;心不在焉的
absolute ['æbsəluːt] a. ①绝对的;完全的;无条件的
【同】complete, perfect, pure
【反】relative, comparative
absolute ignorance完全无知
②专制的;有绝对权力的;无限制的absolute liberty无限自由
【同】definite, sure, firm, positive, unquestionable
without absolute proof of one's guilt无确实犯罪证据
【习惯用语】by absolute necessity万不得已
【派】absolutely ad. 绝对地,完全地
【长难例句】Curiously, some two-and-a-half years and two novels later, my experiment in what the Americans term“downshifting”has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality.
【考题精解】Ronny's steps died away, and there was a moment of_____silence.
A. relative
B. absolute
C. abstract
D. odd
【答案】B。absolute a. 绝对的,完全的(如:Their ideal was absolute independence. A child has absolute trust in its mother. His story was an absolute lie.)。relative a. 相对的,比较的。abstract a. 抽象的。odd a. 奇特的;临时的,不固定的;(鞋子)单只的,不成对的。
abstain [əb'stein] v. ①节制,克制,抑制②弃权
abstinence ['æbstinəns] n. 节制,节欲,戒酒
abstract ['æbstrækt] a. 抽象的
【反】concrete, specific, actual
n. 摘要,提要,文摘
【同】brief, outline, summary
【习惯用语】①in the abstract抽象地,观念上,理论上 ②make an abstract of把……的要点摘录下来
【派】abstraction, abstractionism
【考题精解】He read through the papers and made a (n)_____of their contents.
A. compression
B. abstract
C. shortage
D. concentration
【答案】B。abstract n. 摘要,梗概(如:Please write an abstract of this scientific article. an abstract of the proposed legislation.)。compression n. 压缩,浓缩,凝缩。shortage n. 不足,缺少。concentration n. 专心,专注;集中;浓度。
abstruse [əb'struːs] adj. 深奥的
absurd [əb'səːd] a. 荒谬的,荒唐可笑的
【同】ridiculous, illogical, meaningless
【反】rational, sensible, reasonable, meaning
【派】absurdity, absurdly
abundance [ə'bʌndəns] n. 丰富;充裕
【同】plenty, profusion, large amount, great quantity
【真题链接】You needn't worry about your lunch.At the party there will be_____food and drink in.(2006年中国矿业大学考博试题)
A. number
B. abundance
C. quantity
D. quality
abundant [ə'bʌndənt] a. 大量的,充裕的,丰富的
【同】enough, adequate, plentiful, ample
【反】scarce, scant, insufficient
abundant in petroleum deposits石油储量丰富
【派】abundance, abundantly
【习惯用语】abundant in富于……;……很丰富
【考题精解】Tibet, the second largest province of China, is_____in uranium (铀) and underground thermal power(地热).
A. wealthy
B. abundant
C. adequate
D. sufficient
【答案】B。abundant (in) a.大量的,充足的,丰富的。wealthy a. 富裕的,富有的,有钱的。adequate (to/for) a. 充足的,足够的;适当的,胜任的。sufficient (for) a. 充分的,足够的。
abuse [ə'bjuːz] vt. ①滥用,妄用;虐待
【同】misuse, misemploy, misapply, mistreat
[ə'bjuːs]n. ①滥用,妄用
【同】belittle, insult
【考题精解】It has been revealed that some government leaders_____their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.
A. execute
B. take
C. abuse
D. overlook
【答案】C。abuse vt. 滥用(职权);虐待;辱骂。execute vt. 实施,执行。take vt. 带,携带。overlook vt. 俯瞰;看漏;忽略。
【真题链接】In today's modern society alcohol addiction and alcohol_____has become one of the most complex life-threatening issues.(2010年中国人民大学考博试题)
A. infuse
B. abuse
C. reduce
D. refuse
academic ['ækə'demik] a. 学术的;学院的
【同】scholastic, scholarly, bookish, learned, lettered
【长难例句】Mr. McWhorter's speciality is language history and change, and he sees the gradual disappearance of “whom”, for example, to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings of old English.
academy [ə'kædəmi] n. ①(高等)院校,研究院,学院
【同】college, school, institute
【同】institution, association, society, club
【派】academic, academical(ly)
accelerate [ək'seləreit] v. 加速,促进
【同】quicken, further, stimulate, speed
【反】retard, decelerate, delay, postpone, hinder, slow down
【派】accelerator, acceleration, accelerative
【考题精解】John's new car can_____from10 mph to 60 mph in a few seconds.
A. facilitate
B. hurry
C. improve
D. accelerate
【答案】D。accelerate v.(使)加快,(使)增速(如:Fertilizer accelerates the growth of crops. The bad weather accelerated our departure.)。facilitate vt. 使便利,使变得更容易。hurry v.(以人做主语)赶忙,赶紧;催促,使加快。improve v. 改进,改善,使……变得更好。
accent ['æksent] n. 口音;重音,重音符号
【同】pronunciation, intonation
speaking French with an English accent说法语带有英语口音
【习惯用语】a broad accent土腔很重的口音
【考题精解】My father was born in Germany and still speaks English with a German_____.
A. pronunciation
B. trace
C. dialect
D. accent
【答案】D。accent n.(说话时带着某地特有的)口音,腔调。pronunciation n. 发音,发音方法。trace n. 踪迹,痕迹。dialect n. 方言,土话。
acceptable [ək'septəbl] a. 可接受的;合意的an acceptable gift受欢迎的礼物
access ['ækses] n. 进入,享用机会;通道;接近
【同】approach, entrance, entry, admittance, passage
【习惯用语】①be easy [hard, difficult] of access容易[难]接近 ②give access to接见;准许出入 ③have/gain/get/obtain access to得接近;得会见;得进入;得使用
【长难例句1】Access to some parts of South America is still difficult, because parts of the continent are still covered with thick forests.
【长难例句2】Companies are limiting the risk by conducting online transactions only with established business partners who are given access to the company ’ s private Internet .
【考题精解】Over a third of the population was estimated to have no_____f to the health service.
A. access
B. assignment
C. exception
D. assessment
【答案】A。access (to) n.(本义)(进入……的)通道,入口;(引申)接近……的机会,享用机会(如:The only access to that building is the muddy track. Only high officials had access to the emperor. Students need easy access to books.)。
assignment n. 分配,指派;(分派的)任务, (指定的)作业。exception n. 例外,除外。
assessment n. 评价,估价,看法。
【真题链接】The people living in these apartments have free_____to that swimming pool.(2013年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. access
B. excess
C. excursion
D. recreation
【真题链接 2】English is an important foreign language to master because it provides ready_____to world scholarship and world trade.(2015年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. excess
B. approach
C. solution
D. access
accessory [ək'sesəri] n. 附件,配件附属品;同谋
【同】accomplice, appendant
a. ①附属的,从犯的
【同】extra, addition, assistant
【同】related to accomplices
【真题链接】A/An_____is a person who is not present at a crime but who helps another in doing something criminal.(2006年中国矿业大学考博试题)
A. assessor
B. access
C. acquaintance
D. accessory
accident ['æksidənt] n. 事故;意外的事
【同】misfortune, disaster
John's had an accident:he's been knocked down by a car. 约翰出事了:他被一辆小汽车撞倒了。
I met Jacob by accident in the cinema.
【习惯用语】①by accident偶然,无意中;不小心 ②by accident of因……的机会;由于……方面的运气 ③by no accident绝非偶然
【派】accidental, accidentally
accidental ['æksi'dentl] a. 意外的,偶然发生的
【同】casual, haphazard
【反】planned, intended
【考题精解】Breaking Mary's doll was purely_____;John did not mean to do it.
A. accidental
B. inevitable
C. unavoidable
D. natural
【答案】A。accidental a. 意外的,偶然(发生)的(如:Our meeting was quite accidental. an accidental meeting with a friend)。inevitable a.必然(发生)的,不可避免的。unavoidable a. 无法避免的。natural a. 自然的,天然的;天生的。
acclaim [ə'kleim] n. 喝彩,欢呼
vt. 欢呼,称赞
【同】hail, applaud, approve
【真题链接】I don't know why he has been given_____. It wasn't his accomplishment but his wife’s.(2002年中国社会科学院考博试题)
A. acclaim
B. confidence
C. reimbursement
D. robustness
【答案】A。本题空格处是说我不知道为什么要称赞他。A项“acclaim称赞”符合题意,如:He was acclaimed as the winner.(在欢呼声中他被承认为胜利者。)其他三项“confidence信心;reimbursement赔偿;robustness精力充沛”都不正确。
accommodate [ə'kɔmədeit] vt. ①为……提供住宿
【同】house, lodge, put up
【同】contain, receive, hold
【同】adapt, adjust
【真题链接 1】Scholarships are too few to_____the high-school graduates who deserve a college education.(2003年北京大学考博试题)
A. meet
B. accommodate
C. compromise
D. adopt
【答案】B。本句是说“奖学金太少了,不足以提供给那些本应该上大学的高中毕业生”。“accommodate向……提供”符合句意。“meet相遇,满足,作‘满足’讲时,常用搭配meet the need of…;compromise妥协,折中;adopt收养”。这三项都与句意不符,因此正确答案为B。
【真题链接 2】In his view, though Hong Kong has no direct cultural identity, local art is thriving by“being_____”being open to all kinds of art.(2002年3月中国科学院考博试题)
A. gratifying
B. predominating
C. excelling
D. accommodating
【答案】D。本题空格处后面的“being open to all kinks of art”应当视作对空格处词的进一步解释。D项的“accommodating友好的,愿意给予合作的”符合题意。其他三项“gratifying使满足的;predominating占主导地位的;excelling超过的”都不正确。
【真题链接 3】This is a very big hotel and it can_____more than 1,000 people.(2011年南京师范大学考博试题)
A. furnish
B. accommodate
C. transport
D. institute
accommodation [ə'kɔmə'deiʃn]
n. ①膳宿,供应
【同】lodging, boarding
【同】adjustment, adaptation
accompany [ə'kʌmpəni] vt. ①陪伴
【同】go with, follow, attend
She accompanied me to the doctor’s. 她陪我去看了医生。
Lightning usually accompanies thunder.
Mary sang and I accompanied her on the piano.
【习惯用语】①(be) accompanied附有,伴随②be accompanied with (a thing) 带着,带有,兼有
【考题精解】The lecturer_____his explanation with some tape recordings.
A. conducted
B. accompanied
C. made
D. demonstrated
【答案】B。accompany vt. 伴随发生;陪伴,陪同;为……伴奏(如:Lightning usually accompanies thunder. He accompanied his speech with gestures. His father accompanied him to school. Her mother accompanied her on the piano.)。conduct vt. 指挥,引导;处理,管理。make vt. 做,做出。demonstrate vt. 说明,论证,演示;表露,显示。
accomplish [ə'kʌmpliʃ] vt. 完成,实现
【同】achieve, attain, complete, fulfill, carry out
to accomplish a purpose达到目的
I accomplished two hours’ work before dinner.
【派】accomplishment, unaccomplished
【词义辨析】accomplish, complete和achieve accomplish:“成功地”完成某项工作。complete:侧重于完成某事的“结果”。achieve:表示通过努力,克服困难,取得较大成绩。
【考题精解】The builders have_____the difficult piece of work they were paid to do.
A. attained
B. fulfilled
C. reached
D. accomplished
【答案】D。accomplish vt. 完成,实现(如:He always accomplished what he set out to do. They didn't accomplish the purpose desired.)。attain vt. 达到,获得。fulfil (l) vt. 履行,实现;满足,使满意。reach vt. 抵达,到达;(伸手)够到。
accomplishment [ə'kʌmpliʃmənt]
n. ①完成;达到
【习惯用语】difficult [easy] of accomplishment难[易]实现的
accord [ə'kɔːd] vt. ①使符合,使一致
【同】grant, allow, conform
【同】give, grant, award
vi. 符合,一致
【同】harmony, agreement, conformity
n. 一致
【考题精解】What he has done is not in_____with your instructions.
A. favour
B. step
C. alliance
D. accord
【答案】D。accord n. 一致,符合(in accord with符合……,与……一致,如:The decision was in accord with popular sentiment. Some of his projects were hardly in accord with their interest.)。favour n. 赞同,支持(可以说in favour of sth.赞成,支持;in favour with sb.受到……的宠爱)。in step with与……步调一致,协调。in alliance with与……联盟,与……结盟。
accordance [ə'kɔːdns] n. 一致,相符;和谐
【同】agreement, harmony
【考题精解】In_____with the new regulations,all tickets must be stamped.
A. combination
B. agreement
C. connection
D. accordance
【答案】D。accordance n. 一致,符合(in accordance with与……一致;按照,根据:act in accordance with the orders / with the instructions)。in combination with与……相结合。in agreement with(作表语)同意(某人的意见、观点、看法)。in connection with关于,有关,和……联系起来;和……一道。
according to [ə'kɔːdiŋtəː] 按照,根据
accordingly [ə'kɔːdiŋli] ad. ①按照;据此;于是;相应地
【同】according to, in accordance with
【同】so, thus, therefore, hence, correspondingly
He was asked to leave the city and accordingly he left. 有人叫他离开该城市,于是他就走了。
【考题精解】When the revolutionary situation changes, revolutionary tactics must change_____.
A. accordingly
B. eventually
C. directly
D. immediately
【答案】A。accordingly ad. 相应地;因此,于是(如:You told me to lock the door and I did accordingly. He was too sick to stay;accordingly we sent him home.)。eventually ad. 最后,终于。directly ad. 直接地,径直地;立即,马上。immediately ad. 立即。
accountant [ə'kauntənt] n. 会计,出纳
【同】banker, teller, clerk, cashier
accumulate [ə'kjuːmjəleit] vt. 积累,积聚
【同】gather, amass, collect
vi. 堆积,积累
【同】heap up, pile up, gather, amass, compile, increase
【派】accumulation, accumulative
accuracy ['ækjərəsi] n. 准确,精确
【同】exactness, precision
【反】inaccuracy, incorrectness
【考题精解】Philip did not believe in the_____of their statements.
A. conciseness
B. accuracy
C. precision
D. creativeness
【答案】B。accuracy n. 准确(性),精确(性) (the accuracy of the report)。conciseness n. 简明。precision n. 精确(性),精密(度)。creativeness n. 创造性。
accurate ['ækjərət] a. 准确的,精确的
【同】correct, exact, precise
【反】inaccurate, imprecise
an accurate answer准确的答案
【词义辨析】accurate, exact和precise
【考题精解】You are not quite_____when you call a computer an“electronic brain”.
A. concise
B. definite
C. accurate
D. concrete
【答案】C。accurate a. 准确的,精确的(如:This is an accurate statement of what happened. He is always accurate in what he says and does.)。concise a. 简明的,简要的。definite a.明确的,确切的;肯定的。concrete a. 实在的,具体的。
accusation ['ækjuː'zeiʃn] n. 告发,控告
【同】charge, prosecution
accuse [ə'kjuːz] vt. 指责,控告
【同】blame, criticize, allege, denounce, charge,complain
The police accused him of murder.
【习惯用语】accuse sb. of指控某人……
【派】accused, accuser, accusative
accuse:多指对人身的指责,常常含有直接或尖刻地诋毁或非难之意。可用于正式、非正式场合,适合于官方及个人,常用词组accuse sb. of sth. 指责、控告某人犯有……。charge:比accuse更正式,通常指在法庭上依法控告,也可以引申为指责某人违反公众的行为准则。常用词组charge sb. with sth. 控告某人犯有……。
【考题精解】A neighbour may_____a man of playing his radio too loudly.
A. charge
B. accuse
C. criticize
D. condemn
【答案】B。accuse sb. of指责或指控某人犯有某罪。charge sb. with控告或指控某人犯有某罪。criticize(sb. for) vt. 批评。condemn vt. 谴责。
accustomed [ə'kʌstəmd] a. ①经常的,惯常的
her accustomed smile她惯常的微笑
to be accustomed to work hard一向勤奋工作
【习惯用语】①be accustomed to习惯于②accustom oneself to使自己习惯于;养成……的习惯
【考题精解】Of course I'm not_____to associating with society people like you.
A. accustomed
B. bound
C. subjected
D. given
【答案】A。accustomed to习惯的(跟名词、代词、动名词=be used to);惯常的(跟不定式,如:He was accustomed to hard work/to working hard. Mrs. Babbit was not accustomed to leave home during the winter.)。be bound (to) 一定会,准会;有责任(或义务)(去做)。subjected to遭到,受到。given to喜欢,常爱(做……)。
【真题链接】My eyes had become_____to the now semi-darkness, so I could pick out shapes about seventy-five yards away.(中国科学院2011年3月试题)
A. inclined
B. accustomed
C. vulnerable
D. sensitive
【答案】B。句子的大意为:我的眼睛已经习惯了现在这种半黑暗,可以辨别出75码远东西的形状。A项inclined“倾向于……的”;B项accustomed“习惯的,通常的,独有的”;C项vulnerable“易受攻击的,易受……的攻击,易受伤害的,有弱点的”;D项sensitive“敏感的,[仪] 灵敏的,感光的,易受伤害的”。所以B项符合题意。
ache [eik] v./n. 痛,疼痛
【同】hurt, pain, suffer, agony, grief
a stomach ache胃疼
【习惯用语】①ache for想念,渴望 ②aches and pains各种各样的病痛,周身不适
【考题精解】His stomach began to_____because of the bad food he had eaten.
A. pain
B. ache
C. harm
D. upset
【答案】B。ache vi./n. 痛,疼痛。pain vt. 使疼痛;(在精神上)使痛苦,使难过(注意:这两个词主要是及物与不及物之分)。harm vt.(造成有形或无形的)伤害,危害,损害。upset vt.(本义)打翻,弄翻;(引申)使苦恼,使不适,使心烦意乱。
achieve [ə'tʃiːv] vt. ①完成;实现
【同】accomplish, fulfil, complete
The university has achieved all its goals this year.
【同】acquire, obtain, gain
He hopes to achieve all his aims soon.
【长难例句】I also know that people in Japan and Sweden, countries that spend far less on medical care, have achieved longer, healthier lives than we have.
achievement [ə'tʃiːvmənt] n. ①完成;达成
【同】fulfillment, realization
【同】accomplishment, victory
achromatopsia [əkrəumə'tɔpsiə] n. 色盲
acid ['æsid] a. 酸的,酸性的
n. 酸,酸性物质
acknowledge [ək'nɔlidʒ] vt. ①承认
【同】admit, confess
【同】thank, appreciate
【词义辨析】acknowledge, admit和confess acknowledge:指公开承认本来被隐瞒或否认的,令人窘迫的事情。admit:强调不情愿、犹豫之意,指屈服于某种外界压力或受到良心的谴责才承认某事的存在或真实情况。confess:承认自己的过错、罪过,有忏悔的含义;有时表示对别人观点的尊重或对对方的敬意。
【考题精解】I_____with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column.
A. express
B. acknowledge
C. confirm
D. verify
【答案】B。acknowledge vt. 对……表示感谢(常用搭配:acknowledge sth. with thanks) express vt. 表示,表达。confirm vt. 肯定,证实;进一步确认。verify vt. 证明,证实;查清,核实。
acne ['ækni] n. 痤疮,粉刺
acoustic [ə'kuːstɪk] a. 声学的,听觉的
acquaint [ə'kweint] vt. ①(+with)使熟悉②(+with)使认识,告知
【同】introduce, accustom, make familiar
【真题链接 1】Ms. Breen has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be_____with everyone who comes to the store.(2004年湖北省考博试题)
A. accepted
B. admitted
C. admired
D. acquainted
【答案】D。本题意为“布林女士在城里仅仅生活了一年,但她似乎认识到该店来的每一个人”。D项的“acquaint使认识,使了解”符合题意。如:You must acquaint yourself with your new duties.(你必须熟悉你的新任务。)其他三项“accept接受,承认;admit招收,承认;admire钦佩,赞美,羡慕”都与题意不符。
【真题链接 2】They made detailed investigations to_____themselves with the needs of the rural market.(2010年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. adhere
B. acknowledge
C. acquaint
D. activate
【答案】C。本题考查固定搭配。be acquainted with“熟悉,了解”。所以,正确答案是C。
acquaintance [ə'kweintəns] n.①熟悉;熟知
I have some acquaintance with the Russian.
【同】associate, friend, colleague, familiarity, knowledge, awareness
【习惯用语】①a passing acquaintance with对……的浮浅的了解②drop/cutsb.’sacquaintance (=cut an acquaintance with sb.)和某人绝交③have a nodding/bowing acquaintance with sb.与某人有点头之交;(对某学科)略知一二
【考题精解】I had the pleasure of_____with your husband in the States when he was lecturing there three years ago.
A. knowledge
B. identification
C. acquaintance
D. recognition
【答案】C。acquaintance n. 认识,了解,熟悉(如:I have some acquaintance with John/French.)。knowledge(of)n. 知道,了解。identification n. 认出,确定身份(of);联系(with)。recognition (of) n. 认出,识别;承认。
【真题链接】To our disappointment, the guide also only has a slight_____with Italian.(2003年上海交通大学考博试题)
A. recognition
B. orientation
C. acquaintance
D. familiarity
acquire [ə'kwaiə(r)] vt. ①获得;取得
【同】earn, gain, get, obtain, secure, learn, develop, cultivate
She acquired a knowledge of English by careful study. 她通过认真学习而精通英语。
Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste and are not born. 抽烟喝酒往往是一种后来习得的嗜好,并不是生来就有的。
【习惯用语】①acquire currency传播;流传,散布 ②acquire knowledge of求得……的知识
【派】acquirement, acquisitive
【长难例句】And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training.
【考题精解】The ability to use a language can be_____only by the act of using the language.
A. acquired
B. required
C. performed
D. perfected
【答案】A。acquire vt.(一般指经过一个过程或通过自己的努力)取得,获得,(以抽象名词作宾语:acquire confidence/a command of the English language/a large vocabulary/a knowledge of/information about sth.)。require vt. 要求,规定;需要。perform vt. 履行;表演,演出。perfect vt. 使完美,使完善。
【真题链接】If people feel hopeless, they don't bother to_____the skills they need to succeed.(2013年厦门大学考博试题)
A. adopt
B. acquire
C. accumulate
D. assemble
acquisition ['ækwi'ziʃn] n. 获得(物)
【同】obtainment, reward, gain
【考题精解】He spent hundreds of hours in the_____of skill with a rifle.
A. acquaintance
B. familiarity
C. acquisition
D. repetition
【答案】C。acquisition (of) n. 取得,获得;获得物,新增添的人或物(如:He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge. The museum displayed its new acquisitions.)。acquaintance n. 认识,了解;熟人。familiarity n. 熟悉,了解;亲切,亲热。repetition n. 重复,反复。
acquittal [ə'kwɪtl] n. 无罪释放
acre ['eikə(r)] n. 英亩
acrobat ['ækrəbæt] n. ①杂技演员 ②见风使舵的人,善变的人
across [ə'krɔs] prep. 横过,越过;在……的对面ad. 横过,穿过
【考题精解】Michael found it difficult to get his British jokes_____to American audiences.
A. around
B. on
C. across
D. down
【答案】C。get…across (to sb.) 把……讲清楚,让听懂,使被了解(如:He got his meaning across. get across a theory to his students. The message got across all right.)。get around(消息)传开;四处走走;回避,绕过;(get around to sth.)找时间做某事。get on to接着干(下一件事,讨论下一个问题)。get down to sth. 开始认真干某事。
act [ækt] n. 行为;法令;(戏剧的)一幕
【同】action, conduct, performance, behavior, law, bill, scene v. 表演;举动;起作用
【同】behave, conduct, make, effect, work, perform, play, pretend
【派】react, counteract
【词义辨析】act, action和deed
action ['ækʃn] n. ①行动,行动过程
【同】activity, conduct, deed
【同】reaction, response
activate ['æktiveit] vt. ①使活动
【同】make active, set in notion, trigger, start, initiate
【派】activation, activator
【真题链接】The new policy has_____a large amount of investment for industry and business in this city.(2009年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. acquainted
B. adhered
C. activated
D. asserted
【答案】C。四个选项的意思分别是:acquainted熟知,熟悉;adhered (to) 遵守,依附;activated使活动,使起作用;asserted断言,宣称。根据句子意思可知,正确答案是C选项。如:Foreign investment has activated the China ink market.(外国投资激活了中国的墨水市场。)
active ['æktiv] a. ①活动的;活跃的
【同】energetic, lively, earnest
【反】inactive, idle
She is very active. 她非常活跃。
to take an active part积极参加工作
activist ['æktivist] n. 活动分子,积极分子
activity [æk'tivəti] n. ①活跃;活动性
The classroom was full of activity; every child was busy. 教室里充满了活跃的气氛,每个孩子都忙个不停。
social activities社会活动
【习惯用语】①be in activity在活动中
②with activity精力充沛地
【长难例句】It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources, and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.
actor ['æktə(r)] n. 男演员
actress ['æktrəs] n. 女演员
My aunt Jennifer is an actress.
actual ['æktʃuəl] a. ①实际的;真实的
【同】true, real, factual, virtual
【反】false, imaginary
I can not give the actual figures.
the actual state现状
【派】actuality, actualize, actualist
【考题精解】This is the_____piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.
A. original
B. genuine
C. real
D. actual
【答案】D。actual a. 实际的,事实上的,真实的。original a. 起初的,原来的;独创的,新颖的。genuine a. 真的,非人造的;真诚的,真心的。real a. 真的,真实的;实际的,现实的。注:genuine和real都强调是真的,不是假的,而actual强调的是实际的,事实上的。
acupuncture ['ækjupʌŋktʃə(r)] n. 针刺,针刺疗法
acute [ə'kjuːt] a. 敏锐的;剧烈的;严重的
【同】bright, intelligent, smart, keen
【反】dull, stupid, foolish, slow, chronic
【词义辨析】acute, crucial和critical
【考题精解】Angles of less than 90°are called_____angles.
A. acute
B. blunt
C. sharp
D. dull
【答案】A。acute a. 锐的(an acute angle锐角)。blunt a. 钝的。sharp a. 锋利的,锐利的。dull a. 钝的;愚钝的。
【真题链接】The shortage of water became more_____this summer with the highest temperatures in 40 years.(2003年复旦大学考博试题)
A. needy
B. latent
C. uneasy
D. acute
ad (=advertisement) n. 广告
【同】poster, advert, commercial, publicity, announcement
adapt [ə'dæpt] vt. 使适应;使适合
【同】adjust, arrange, tailor, rewrite
He adapted himself to the cold weather.
【习惯用语】①adapt for使适合于,为……改编(改写)②adapt from根据……改写(改编)③adapt oneself to使自己适应或习惯某事
【派】adaptable, adaptability, adaptation
【长难例句】In spite of the wide range of reading material specially written or adapted for language learning purposes, there is yet no effective and systematic program for the reading skills.
adapt:使适合,使适应,指在原来的情况下进行一些修改或改变,从而适应新的环境或条件,着重指结果;也指作出改变而用于不同的用途,改为……,改编为……。常用短语:①adapt oneself to适应于;②be adapted to适用于;③be adapted for为改编(修改)。adjust意为“调节,调整”,多指机械和仪器方面的调整,如调节光点、高度、角度等。也可指人或其他生物改变有生活方式以适应新的环境,着重指过程。
【考题精解】To our delight, she quickly_____herself to the new situation.
A. acquainted
B. exposed
C. adapted
D. devoted
【答案】C。adapt…to使适应,使适合;(少数情况下用)adapt to适合(如:He has not yet adapted to the climate.)。acquaint sb. with使了解,使认识。expose sb. to sth.把……暴露于,使处于……的作用(或影响)之下。devote oneself/one's time,etc to sth.将……奉献给,把……专用于,致力于。
【真题链接 1】You must try your best to_____to the new environment.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题)
A. adopt
B. adapt
C. adjust
D. affect
【答案】B。本题说你必须尽力去适应新的环境。B项的“adapt (to) 适应”符合题意,如:She lacked the ability to adapt easily.(她缺少适应能力。)其他三项“adopt采用,收养;adjust调整;affect影响,感动”都不正确。
【真题链接 2】In spite of the wide range of reading material specially designed or_____for language learning purposes, there is yet no effective and systematic program for the reading skills.(2005年清华大学考博试题)
A. appointed
B. assembled
C. acknowledged
D. adapted
【答案】D。本题是说尽管专门为语言学习而编写或改编的广泛的阅读材料,然而至今仍没有培养阅读技巧的行之有效的、系统的课程。adapt for的意思是“使适合于;为……改编(改写)”,appointed的意思是“约定,指定(时间,地点);任命,委任”,assembled的意思是“集合”,acknowledged的意思是“承认,答谢,报偿”。根据题意,只有D项为正确答案。
【真题链接 3】If you_____the principle of democratic government to your family you will run into some obvious difficulties.(2011年南京大学考博试题)
A. carry
B. track
C. manipulate
D. adapt
【真题链接 4】The newcomers found it impossible to_____themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country. (2014年厦门大学考博试题)
A. suit
B. adapt
C. regulate
D. coordinate
【答案】B。句意为:刚来的人们发现适应新国家的气候是不可能的。本题考查短语adapt to… “适应……”,其他三个选项,A项suit“诉讼”,C项regulate“调整”,D项coordinate“协调”,均不符合句意。
add [æd] vi. 加上,增加;接着又说
【同】calculate, total, increase, reckon
【习惯用语】①add in加入;包括 ②add on加到……上;附加;包括 ③add to增加,加到
【派】addition, additional(ly)
【考题精解】Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only_____to his confusion.
A. added
B. amounted
C. extended
D. burdened
【答案】A。add to增添,增加(区分:add up to合计达)。amount to合计,共计达(某数量);等同,接近于,相当于,意味着,实际上是(如:I don't think whatever they say amounts to much. The economic reforms amount to revolution. That remark amounts to a threat.)。extend to延伸到,扩展到。burden vt. 给……以负担。
addict [ə'dikt] v. 使成瘾,上瘾,入迷
【真题链接】Despite warnings from his parents and teacher, Stevenson is_____to computer games.(2006年中国矿业大学考博试题)
A. activated
B. adhered
C. addicted
D. appealed
addition [ə'diʃn] n. ①加;加起来
【反】deduction, subtraction
【同】increase, supplement
Our baby brother is an addition to our family.
【习惯用语】in addiction(常与to连用)此外In addition to gene, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a decent home environment.除了遗传基因外,智力的高低还取决于良好的营养、良好的教育和良好的家庭环境。
【长难例句】In addition, far more Japanese workers expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs than did their counterparts in the 10 other countries surveyed.
additional [ə'diʃənl] a. 附加的,追加的,另外的
【同】added, extra, supplementary
an additional tax附加税
the additional regulation补充规定
【长难例句】During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.
address [ə'dres]
vt. 在……写姓名地址;向……讲话
【同】greet, speak to
n. ①地址;住址
【同】residence, lodging
【同】lecture, speech
【习惯用语】form of address称呼
【派】addresser, addressee
【考题精解】He is going to_____the meeting on the subject of war and peace in a minute.
A. speak
B. talk
C. remark
D. address
【答案】D。address vt.向……讲话,向……发表演说(to address sb./a meeting on the subject of air pollution)。speak vi.演说,发言;说话,讲话。talkvi.讲话,交谈,谈论。remark vi.评论,议论。
【真题链接】The conference appealed to the international community to jointly_____the issue of global warming.(2011年华东师范大学试题)
A. maneuver
B. conspire
C. testify
D. address
【答案】D。四个选项的意思分别是maneuver调动,巧妙地操纵(或处理);conspire密谋, (事件等)巧合;testify证明;address从事,对付。句意是会议呼吁国际社会共同应对全球气候变暖问题。所以正确答案是D。
adduce [ə'djuːs] vt. 引证,举证
adequate ['ædikwət] a. ①足够的
【同】ample, enough, sufficient
【反】inadequate, insufficient
We took adequate food for the holiday.
I hope you will prove adequate to the job.
The performance was adequate. 表演还算可以。
【习惯用语】adequate for适合;足够
【派】adequacy, inadequate
【考题精解】There was_____rain and snow last winter. So we have a good harvest this summer.
A. proper
B. plenty
C. adequate
D. excessive
【答案】C。adequate a. 充足的,足够的;适当的,胜任的(如:His wages are adequate to support three people. His knowledge of French was adequate for the job.)。proper a. 恰当的,适合的;合乎体统的,正当的。plenty (of) n. 丰富,充足,大量。excessive a. 过多的,过分的,极度的。
adhere [əd'hiə(r)] vi. ①粘着
【同】stick, hold, cling
【反】separate, detach
【派】adherence, adhesive, adhesion
【词义辨析】adhere, insist, persevere, persist和stick
【真题链接 1】The company will_____to its agreement, no matter how costly the process may be.(2002年中国人民大学考博试题)
A. retain
B. alter
C. abandon
D. adhere
【答案】D。本题意为“该公司将信守协议,不论这一过程的代价有多大”。adhere的意思是“坚持”,与to构成常用词组,如:I will adhere to this opinion until contrary facts appear.(如果没有相反的事实,我将坚持我的意见。)其他三项“retain保持,保留;alter改变;abandon放弃,遗弃”都与题意不符,因此D项为正确答案。
【真题链接 2】Pop culture doesn't _____to strict rules; it enjoys being jazzy, unpredictable, chaotic.(中国科学院2011年3月试题)
A. adhere
B. lend
C. expose
D. commit
【真题链接 3】At the party we found that shy girl_____her mother all the time.(2013年北京航空大学考博试题)
A. depending on
B. adhering to
C. clinging to
D. coinciding with
adjacent [ə'dʒeisnt] a. ①(时间上)紧接着的
【同】close to, next to
【同】neighboring, adjoining, bordering
【真题链接】His office is_____to the President’s;it usually takes him about three minutes to get there. (2002年清华大学考博试题)
A. related
B. adhesive
C. adherent
D. adjacent
【答案】D。本句的后半句说他花大约三分钟就到总统办公室,那么前半句的意思应该是他的办公室离总统的很近。“related to有关的;adhesive to黏性的;adherent to坚持于”都不符合句意。只有“adjacent to邻近的,接近的”正确,因此应选D项。
adjective ['ædʒiktiv] n. 形容词
compound adjective复合形容词
demonstrative adjective指示形容词
adjust [ə'dʒʌst] vt. ①调整;调节;使适合;使适应
【同】adapt, accommodate, tailor
adjust my watch校准我的表
adjust oneself in the school适应学校生活
【习惯用语】adjust (oneself) to使自己适应……
【派】adjuster, adjustable
【考题精解】My camera can be_____to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
A. treated
B. adjusted
C. modified
D. remedied
【答案】B。adjust vt. 校正,调整;使适应(to)。treat vt. 对待;处理;招待,款待。modify vt.(稍加)修改,更改。remedy vt. 治疗,医治;纠正,补救。
adjustment [ə'dʒʌstmənt] n. 调整,调节
【同】adaptation, modification, improvement
administer [əd'ministə(r)] vt. ①管理,支配
【同】govern, manage, control, supervise
【同】carry out, execute, implement
【同】give, deal
【派】administrate, administrative, administrator
【词义辨析】administer, manage和govern administer:指政府或官员行使行政职权,也指按法律执行遗嘱或法令等。manage:指经营或管理事务。govern:指通过宪法或权力来管理。
【真题链接】Last week, the US bishops adopted rules to take priests who_____minors out of any ministerial activities.(2003年厦门大学考博试题)
A. administer
B. generate
C. implicate
D. molest
【答案】A。本题中,A项“administer管理”符合题意,如:administer the country(管理国家)。其他三项“generate产生;implicate暗示;molest骚扰,困扰”都不正确。
admire [əd'maiə(r)] vt. 赞赏,钦佩,羡慕
【同】appreciate, envy, esteem, respect, look up to
【派】admirable, admiration
【考题精解】We all_____the achievements he has made in his experiments.
A. advertise
B. confess
C. admire
D. realize
【答案】C。admire vt. 钦佩,赞赏,羡慕,欣赏,佩服(如:I much admire you/your poems/your conduct/your courage, etc.)。advertise vt. 为……做广告;登广告(advertise one's products;advertise for a house/for one's missing wallet)。confess vt. 承认;坦白,供认(如:confess one's error;confess taking part in a plot; confess oneself (to be) guilty; He confesses that he has done it.)。realize vt. 认识到,体会到;实现。
admission [əd'miʃn] n. ①准许进入;准许加入
【同】access, entrance, admittance
Admission by ticket only. 凭票入场。
Admission is one dollar. 入场费1美元。
【同】acknowledgement, confession, declaration
【习惯用语】①by [on] sb.'s own admission据某人自己承认 ②gain [obtain] admission to [into]获准进入 ③grant sb. admission准许进入
admit [əd'mit] v. ①许可进入,准许进入This ticket admits two people to the football match. 这张票可供两人入场看足球赛。
The cinema admits about 2,000 people.
He admitted his crime. 他招认了罪行。
【习惯用语】①admit of容许有;有……可能;留有……的余地 ②admit sb. to [into] 接纳某人进入……;吸收某人参加…… ③be admitted to bail [律] 准许保释
【词义辨析】admit, acknowledge和confess
【考题精解】We have to_____that he is a highly competent man.
A. admit
B. realize
C. compromise
D. approve
【答案】A。admit vt. 承认,供认;准许进入,准许加入(to admit one's error/defeat/that…;admit+动词ing形式/having done sth.;admit sb. to the concert/into the building/to an organization)。realize vt. 认识到,体会到;实现。compromise (with) vi. 妥协。approve (of) v. 同意,赞成。
admonish [əd'mɔniʃ] v.告诫;督促;责备;非难
adolescence ['ædəu'lesəns] n. 青春期,青少年
【同】youth, youngsters, teens
adopt [ə'dɔpt] vt. ①收养
【同】take as one's own child
【同】take up, accept
They adopted our methods.
adopt a resolution unanimously
【派】adoption, adoptive
【考题精解】The old couple decided to_____a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own.
A. adapt
B. cherish
C. receive
D. adopt
【答案】D。adopt vt. 收养(子女);采取,采用(如:As they had no children of their own,they adopted an orphan. They adopted my suggestion. Congress adopted the new measures.)。adapt vt. 使适应,使适合;改编,改写;vi. 适应(to)。cherish vt. 抱有,怀有(希望、想法、感情等);爱护,抚育;珍爱,珍视。receive vt. 接到,收到;遭受,受到;接待,接见。
adore [ə'dɔː(r)] vt. ①崇拜,敬慕
【同】idolize, worship, cherish
【同】love, delight in
【真题链接】lf you_____someone, you feel great admiration and love for them.(2007年中国矿业大学考博试题)
A. advocate
B. adjoin
C. adore
D. addict
adult ['ædʌlt] n. 成年人
【同】grown-up, manhood
advanced [əd'vɑːnst] a. 先进的,高级的
advantage [əd'vɑːntidʒ] n. ①优势;长处
【同】dominance, merit, superiority
【反】disadvantage, handicap
Mary speaks good English, but she has an advantage because her mother is English. 玛丽英语说得好,因为她有一个有利条件,她妈妈是英国人。
【同】benefit, welfare, profit, interest
Is there any advantage in getting there early?
【习惯用语】①advantage(在延时赛中)先得分取胜 ②take advantage of利用,欺骗
【派】advantageous (ly)
【长难例句】Behaviorists, in contrast, say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other environmental advantages that whites enjoy.
【词义辨析】advantageous, beneficial和profitable beneficial:有益处的,有帮助的,指有益健康或福利、幸福的。profitable:赚钱的,有益的,获利的,指在物质或精神方面可获得好处的,但主要是指在金钱方面,意为“可带来利益的”。
【考题精解】George took_____of the fine weather to do a day's work in his garden.
A. advantage
B. chance
C. interest
D. charge
【答案】A。take advantage of利用;趁……之机(如:Companies took advantage of favourable interest rates. He often took advantage of her trustfulness.)。chance n. 机会,机遇;可能性,或然性(可以说take a/the chance/chances碰碰运气,冒冒风险,也许不会……;不能说take chance of)。interest n. 兴趣(可以说take [an] interest in对……有兴趣;不能说take interest of)。take charge of(开始)负责……。
advent ['ædvent] n. 出现,到来
【同】arrival, appearance, entrance
adventure [əd'ventʃə(r)] n. ①奇遇
adventures in the mountains山中的奇遇
【同】venture, risk
All the children listened to his adventures with eager attention. 孩子们注意力十分集中地听他讲他的冒险经历。
【习惯用语】①at all adventure (s) 胡乱地;不顾一切地 ②put in adventure使遭受危险,使冒风险
【派】adventurous, adventurer
【考题精解】To take part in a space flight would be an exciting_____.
A. relaxation
B. pleasure
C. pastime
D. adventure
【答案】D。adventure n. 冒险,冒险活动;奇遇。relaxation n. 放松,娱乐;娱乐活动。pleasure n. 高兴,愉快,满足;令人高兴的事物,乐事,乐趣。pastime n. 消遣,娱乐。
adverse ['ædvəːs] a. ①敌对的,不利的
【同】unfriendly, unfavourable
【反】friendly, favourable
【同】dangerous, harmful, hazardous
【真题链接】The influx of large numbers of tourists has influenced social behavior and social values, and caused a certain amount of_____effect.(2006年厦门大学考博试题)
A. attempt
B. overreached
C. defeated
D. adverse
adventurous [əd'ventʃərəs] a. 喜欢冒险的
adverb ['ædvəːb] n. 副词
advertise ['ædvətaiz] vt. ①为……作广告,为……宣传 ②公布,通知 vi. 作广告,作宣传
advertisement [əd'vəːtismənt] (=ad)n. 广告
The wall was covered with advertisements. 墙上贴满了广告。
【考题精解】He always studies the_____in the paper as he wants to find a good second-hand car.
A. advertisements
B. columns
C. publications
D. developments
【答案】A。advertisement n.(简称ad)广告。column n.(报刊、文章的)栏,专栏。publication n. 出版,发行;出版物;公布,发表。development n. 事态发展,新情况;发展,形成,开发,研制。
advice [əd'vais] n. ①劝告
【同】counsel, recommendation
advice of arrival
【习惯用语】①act on advice依劝告而行动②ask advice of向……征求意见,请教 ③by [on] sb.'s advice依某人劝告
advisable [əd'vaizəbl] a. 明智的;可取的
【同】wise, proper, advantageous
It is advisable to leave now. 你最好现在离开。
【考题精解】It’s_____that everyone should have a map.
A. advisable
B. preferable
C. inevitable
D. possible
【答案】A。advisable a. 明智的,可取的(如:It is advisable to leave now/that you leave now.注意:在这个结构中从句谓语用虚拟式)。preferable (to) a. 更好的,更可取的,更合意的。inevitable a. 不可避免的,必然发生的。possible a. 可能的。
advise [əd'vaiz] vt. ①建议,提意见
Be advised! 接受意见吧!
【同】counsel, recommend, suggest, propose
I shall act as your advise. 我将按你的忠告去做。
【同】inform, notify, report, announce
We are to advise you that the matter is under consideration. 此事已在讨论中,特此通知。
【习惯用语】①advise sb. of把……报告[通知]某人 ②advise with sb. on [about] sth. 同某人商量某事,就某事请教某人
【派】advised (ly), adviser, advisable, advisory
【词义辨析】advise, counsel和suggest
advise:根据自己的学识,经验或判断而提出的个人意见或建议,后可接不定式。常用短语:advise sb. to do建议某人做某事,advise sb. against劝某人别做某事。counsel:对重要问题予以正式的或具有权威性的咨询和评议,建议的内容常涉及公事或职业方面问题,并且观点是客观公正的,不带个人喜好。suggest:提出意见、计划、理论、假设等,供人参考,可接名词、动词或that从句。
【考题精解】As I felt so much better, my doctor______me to take a holiday by the sea.
A. proposed
B. agreed
C. approved
D. advised
【答案】D。advise vt. 建议,劝告;(商业术语)通知,告知(句型:advise sth.;advise sb. on/as to sth.;advise sb. to+动词原形/against+动词ing形式;advise that sb. do〈从句谓语用虚拟语气should+动词原形,should可省去,只用动词原形〉;advise sb. of sth.通知)。propose vt. 提议,建议;vi. 求婚(句型:propose sth.;propose to+动词原形/+动词ing形式;propose that sb. do〈从句谓语用虚拟语气should+动词原形,should可省去,只用动词原形〉;如:James Hill proposed to Mary and she accepted his proposal.)。agree vi. 同意(不能说agree sb. to+动词原形)。approve vt.赞成,同意(不能说approve sb. to+动词原形)。
adviser [əd'vaizə] n. 导师,顾问
advisory [əd'vaizəri] a. 咨询的,告诫的
advocate vt. ['ædvəkeit]
【同】uphold, support, favor, speak for, promote, push for
【同】defend, recommend publicly
n. 提倡者
【同】advocator, prophet, supporter
【派】advocator, advocacy
【长难例句】A survey of news stories in 1996 reveals that the antiscience tag has been attached to many other groups as well, from authorities who advocated the elimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpox virus to Republicans who advocated decreased funding for basic research.
【考题精解】There are not many teachers who are strong_____of traditional methods in English teaching.
A. sponsors
B. contributors
C. advocates
D. performers
【答案】C。advocate (of) n. 倡导者,拥护者;辩护人,律师 (an advocate of free trade)。sponsor (of) n. 发起者,主办者;资助者。contributor n. 捐助者;投稿者。performern. 表演者,演奏者;履行者,执行者。
aerobic [ɛə'rəubik] adj. 需氧的
aeroplane ['ɛərəplein] n. 飞机
【同】aircraft, airliner, jet, plane
by aeroplane乘飞机;用飞机
aeroplane carrier航空母舰
aeroplane spotting校射机
aesthetic/esthetic [iːs'θetɪk] a. ①美学的,审美的
afebrile [ei'fiːbrəl] adj. 无热的
affair [ə'fɛə(r)] n. 事情,事件;(pl.) 事务
【同】matter, case, business, event, incident
【习惯用语】①carry on [have] an affair with sb.与某人有不正当的男女关系 ②love affair恋爱事件;风流韵事 ③mind one's own affairs [business] 少管闲事
【词义辨析】affair, business和matter
affect [ə'fekt] vt. ①影响
Smoking affects health.
【同】impress, move, strike, touch
deeply affected by the news
【同】infect, catch
【长难例句1】Symposium talks will cover a wide range of subjects from overfishing to physical and environment factors that affect the populations of different species.
【长难例句2】And should one country take upon itself the role of “defending competition” on issues that affect many other nations, as in the U.S. vs. Microsoft case?
【考题精解】We are interested in the weather because it_____us so directly what we wear,what we do, and even how we feel.
A. benefits
B. affects
C. guides
D. relates
【答案】B。affect vt. 影响。benefit vt. 有益于。guide vt. 指导;给……领路。relate vt. 使相互关联;叙述,讲述。
affection [ə'fekʃn] n. 爱,感情
【同】attachment, fondness, love, feeling, passion, tenderness, influence, impact, reaction, response
【反】hostility, hatred
【习惯用语】①gain [win] sb.'s affection得到某人的爱 ②have an affection for [towards]深爱着
【派】affectionate (ly)
【考题精解】She had a great_____for the toxin where she grew up.
A. feeling
B. taste
C. emotion
D. affection
【答案】D。affection (for) n. 爱,深挚的感情(注:如果前面有形容词修饰可加不定冠词:A feeling of affection grew up between them. He thanked her with genuine affection. He had a warm affection for his mother.)。feeling n. 感情(中性名词,常有形容词修饰才能说明具体的感情)。taste(for) n. 口味,鉴赏力( have a taste for sth. 能欣赏……)。emotion n. 情感,情绪(没有have an emotion for sth.的句型)。
afferent ['æfərənt] adj. 传入的;传导的,向心的
affinity [ə'finəti] n. 喜好,亲和力;密切关系
affiliate [ə'filieit] v. 使隶属;隶属
【真题链接】The company that Joan works for is_____with an automotive company, so she can get a discount on a new car.(2014年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. correlated
B. parallel
C. affiliated
D. accounted
【答案】C。本题考查固定搭配。A有相互关系的;B使与……平行;C附属的,有关联的;D解释,认为。句意为:琼工作的公司隶属于一家汽车公司,所以她可以得到一辆新车。此处“be affiliated with”为固定搭配,意思“隶属于……”,故此处答案为C。
affirm [ə'fəːm] vt. ①断言,肯定
【同】declare, assert, confirm
【同】agree to, authorize
【真题链接】The Supreme Court_____the judgment of the lower court in that case last week. (2009年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. amplified
B. affirmed
C. ascended
D. applauded
【答案】B。四个选项的意思分别是:amplified放大;affirmed认可,批准(法律,判决);ascended上升,攀登;applauded鼓掌,赞同。所以正确答案是B选项。如:The ministry affirmed that the visit had been postponed.(部里证实访问已延期。)
afflict [ə'flikt] v. 使苦恼,折磨
affluent ['æfluənt] a. 富裕的,富足的
【同】rich, wealthy, well off
afford [ə'fɔːd] vt. 买得起,花得起(时间);提供
【同】manage to buy, furnish, provide, offer
The transaction afforded him a good profit.
【考题精解】I can't _____to have a holiday abroad on my salary.
A. spend
B. spare
C. afford
D. stand
【答案】C。afford vt.(一般与can/could搭配)买得起,花得起,担负得起,做得起(句型:afford sth./+动词ing形式;afford to+动词原形)。spend vt. 花(钱、时间)(句型:spend money on/for sth.;spend money on/in+动词ing形式;spend time on sth.;spend time/n. +动词ing形式)。spare vt. 节约,吝惜;省出,抽出(时间);饶恕,不伤害。stand vt.(用于否定句)经受,容忍(后面不跟不定式)。
afraid [ə'freid] a. ①害怕的
【同】fearful, frightened, scared, terrified
【反】bold, brave, courageous, fearless
be afraid of dogs怕狗
He was afraid that he would lose. 他担心会输。
I am afraid you are wrong about that.
【习惯用语】①be afraid of害怕,担心②I'm afraid [口]大概,恐怕,担心;对不起(因为要说不受欢迎的话而用的客套语)
Africa ['æfrikə] n. 非洲
African ['æfrikən] a. 非洲的,非洲人的n. 非洲人
after ['ɑːftə(r)] prep./conj.
after dinner饭后
one after another一个接一个
Please read after me. 请跟我读。
a man after my own heart与我心思一致的人
【同】following, behind
ad. 以后,后来
【同】afterwards, later
【反】previously, before
【习惯用语】after all ①终究;毕竟It has turned out to be a nice day after all.天气终于转晴了。②记着;记住I know he hasn't finished, but, after all, he is very busy. 我知道他没有做完,不过要知道,他太忙了。③尽管After all my care in packing it, many of the ceramics arrived broken.尽管我包得非常小心,瓷器运到时还是坏了许多。
【考题精解】The bridge was named_____the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.
A. by
B. with
C. after
D. from
【答案】C。name (sb./sth.) after/for以……的名字给……取名(不与其他三个介词搭配)。
afterward ['ɑːftəwəd] ad. 后来,以后
【同】after, later, subsequently
We saw the film and afterwards walked home together. 我们看完电影后一起走回了家。
again [ə'ɡein,ə'ɡen] ad. ①再;又;再一次
【同】once more
try again再试一次
I might, and again I might not.
【习惯用语】now and again有时
against [ə'ɡeinst,ə'ɡenst] prep. 对着,靠着;反对;和……比
【习惯用语】①as against与……比较 ②be against (sth.)违反,无视,不顾 ③dead/set against [口]断然反对,正对着
【长难例句】One more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that, unlike the rises in the 1970s, it has not occurred against the background of general commodity-price inflation and global excess demand.
【考题精解】He felt it rather difficult to take a stand_____the opinion of the majority.
A. for
B. against
C. to
D. by
【答案】B。take a stand for/against sth.对……表明支持/反对态度(注:take a stand后面不跟to/by sth.)
【真题链接】Any business needs insurance_____ordinary risks such as fire,flood and breakage.(2007年中国科学院考博试题)
A. in
B. against
C. on
D. of
age [eidʒ] n. ①年龄
【同】era, period, time
v. ①(使)变老,(使)老化
【同】decline, mature, ripen
【派】aged, ageless
aged ['eidʒid] a. 年老的,陈年的
The sick and the aged need our help.
aggregate ['æɡriɡət] vt. 人口(数)达到……,聚集 vi. 聚集 a. 聚集的 n. ①聚集物②总数,合计③拌水泥用的粒料
aggression ['əɡreʃən] n. ①(无理的)争斗,战争 ②侵略
【同】attack, assault, invasion, offense
aggravate ['æɡrəveit] vt. ①加重,加剧,使恶化 ②激怒,使恼火
【真题链接】The continuous unrest was_____the nation's economy.(2004年上海理工大学考博试题)
A. exaggerating
B. aggravating
C. amending
D. fastening
【答案】B。本题是说“持续动荡的局面使国家的经济愈加恶化”。B项的“aggravate使恶化,加重”符合题意。如:Grief aggravated her illness.(痛苦加重了她的病情)。其他三项“exaggerate夸张,夸大;amend修改,修订,订正,改进,改善;fasten扎牢,集中于,加强”都不正确。
aggressive ['əɡresiv] a. ①侵略性的;攻击性的
【同】invasive, hostile, offensive
aggressive weapons攻击性武器
【同】ambitious, enterprising
【长难例句】It identifies the undertreatment of pain and the aggressive use of “ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying” as the twin problems of end-of-life care.
【考题精解】Animals can become unusually_____when they are upset by a sudden environmental change.
A. vigorous
B. predominant
C. aggressive
D. irritable
【答案】C。aggressive a. 侵略的;好斗的;敢作敢为的;有进取心的。vigorous a. 有力的,用力的;精力充沛的。predominant a. 占主导地位的;显著的。irritable a. 易生气的,不耐烦的,烦躁的。
【真题链接】International sport should create goodwill between the nations, but in the present organization of the Olympics somehow encourages_____patriotism.(2004年中国人民大学考博试题)
A. obsolete
B. aggressive
C. harmonious
D. amiable
agile ['ædʒail] a. 敏捷的,灵活的
agitate ['ædʒiteit] v. ①使激动,使焦虑,②搅动,煽动
ago [ə'ɡəu] ad. 以前
【同】before, earlier, in the past
She left 30 minutes ago. 她30分钟前离开了。
【习惯用语】①long ago很久以前,从前②some time ago不久前 ③a while ago刚才
agony ['æɡəni] n. 痛苦,创痛
【同】distress, misery, pain, suffering
【反】enjoyment, happiness
【词义辨析】agony, misery和distress
agree [ə'ɡriː] v. ①同意;赞成;答应
【同】approve, consent, permit, accord, conform, decide on
【反】protest, differ, disagree
She agreed to my idea. 她同意我的想法。
We agree on this count.
【习惯用语】①agree like cats and dogs [like pickpockets in a fair] 水火不相容 ②agree on [upon] 对……达成协议;对……取得一致意见③agree to sth. 同意某事
【派】disagreeable, agreeably, disagreement
agreeable [ə'ɡriːəbl] a. ①令人愉快的
【同】pleasant, enjoyable, pleasing, favorable
agriculture ['æɡrikʌltʃə] n. 农业
ague ['eiɡjuː] n. 疟疾
ahead [ə'hed] ad. 在前,向前,提前
【同】beforehand, before, forward, earlier
Walk straight ahead until you reach the river.
【习惯用语】①ahead of在……之前;超过Our company is ahead of other makers of spare parts for the airplane. 我们公司制造的飞机零部件比别家的好。 ②get ahead胜过,超过
aid [eid] n. ①帮助;援助
【同】assistance, help, supporter, rescue, assist, back, help, favor, save
【反】obstruct, interrupt
first aid急救
An English-Chinese Dictionary is an important aid in learning the English.
【习惯用语】①aid and abet [律] 帮助,同谋,教唆(常指犯罪行为)②by [with] the aid of借助于,通过……的帮助 ③come [go] to sb.'s aid前来[去]援助某人
【长难例句】Help will come from the UN, but the aid will be nowhere near what's needed.
【词义辨析】aid, help和assist
aim [eim] v. 旨在,志在;瞄准,对准
【同】intend, attempt, point, direct, steer
n. 目标,目的;瞄准
【同】end, goal, objective, target, ambition, pointing, focusing
【派】aimless (ly)
【习惯用语】①aim at向……瞄准;旨在,针对;志在 ②aim high胸怀大志;力争上游③cry aim喝彩助威;予以鼓励
air [ɛə(r)] n. 空气;天空;神气
【同】atmosphere, attitude, look, manner, carriage
v. 使通风;晾干
【派】airless, airy, airily
n. 空调设备,空调系统
aircraft ['ɛəkrɑːft] n. 飞机,飞行器
【同】airliner, airplane, jet plane
airfield ['ɛəfiːld] n. 飞机场
airline ['ɛəlain] n. ①航线;两点间的直线
【同】airline company
airliner ['ɛəlainə] n. 客机,班机
commercial airliner商务班机
commuter airliner长期票乘客班机,短途班机
airplane ['ɛəplein] n.飞机
airport ['ɛəpɔːt] n. 机场,航空港
aisle [ail] n. 走廊,通道
【同】passageway, opening
alarm [ə'lɑːm] n. 警报,警铃;惊恐
【同】dread, panic, fright, horror, terror, warning, caution
【反】comfort, security, safety
v. 向……报警;使惊慌
【同】frighten, panic, scare, shock, terrify, warn
【反】relieve, comfort
【习惯用语】①alarms and excursions喧闹和忙乱;紧张和骚乱 ②be alarmed at被……吓一跳 ③be alarmed for (the safety of) 放心不下,担心(……的安全)
【词义辨析】alarm, frighten, scare和terrify alarm:指由于某种可能发生的危险而使人惊恐、慌乱和担忧。frighten:指对某种刺激短暂的心理,也可指满心恐惧的心理状态。一般有使人身体或意志受到影响的效应。scare:比frighten语气更强烈,而且可用于较正式场合,指令人胆怯、颤抖或逃跑的恐惧。terrify:语气更强烈,指剧烈的恐惧和焦虑,使人无法自我控制,可形容为令人“魂飞魄散”。
【考题精解】The moment someone broke into the factory, a burglar_____rang in the police station.
A. alarm
B. warning
C. bell
D. threat
【答案】A。alarm n. 报警器;惊恐。warning n. 警告。bell n. 铃。threat n. 威胁。
album ['ælbəm] n. 相片册,邮票簿
【同】photo collection, stamp book
alcohol ['ælkəhɔl] n. 酒精,乙醇
【同】liquor, spirits, wine
【派】alcoholic, alcoholize
alert [ə'ləːt] a. ①机警的,警觉的
【同】attentive, observant
【同】clever, lively, nimble
【同】watchful, prompt, nimble, lively
vt. 使警觉
【考题精解】The doctor_____me to the danger of not getting enough sleep.
A. warned
B. advised
C. reminded
D. alerted
【答案】D。alert (to) vt. 警告,使警惕(如:This alerted us to a new danger of aggression. We must alert the nation to the need to solve these problems.)。warn (of/against) vt. 警告,告诫(句型:warn sb. of/against danger/that there is danger;warn sb. not to+动词原形)。advise vt. 劝告,建议(句型:advise sb. on sth./to+动词原形/advise that sb. do sth.)。remind vt. 提醒,使想起(句型:remind sb. of sth./to+动词原形;remind sb. that…)
alga ['ælɡə] n. 海藻,水藻
alien ['eiliən] a. ①外国(人)的,异己的
【同】foreign, unfamiliar, unknown
n. 外国人,外来人,外侨
【派】alienate, alienation
【长难例句】There exists a social and cultural disconnect between journalists and their readers, which helps explain why the“standard templates”of the newsroom seem alien to many readers.
alike [ə'laik] a. 同样的,相像的
【同】matching, similar, resembling
【反】unlike, different, dissimilar
The two sisters are very alike. 这两姐妹非常相像。
【词义辨析】alike, like和similar
alike:指彼此在外貌、性格、做事方法等方面完全相像,仅作表语,可由much, very much, exactly, somewhat等副词修饰。like:指在很多方面相似,可作定语和表语,作表语时可用very修饰。similar指部分或大部分相似,可作定语或表语。
ad. 同样地,相似地。
【考题精解】The twins are so much_____that it is difficult to tell one from the other.
A. similar
B. same
C. like
D. alike
【答案】D。alike a. 同样的,相像的(只作表语)。similar (to) a. 类似,相似。same a. 相同的,一样的(必须与定冠词连用)。like a. 相像的,相同的(作表语或定语)。
alive [ə'laiv] a. ①活的,活着的
【同】living, existing
【反】dead, nonexistent
The fish we caught is still alive.
【同】active, lively, energetic
【反】inactive, dull, lifeless
Although old she is still very much alive.
The argument was kept alive by the politicians.政治家们还在继续争论那件事。
【习惯用语】alive with充满……的The dead tree is alive with insects. 这棵枯树上爬满了昆虫。
【词义辨析】alive, living和live
【考题精解】The park was_____with people doing all sorts of recreational activities.
A. live
B. alive
C. lively
D. vigorous
【答案】B。alive (with) a.(常指某个地方充满着人或生物或活动等因而显得)活跃的,有活力的,充满(生气的),到处是(如:The streets were alive with people. The lake was alive with fish. The place was alive with music.)。live a.(一般作定语)活的,有生命的,活生生存在的(不是假想的)。lively a.活泼的,充满活力的(作表语或定语,后面不跟with)。vigorous a. 有力的,用力的;精力充沛的(表语或定语,修饰人或活动)。
all [ɔːl] a. 全部的,所有的
【同】complete, full, entire, total, whole, extreme
pron. 全部,一切;大家
ad. 完全地,很,都
【同】totally, purely, utterly
allegation ['æli'ɡeiʃən] n. 断言,主张,见解
【同】assertion, claim, statement
allege [ə'ledʒ] vt. 断言,声称,宣称
【同】assert, declare, state, maintain
alley ['æli] n. ①小巷,胡同
【同】path, street
alleviate [ə'liːvieit] vt. 减轻,缓解,缓和
【同】abate, ease, lessen
【真题链接 1】The doctor promised that this medicine would_____the pain in the stomach.(2009年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. affirmed
B. agitated
C. alleviate
D. allocate
【答案】C。四个选项的意思分别是:affirmed断言,肯定;agitated使激动的,使不安的;alleviate减轻,使(痛苦,疾病)缓和;allocate分配,拨出。根据句子意思可知,正确答案是C选项。如:What good method can alleviate hypoglycemia low blood pressure?(有什么好方法能缓解低血糖低血压?)
【真题链接 2】Though this apparatus is expensive, the patient agreed to use it after the operation because it could_____the pain.(2004年武汉大学考博试题)
A. assess
B. alleviate
C. avenge
D. affirm
【答案】B。本题意为“尽管这种医疗器械很贵,但病人同意手术后使用它,因为它能减轻痛苦”。alleviate的意思是“减轻”,符合题意。如:Heat often alleviates pain.(热常常能减缓疼痛)。其他三项“assess对……进行估价,评价;avenge替……报仇;affirm断言,证实;批准”都不正确。
【真题链接 3】The medicine_____his pain but did not cure his illness. (2015年北京航空大学考博试题)
A. activated
B. alleviated
C. deteriorated
D. mediated
alliance [ə'laiəns] n. 结盟,联盟,联姻
【同】association, union, merger, combination, marriage, coupling, wedding
【反】disunion, separation, divorce
【词义辨析】alliance, league和union
【考题精解】England and France formed a (n)_____against Germany in the Second World War.
A. union
B. alliance
C. entity
D. solidarity
【答案】B。alliance (with/against) n. 结盟,联盟;联姻(如:They are in alliance with each other. The American colonies joined in an alliance against the British.)。union n. 结合,联合;合并;团结,一致。entity n. 实体,独立存在体;实际存在物。solidarity n.(政治上的)团结一致。
allied ['əlaid] a. 联合的,同盟的,联姻的
【同】associated, linked, united, wed
alliteration [ə'litə'reiʃən] n. 头韵
allocate ['æləkeit] vt. 分配,分派,派给,拨给
【同】distribute, assign, appoint, designate
allow [ə'lau] v. 允许,准许
【同】approve, entitle, let, permit, acknowledge, admit, confess, give, grant, take into consideration
【反】disallow, disapprove, forbid, prohibit, ban, bar
【习惯用语】①allow for估计到,考虑到;对……留有余地;体谅 ②allow of容许;许可
【派】allowable, allowance, disallow
【词义辨析】allow, permit
【真题链接】It will take us twenty minutes to go to the railway station,_____traffic delays.(2017年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. acknowledging
B. affording
C. allowing for
D. accounting for
allowance [ə'lauəns] n. ①补贴,津贴
【同】stipend, money, bonus
【同】admission, approval, consent
【同】distribute, budget, assign
【考题精解】The boy had certainly done wrong,but his father made_____for his youth.
A. allowances
B. excuses
C. pleas
D. accounts
【答案】A。make allowances for考虑到,顾及;体谅,原谅(如:We make allowances for her rudeness. If there is friction between them, each should make allowances for the other.)。excuse n.理由,借口(句型:make an excuse to+动词原形借口要;make excuses to sth.为……找理由;in excuse of作为……的借口)。plea n.(多作单数用)借口,托词(句型:on the plea of借口……,不能说make pleas for)。account n.叙述,说明(句型:give an account of解释……(理由);叙说……;take account of/take sth. into account考虑,把……考虑进去;不能说make accounts for)。
alloy ['ælɔi] n. 合金
ally ['ælai] n. ①同盟者
【同】associate, supporter, colleague
【同】companion, partner
【同】same kind
【考题精解】The small country_____itself with the stronger power for protection.
A. attached
B. allied
C. geared
D. adapted
【答案】B。ally (with) vt. 使结盟(如:Britain has been allied with Portugal for many centuries. Will the workers of the factories ally against the big employers?)。attach (to) vt. 使附属,使依恋。gear (to) vt. 使适应,使适合。adapt (to) v.(使)适应,(使)适合。
almost ['ɔːlməust] ad. 几乎,差不多
【同】nearly, roughly, practically, approximately Hurry up — it's almost time for school.
almost与动词、副词、形容词或名词连用时可与nearly通用。almost可后接no, none, nothing, never等表示否定意义的词,nearly则不可,在英国可用hardly, any/ scarcely, any等代替almost no/none/nothing。almost不可被not修饰,nearly可被not修饰,作“远非”解。在表示时间、空间、距离、程度等方面nearly表示的差距比almost大。在具体数字前用nearly比用almost更普通。在more than, too之前用almost,不用nearly。
alone [ə'ləun] a. 单独的,孤独的
【同】isolated, deserted, unaccompanied, only, sole
ad. 单独地,独自地;仅仅
【同】by oneself, just, merely
He alone knows the secret. 只有他一人知道这个秘密。
【习惯用语】①all alone独自一人,孤零零地②leave sb./sth. alone(=let sb./sth. alone) 听其自然,不要去管,让某人独自留在那 ③leave severely alone绝对不理,严格不介入;敬而远之;不再打交道,不再去干
along [ə'lɔŋ] prep. 沿着
ad. 向前;一起
【同】ahead, forward, forth, onward
【习惯用语】①all along始终;一直I knew the truth all along. 真相我始终是清楚的。②along with与……一道
Along with the letters there are answers written by people who are supposed to know how to solve such problems. 与这些读者来信一起还刊登对这些问题的回答,由那些被认为能够解决这些问题的人来撰写。
alongside [ə'lɔŋ'said] prep. ①在……旁边,沿着……的边
【同】beside, by, next to, along the side of
【同】along with, together with
ad. 在旁边,并排地
【同】parallel to, shoulder to shoulder
aloud [ə'laud] ad. 出声地,大声地
【同】loudly, audibly, noisily
【反】quietly, silently
【习惯用语】think aloud自言自语
【词义辨析】aloud, loud和loudly
aloud:指从不出声到出声,别人能听得见。aloud与cry, shout等动词连用时,意为“大声地”。loud :可与loudly通用,loudly比loud正式些,用在动词前面或后面均可。
alphabet ['ælfəbet] n. 字母表
【长难例句】Robert Fulton once wrote, “The mechanic should sit down among levers, screws, wedges, wheels, etc, like a poet among the letters of the alphabet, considering them as an exhibition of his thoughts, in which a new arrangement transmits a new idea”.
already [ɔːl'redi] ad. 已经,早已
【同】by now, beforehand, previously
【反】not yet
She had already left when I arrived.
also ['ɔːlsəu] ad. 也;同样地
【同】too, likewise, as well as, furthermore, besides
We also went to see the film. 我们也去看了电影。
【习惯用语】as also同样(也),照样(又)
alter ['ɔːltə] v. ①改变;变更
【同】adjust, change, convert, modify, transform, remodel, refashion, vary
These clothes are too large;they must be altered.这些衣服太大,得修改。
【派】alterable, alteration
【词义辨析】alter, change, convert, modify和vary。alter:可指重大的改变,但比change更为正式。change:意为“变化,改变”,普通用词,含义和用途最广,基本可涵盖其余几个词,但它通常指本质的变化,甚至失去本身性质,有时也指一种东西替换了另一种。常用词组:change from sth. to/ into sth.……变成……。convert:意为“把……转(改)变换为/转而使用”,指从一种状态或情况转变为另一种状态或情况,尤其指对事物进行改变后,使其适应新的功能、用途。涉及态度或信仰时,表示大的转变。modify:表示其有一定限制或限定变化。这个词也有“缓和”(严重情况)、调节及降低之意。vary:指由于变化(如更替、移动、生长等)而产生的一个或一系列的差别,有时指违背常规或惯例,暗含并非简单、雷同、模仿的反复。
【考题精解】She had to_____her dress because she had lost weight.
A. change
B. modify
C. alter
D. shrink
【答案】C。alter v. 改变,变更(如:His feature had not altered. Nothing can alter the facts. If your new coat is too large,the tailor can alter it to fit you.)(衣服由大改小)。change vt. 改变,更改;换。modify vt.(稍加)修改,更改,改进(计划、设计、立场、态度、观点、看法等)。shrink vi. 收缩;起皱;退缩,畏缩。
alternate [ɔːl'təːnət] v.(使)交替,(使)轮流a. ①交替的,轮流的
【同】interchange, reciprocal
【派】alternation, alternative
alternative [ɔːl'təːnətiv] a. ①两者选一的
【同】choice, option, selection
n. ①两者选一
【考题精解】When travelling, you are advised to take travellers’ checks, which provide a secure_____to carrying your money in cash.
A. substitute
B. replacement
C. preference
D. alternative
【答案】D。alternative (to) n. 取舍,抉择;供选择的东西,替代办法(如:You have the alternative of fighting or being taken prisoner. The alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting.<常考句型>One has no alternative but to/There is no alternative for one but to fight.)。substitute (for) n. 代用品,代替者。replacement (of) n. 替代,替换;替代的人或物。preference (for/to) n.偏爱,更喜爱;优先(权)(have a preference for sth.;choose A in preference to B)。
【真题链接 1】Many people proposed that a national committee be formed to discuss_____to existing mass transit systems.(2003年中国科学院考博试题)
A. substitutes
B. measures
C. duplicates
D. alternatives
【答案】D。本题空格处是说,讨论替代现有的大规模的运输系统。四个选项中,alternatives的意思是“代替物或方式”,常与to搭配,如:I wanted to go out, but I had no money. I had no alternative to staying at home. ( I have no alternative but to stay at home. 我想出去,可是没钱,只能待在家里。)substitutes的意思是“代替,替代”,常与for搭配;measures的意思是“措施”,常与to搭配;duplicates的意思是“复制品”,常与of搭配。只有D项符合题意。
【真题链接 2】Knowing that the cruel criminal has done a lot of unlawful things, I feel sure that I have no_____but to report him to the local police.(2002年3月中国科学院考博试题)
A. time
B. chance
C. authority
D. alternative
【答案】D。本题空格处是说只能向当地警察局报告,没有其他选择。D项的“alternative选择”符合题意,如:There was no other alternative but to fight till the victory.(除了战斗到胜利外别无选择)。其他三项“authority权威性,决定权;time时间;chance机会”都不正确。
【真题链接 3】When traveling, you are advised to take traveler's checks, which provide a secure_____to carrying your money in cash. (2010年厦门大学考博试题)
A. substitute
B. selection
C. preference
D. alternative
【真题链接 4】Under ethical guideline recently adopted by the National Institutes of Health, human genes are to be manipulated only to correct disease for which_____treatments are unsatisfactory.(2014年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. similar
B. dangerous
C. uncommon
D. alternative
although [ɔːl'ðou] conj. 虽然,尽管
Although they are poor they are happy.
altitude ['æltitjuːd] n. ①高度
【同】elevation, height
③(pl.) 高处
altogether ['ɔːltə'ɡeðə] ad. ①完全地;全然
【同】completely, entirely, fully, thoroughly, wholly
He's not altogether sure what to do.
【同】in all, generally, anyway, anyhow
Altogether there were 18 people in the bus.
【习惯用语】for altogether永久地;一劳永逸地
【考题精解】The project is not_____a failure.It is a success in some respect.
A. altogether
B. likely
C. possibly
D. inevitably
【答案】A。not altogether并非完全(如:It's not altogether impossible. She wasn't altogether pleased with her choice. I don't altogether agree with him.)。likely ad. 很可能;a. 可能的,有希望的(句型:sb. is likely to+动词原形;it is likely that sb. will do sth.;a likely place;不能说likely a place)。possibly ad. 可能,也许。inevitably ad. 不可避免地,必然地。
aluminium/aluminum ['ælju'miniəm] n. 铝
always ['ɔːlweiz] ①总是
【同】all the time, constantly, continually, invariably
He always comes late. 他总是迟到。
【同】everlastingly, forever, permanently, endlessly
【反】never, temporarily
I shall always remember my first day at school.
amateur ['æmətə] a. 业余的,外行的
【同】inexperienced, nonprofessional
n. 业余爱好者
【反】master, expert
Only amateurs may complete in the Olympic Games. 只有业余运动员才能参加奥运会比赛。
【长难例句1】As a logical consequence of this development, separate journals have now appeared aimed mainly towards either professional or amateur readership.
【长难例句2】No clear-cut distinction can be drawn between professionals and amateurs in science: exceptions can be found to any rule. Nevertheless, the word “amateur” does carry a connotation that the person concerned is not fully integrated into the scientific community and, in particular, may not fully share its values.
【考题精解】_____are not allowed to play in most professional golf tournaments.
A. Amateurs
B. Laymen
C. Fencers
D. Boxers
【答案】A。amateur n.(科学、艺术、体育等方面的)业余爱好者(如:Our actors are amateurs.)。layman n. 门外汉,外行。fencer n. 击剑者。boxer n. 拳师。
amaze [ə'meiz] v. 使惊奇,使惊叹
【同】astonish, surprise, astound
Her knowledge amazes me. 她的学识令我吃惊。
【习惯用语】①be amazed at (by) 对……大为惊奇 ②be amazed to see [hear, find] 看到[听到,发现] 对……感到吃惊
【词义辨析】amaze, astonish和surprise
【考题精解】All of us were_____that the old man could walk on his hands.
A. shocked
B. amazed
C. frightened
D. pleased
【答案】B。amaze vt. 使大为惊奇,使惊愕(注意:引起惊愕的事可以是坏事,也可以是好事,如:Your attitude simply amazes me. We were amazed at mans first landing on the moon.)。shock vt. 使震惊(注:引起shock的事物一般都是指突然发生的、不好的东西)。frighten vt.使惊恐,吓唬。please vt. 使高兴,使满意,合……的心意。
ambassador [æm'bæsədə] n. 大使,专使
【同】diplomat, minister, representative
【考题精解】George Bush, once U.S._____to China, became President in 1988.
A. deputy
B. ambassador
C. representative
D. envoy
【答案】B。ambassador n. 大使。deputy n. 代表,代理人;副职,副手。representative n.代表,代理人。envoy n. 使节,公使,使者(注:如果没有ambassador一词,envoy也可表达同一意思)。
ambiguous [æm'biɡjuəs] a. 模棱两可的,有两种(或多种)解释的
【同】vague, unclear, indefinite, confusing
【反】specific, clear, definite, certain
【词义辨析】ambiguous, obscure和vague ambiguous:对同一表达方式有两种或两种以上的解释,但无法推断是其中的哪一种。obscure:指物体或观点不清晰、不明确,往往难以理解或无法看清。vague:由于光线暗淡而造成轮廓不清;指事物过于笼统无法表述清楚,用来描述故意被人说得模棱两可的事物。
【真题链接 1】I don't know how to interpret her remark. I think it was deliberately_____.(2003年上海交通大学考博试题)
A. distinct
B. ambiguous
C. suspicious
D. invisible
【答案】B。本题是说“我不知道怎样翻译她的评论,我想那是故意含糊其辞的”。B项的“ambiguous暧昧的,不明确的”符合题意。如:This is an ambiguous sentence.(这是一个含意不清的句子)。其他三项“distinct清楚的;suspicious可疑的;invisible看不见的”都不正确。
【真题链接 2】His_____directions confused us;we did not know which of the two roads to take.(2007年中国矿业大学考博试题)
A. intricate
B. arbitrary
C. complicated
D. ambiguous
ammunition ['æmju'niʃən] n. ①弹药,军火②武器,军事装备
ambition [æm'biʃən] n. ①野心;雄心;企图
【同】enterprise, desire, aim, goal, objective, target
be full of ambition野心勃勃
Her ambition was to be a famous singer.
【长难例句1】On the whole, ambitious students are much likely to succeed in their studies than those with little ambition.
【长难例句2】If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition — wealth, distinction, control over one's destiny must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition's behalf.
【考题精解】His_____had always been to become an architect.
A. career
B. ambition
C. idea
D. attempt
【答案】B。ambition n. 雄心;野心。career n. 职业;生涯。idea n. 主意,想法。attempt n. 企图,试图。
ambitious [æm'biʃəs] a. ①有雄心的,有抱负的,有野心的
【同】desirous, eager, hungry, longing
ambulance ['æmbjuləns] n. 救护车
【同】hospital vehicle
【考题精解】A (n)_____must have priority over other vehicles for it has an emergency to deal with.
A. car
B. bus
C. ambulance
D. truck
【答案】C。ambulance n. 救护车。
amend [ə'mend] vt. ①修改,修订
【同】change, edit, revise, rework
【同】correct, revise, improve
【词义辨析】amend, reform和revise
America [ə'merikə] n. 美洲,美国
American [ə'merikən] a. 美洲的,美国的,美国人的
n. 美国人
amiable ['eimiəbl] a. 和蔼可亲的,友好的
【真题链接】So_____was the mood of the meeting that an agreement was soon reached. (2003年复旦大学考博试题)
A. resentful
B. amiable
C. suffocating
D. gloomy
【答案】B。本题是说“会议的气氛如此友好,以至于协议很快就达成了”。B项的“amiable亲切的、和蔼的”符合题意。如:The foreign guests are always amiable to the host when they visit his house.(外宾来到主人家拜访时总是友好的。)其他三项“resentful愤慨的;suffocating令人窒息的;gloomy阴沉的、沉闷的”都不正确。
amid [ə'mid] prep. 在……中,在……当中
【同】among (st), between
among (st) [ə'mʌŋ(st)] prep. ①在……之中
【同】amid, between
They live among the mountains.
She is among my most welcome visitors.
ample ['æmpl] a. ①充分的,足够的,富足的
【同】enough, plentiful, sufficient, abundant
amplifier ['æmplifaiə] n. 扩音器,扬声器
amplify ['æmplifai] vt. ①扩大,加大
【同】enlarge, extend, develop
【反】condense, belittle, abridge
【派】amplification, amplifier
【同】dilate, elaborate, recount
【词义辨析】amplify, enlarge, expand和increase amplify:扩大不充足或不分明的东西,多指利用功率、电流和电压的增大来放大音量、信号等,也可作为正式用词,指通过补充细节来详细阐述和充实内容。enlarge:指该事物在某些局部或所有部分大小、体积、容量方面变大,也可引申为领域能力等抽象事物的扩展或增加,通常是由外力导致了这种扩展或增加。expand:可指尺寸、面积的伸展,也可指范围和体积的扩张,产生这种扩张的可以是外力也可以是内力。increase:指在数字、大小、总和、数量或强度的增长,作及物动词时,则可能表示循序渐进的持续增长,但在强调动作的原因或效果时,就不一定具备这种持续增长的意思。使用范围最广,可指尺寸、距离、范围、规模、价值、力量、强度等的增长。
amply ['æmpli] adv. 充足地,广阔地
amuse [ə'mjuːz] vt. ①使欢乐;逗……笑
【同】charm, cheer, delight, enliven, please, entertain
【反】bore, displease
His story amuses me. 他的故事使我发笑。
She amused herself by reading detective stories.她读侦探小说消遣。
【习惯用语】①be amused at [by, with]以……为乐;对……觉得有趣/好笑 ②amuse oneself with以……自娱
【派】amusement, amusing
【考题精解】The sailor_____the little boy by telling him an interesting story.
A. teased
B. tickled
C. amazed
D. amused
【答案】D。amuse vt. 给……提供娱乐,使高兴,使开心;逗乐,逗笑(如:A clown's job is to amuse the spectators. The children were amused at/by his jokes.)。tease vt. 开……的玩笑,取笑,逗弄。tickle vt.(用手指轻轻抚摸某人身体的某个部位使其发笑)逗痒痒,抓痒痒。amaze vt. 使大为惊奇,使惊愕。
analog/analogue ['ænəlɔɡ] n. 类似物,模拟
【同】simulation, parallel, counterpart
analogy [ə'nælədʒi] n. ①类似,相似
【同】likeness, resemblance, similarity
【同】conformity, agreement
【同】example, specimen, case
【同】analogy, symbol, picture
【派】analogize, analogous, analogist
analysis [ə'næləsis] n. ①分析;分解
【同】study, resolution, breakdown, separation
chemical analysis化学分析
【习惯用语】①high analysis (作定语用)(肥料)高成分的 ②in the final/last analysis总之,最终仍是;归根结底是 ③under analysis在精神分析治疗下
【长难例句】A safety analysis would have identified the target as a potential danger. Unfortunately, it was never done.
analyse/analyze ['ænəlaiz] vt. ①分析,分解
【同】resolve, discompose, break down
The scientist analyzed the milk and found it contained too much water.
【派】analytical, analyst
analytic (al) ['ænə'litik] a. ①分析的,分解的
【同】metaphysical, abstract
【同】diagnostic, perceptive
【同】methodical, systematic, regulated
analyst ['ænəlist] n. 分析者,善于分析者,化验员
【同】examiner, investigator
anarchy ['ænəki] n. ①无政府状态
【同】disorder, chaos, lawlessness
【派】anarchism, anarchist, anarchic, anarchically
ancestor ['ænsestə(r)] n. 祖先,祖宗
【同】forefather, forerunner, predecessor
My ancestors came from Italia.
【习惯用语】be one's own ancestor [罕]自己当始祖(指不靠父祖余荫,自立特殊功勋)
【词义辨析】ancestor, forefather和forebear ancestor:指人时即一个家族或民族的上代;也可指物,即由之发展而来的最初形式。forefather:常用复数,本词是文学用词,特别指男性祖先。forebear:本词是文学用词,通常用复数形式。
anchor ['æŋkə(r)] n. 锚(=ship hook)
vt. ①把……固定住
【同】fasten, attach
vi. ①固定
【同】secure, fix, fasten
ancient ['einʃənt] a. ①古代的
【同】old, aged, antique, old-fashioned
【反】modern, contemporary, current, fashionable ancient Rome古罗马
and [ənd] conj. ①和;及;并
Let's go and play basketball. 我们去打篮球吧。
She read for an hour and went to bed.
【习惯用语】and so forth等等
anecdote ['ænikdəut] n. 轶事,趣闻
angel ['eindʒəl] n. 天使;可爱的人
【习惯用语】①an evil/a fallen angel恶魔,凶神 ②a good/guardian angel吉神,守护神;保护人 ③be on the angel's side站在教会的一边,坚持传统的观点
anger ['æŋɡə(r)] n. 愤怒;怒气
【同】rage, offense
v. 发怒,激怒
【同】annoy, enrage, provoke
【反】charm, cheer, enliven, entertain, amuse Has his anger cooled yet? 他息怒了没有?
【习惯用语】①bluster oneself into anger勃然大怒 ②dare sb.'s anger不怕惹某人生气
③furious with anger狂怒
【派】angry, angrily
【词义辨析】anger, rage, fury和indignation
angle ['æŋɡl] n. ①角,角度
【同】perspective, position, outlook, viewpoint, standpoint
【同】slope, incline, angle, list
【同】slant, angle, distortion, bent
【同】position, station
v. ①捕鱼,诱捕
【同】trawl, hunt
【同】curvature, curve, arc, bow
【同】context, idea
angry ['æŋɡri] a. 愤怒的,生气的
【同】mad, enraged, furious
I came home late and my mother was angry.
【习惯用语】①be/get angry at/about sth. 因某事而生气 ②be/get angry with sb. 生某人的气③be/get angry at sb. for因……生某人的气
anguish ['æŋgwiʃ] n.(精神或肉体的)极度痛苦
ankle ['æŋkl] n. 踝,踝关节部
anniversary ['æni'vəːsəri] n. ①周年
We were married on 20 May 1964, so every year we have a party on our anniversary. 我们是1964年5月20日结婚的,因此我们每年在结婚周年纪念日都要办一个聚会。
【考题精解】October lst is the_____of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
A. day
B. date
C. anniversary
D. celebration
【答案】C。anniversary n. 周年纪念(日)。day n.(一)天;白天。date n. 日期;约会。celebration n. 庆祝。
announce [ə'nauns] vt. 宣布,宣告;通知
【同】declare, publish, state
【词义辨析】announce, assert, declare和proclaim announce:指公众或官方通过任何方式宣布的言论,尤其指首次宣布人们所关心或感到好奇的事。常用短语:announce…to the public向公众宣布……。assert:指公开、明确地宣称或公布某事,但含有证据不够充分而声明人依然断言或相信自己正确之意,还有“维护”之意。常用短语:assert one's rights维护自己的权威;assert oneself坚持自己的权利、维护自己的权威;assert sth. to be true断言某事是真实的。declare:用于正式场合,指清楚、有力或直率地断言,也可指正式、明确地宣布或声明某事的发生,一般也强调是权威性的言辞。常用短语:declare war/peace宣战/宣布和平;declare against (in favor of) sth. 声明反对(赞成)某事;declare oneself发表意见、表明态度。proclaim:用于正式场合,指借助一定的音响设备,口头向广大群众庄严地宣告一件大事情,也表示宣布经过考虑的、明确的决定或判断;有时引申为长久或鲁莽地广泛宣传。
【考题精解】The bright flowers and warm winds_____that spring had come.
A. threatened
B. announced
C. stated
D. pronounced
【答案】B。announce vt.(本义或比喻)宣告,宣布;预示,表示。threaten vt. 恐吓,预示……的征兆(一般指坏的情况即将到来)。state vt.陈述,说明。pronounce vt. 发音;宣布,宣判。
announcement [ə'naunsmənt]n.①布告,通告
【同】declaration, notice, poster
【同】statement, proclamation, declaration
annoy [ə'nɔi] vt. 使烦恼,使生气;打扰
【同】anger, enrage, upset, bother, disturb
annoy with生……的气
【习惯用语】be annoyed with sb. for/at sth. 对某人(为某事)而生气
【考题精解】The baby is always_____his sister by pulling her hair.
A. enraging
B. upsetting
C. annoying
D. frustrating
【答案】C。annoy vt. 使恼火,使烦恼;打扰。enrage vt. 使暴怒,使极为生气。upset vt. 使心烦意乱,使苦恼,使不适;打翻,弄翻。frustrate vt. 挫败,使受挫折;使灰心,使恼怒而又不知所措。
annual ['ænjuəl] a. 每年的,年度的
n. 年刊,年鉴
an annual event一年一度的活动
【习惯用语】hardy annual耐霜冻的一年生植物
anonymous [ə'nɔniməs] a. ①匿名的
【同】nameless, unknown
【真题链接 1】Some people believe that“King John” was written by Shakespeare, but some people think it might be written by an_____author.(2002年复旦大学考博试题)
A. delivered
B. anonymous
C. antique
D. ambiguous
【答案】B。本题空格处说,由不知名的作家所写。B项的“anonymous无名的,不公开姓名的”符合题意。如:an anonymous letter(匿名信)。其他三项“delivered在……交货的,包括运费在内的;antique古代的,古老的;ambiguous模棱两可的”都不正确。
【真题链接 2】Mrs. Green received an_____letter threatening to expose her private life if she refused to pay$10,000.(2010年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. anonymous
B. apparent
C. arbitrary
D. artificial
another [ə'nʌðə(r)] a. ①又一;另一
Have another one. 再来一个。
Would you like another orange?
【习惯用语】①Ask(me)another. [口]问点新鲜事儿!多此一问!别傻里傻气地!②like another普通、平常(的)③one after another相继地
answer ['ɑːnsə(r);(US)'ænsər] v. 回答,答复;响应
【同】reply, respond
n. ①回答;答复
I asked her the time but she gave no answer.
【习惯用语】①a dusty answer含糊的答复;不解决问题的回答 ②A soft answer turn away wrath. [谚]婉言可以释怒。(来自《圣经》)
③in answer to为了回答;为了响应;听/接到……后就……
【词义辨析】answer, reply和respond
answer:常指口头回答问题、答复争论或指责,或要求给予服务和注意。常用词组:answer back顶嘴,为某人辩护,in answer to回答,响应。reply:正式用语,指以书面形式答复,也指用行动回击,在辩论中回敬。除了后面带直接引语和that引导的宾语从句,一般只作不及物动词。常用作拟人化,常用词组:in reply to回答、答复。respond:通过口头或行动作出相关反应,并且常常是即刻或毫不犹豫地作出反应。
ant [ænt] n. 蚂蚁
【习惯用语】have ants in one's pants(因焦急、气愤等而)坐立不安
antenna [æn'tenə] n. ①天线
anticipate [æn'tisipeit] vi. 预料,期望;提前使用
【同】forecast, predict, expect, look forward to
【派】anticipation, anticipator, anticipative
【考题精解】People_____that vertical flight transports would carry millions of passengers as do the airliners of today.
A. convinced
B. anticipated
C. resolved
D. assured
【答案】B。anticipate vt. 预料,期望(句型:anticipate difficulties/meeting opposition;anticipate that…)。convince vt. 使确信,使信服(句型:convince sb. of sth./sb. that…;be convinced of/that…;〈美语〉convince sb. to do sth.)。resolve v.决心,决定;解决(困难),解答(问题)。assure vt. 使确信,使放心;向……保证(句型:assure sb. of/that…)。
【真题链接】When Ph. D candidates_____their impending professorships, they consider housing benefits offered by the prospective universities.(2002年中国社会科学院考博试题)
A. anticipate
B. assume
C. apply
D. demand
【答案】A。本题中,A项的“anticipate期望,预见”符合题意,如:We anticipate great pleasure from our visit to London.(我们期待伦敦之行过得非常愉快。)其他三项“assume假设;apply申请,应用;demand要求”都不正确。
antique [æn'tiːk] n. 古玩,古董
【派】antiquity, antiquated
anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti] n. 焦急,忧虑;渴望,热望
【同】care, concern, uneasiness, worry, eagerness, desire, thirst
anxiety for knowledge求知的渴望
【习惯用语】①be all anxiety担忧 ②feel no anxiety about对……不愁,不着急 ③give anxiety to使……担心
【词义辨析】annoyance, anxiety和concern
anxious ['æŋkʃəs] a. 忧虑的,担心的,渴望的
【同】concerned, uneasy, worried, desirous, eager,thirsty
He was anxious for her safety. 他担心她的安全。
We are anxious that he (should) do his bit.
【习惯用语】①be on the anxious seat [be kept on the anxious seat] 坐立不安,如坐针毡
②be anxious about忧虑,担心,害怕(结果)
③anxious for sth. 渴望有(得到)
【词义辨析】anxious, eager和keen
【考题精解】I’m_____to get the tickets for the show today, as there are hardly any left.
A. worried
B. curious
C. anxious
D. interested
【答案】C。anxious a. 渴望的,急切的;焦虑的,发愁的(如:I was anxious to see him. She was anxious for Laura to go. They are especially anxious that you should come. Dick was anxious for a bicycle.)。worried (about/over) a.(为……)发愁,着急。curious (about) a. 好奇的( be curious about / to know )。interested (in) a. 感兴趣的。
any ['eni] a.(否定、疑问、条件句中)什么;一些;任何的
pron. 无论哪个,无论哪些
You can buy sugar at any big store.
I haven't any money. 我一点儿钱也没有。
③(用于否定句)任何一种This isn't any ordinary fish. 这不是一种普通的鱼。
【习惯用语】in any case无论如何It's too late, in any case. 无论如何太晚了。
anybody ['enibɔdi] pron.(否定、疑问、条件句中)任何人;无论谁;(肯定句中)随便哪一个人
【习惯用语】anybody's guess不确定的事
anyhow ['enihau] ad. ①随便
put one's clothes on anyhow随便穿上衣服
It may rain, but anyhow I shall go out.
John's a good friend of mine. Well anyhow, I left for Mexico the next morning. 约翰是我的好朋友。但是,我明天早晨要去墨西哥了。
【习惯用语】all anyhow [美口] 草率,马虎,潦草The work was done all anyhow. 这项工作做得太草率。
【考题精解】Do you want me to do this in any particular way or with special care, or can I do it_____?
A. somehow
B. somewhat
C. sometime
D. anyhow
【答案】D。anyhow ad. 不论用何种方法,随便(怎么做);不管怎么说,无论如何(如:I could not get in anyhow. You can arrange them anyhow. We managed to get what we wanted anyhow.)。somehow ad. 以某种方式,用某种方法;不知怎么地。somewhat ad. 稍微,有点。sometime ad. 在过去或将来的)某个时候。
anyone ['eniwʌn] pron. 任何人
anything ['eniθiŋ] pron. (否定、疑问、条件句中)任何
Don't worry. It isn't anything.
【习惯用语】①anything but绝不;并不 ②I will do anything but go there. 我决不到那里去。③That's anything but true. 那绝不是真的。
anyway ['eniwei] ad. 无论如何;无论用什么方式
I shall go and see him anyway.
anywhere ['eniwɛə(r)] ad. ①在什么地方;在任何地方
Did you go anywhere yesterday?
You can go anywhere you like.
【习惯用语】①get anywhere [口](用于否定句)吃得开;取得进展,成功 ②if anywhere如果在哪儿能……的话 ③not / never go anywhere隐居
apart [ə'pɑːt] ad. ①分开;离开
【同】away from, separately, aside
The 2 buildings are 200 meters apart.
She tore the chicken apart and began to eat.
View each idea apart. 请单独审查每个办法。
【习惯用语】①fall apart土崩瓦解 ②far /wide apart离得很远 ③joking/jesting apart别说笑话;认真地说;说正经的
【考题精解】It is easy to take a watch_____,but difficult to put it back together.
A. apart
B. away
C. down
D. off
【答案】A。take sth. apart拆卸,拆开(反义短语:put the parts back together)。take…away把……拿走。take…down把……拿下来;拆卸,拆除(简易建筑物)。take…off脱下(衣服);减轻体重;打折扣。
apartment [ə'pɑːtmənt] n. 一套公寓房间
【同】flat, quarters, room
【习惯用语】①efficiency apartment有小厨房和卫生设备的小套公寓房间②garden apartment有大块草地或花园的公寓住宅
apologize/-ise [ə'pɔlədʒaiz] vi. 道歉,认错
I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.
【习惯用语】①apologize to sb.向某人道歉
②apologize to sb. for sth./for doing sth. 为某事(为做了某事)向某人道歉 ③apologize for oneself为自己辩解或辩护
【考题精解】I wish to meet you to_____for my rudeness on Saturday this week.
A. apologize
B. criticize
C. account
D. compensate
【答案】A。apologize (for) vi. 道歉,认错(如:I must apologize (to you) for calling so late.)。e
criticize (for) vt. 批评,批判;评论,评价。
account (for) vi. 解释,说明(原因)。compensate (for) v. 补偿,弥补,抵消。
apology [ə'pɔlədʒi] n. 道歉,认错
【同】excuse, pardon, regret, defense
【习惯用语】①an apology to sb. for sth. [for doing sth.] 为……向某人道歉 ②an apology for sth. 不像样的代替品 ③in apology for为……辩护
【考题精解】The child was told to make a (n)_____for being rude to his sister.
A. excuse
B. admission
C. confession
D. apology
【答案】D。apology n. 道歉,认错(make an apology to sb. for sth.;demand an apology from sb.)。excuse n. 借口,理由。admission n. 承认,供认(of);准许进入(某地方),准许加入(某组织)(to)。confession (of) n. 承认。
appalling [ə'pɔːliŋ] a. 骇人听闻的,令人震惊的,可怕的
【同】frightening, terrifying, scaring, horrifying, startling
apparatus ['æpə'reitəs] n. ①装置,器械②器具,设备
【同】device, tackle, appliance, equipment
apparent [ə'pærənt] a. ①明显的;显而易见的;明白的
【同】distinct, evident, obvious, plain, noticeable, seeming, superficial
【反】actual, hidden
It was apparent that he knew nothing about how to repair cars. 很明显,他一点儿也不知道怎样修理小汽车。
apparent cause表面原因
【考题精解】Sometimes the machine will go wrong without any_____cause.
A. actual
B. apparent
C. natural
D. excusable
【答案】B。apparent a. 明显的,显然的,显而易见的;表面上的,貌似(真实)的(如:It is apparent to the most casual eye. Their apparent grief soon turned to laughter.)。actual a. 实际的,事实的,真实的。natural a. 自然的,正常的;天然的;出于本性的。excusable a. 可以原谅的。
appeal [ə'piːl] vi. ①呼吁;恳求
【同】plea, request, attraction, ask, plead
The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府呼吁每个人节约用水。
She appeals to me. 我对她感兴趣。
to appeal for aid求助
【习惯用语】①appeal to向……呼吁,请求;投合……的心意;引起……的兴趣;诉诸(武力)②appeal to sb. for为……向某人呼吁,请求 ③have appeal有吸引力,引人入胜
【长难例句】Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal government's Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time consuming, and will work only in truly extreme cases.
【考题精解】Police have_____to the public to come forward with any information which might help them in their inquiries.
A. urged
B. claimed
C. called
D. appealed
【答案】D。appeal vi. 呼吁,请求(句型:appeal to sb. to+动词原形;appeal to sb. for sth.)。urge vt.敦促,力劝;驱策,鼓励(句型:urge sth.;urge sb. to+动词原形;urge that sb. do sth.)。claim vt.声称,主张;对……提出索取要求(句型:claim sth.;claim that…)。call vt. 号召,呼吁,要求(句型:call on sb. to+动词原形)。
【真题链接】It's a program designed to_____mainly to 16 to 25 year olds. (2014年厦门大学考博试题)
A. include
B. appreciate
C. appeal
D. conduct
appear [ə'piə(r)] vi. ①出现
【同】emerge, arise, come into view/sight, seem, look as if
The sun appeared on the horizon.
She appears very tired. 她显得很疲劳。
My new book will be appearing in the shops next month. 我的新书下月就可在书店出售。
【习惯用语】①as it appears似乎 ②It appears to me that…据我看来,我觉得
③appear for替……出庭
【派】apparent, apparently, disappear, disappearance
【词义辨析】appear, arise和emerge
appearance [ə'piərəns] n. ①出现;露面
【同】showing, emergence, presence, look, figure, outline, framework
His sudden appearance surprised her.
He had an unhealthy appearance.
Don't judge people by their appearances. 不能以貌取人。
【习惯用语】①keep up an appearance讲排场;装阔气 ②put in an appearance (at) 短时间露一下面 (=make an appearance)
【长难例句】Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance, with more and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect, and then by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued.
【真题链接 1】Alternatively, it can be presented by a careful arrangement of objective facts, where psychological development is described purely in terms of behavior, and where the reader's subjective response is elicited by the minute descriptions of physical reality, as in the greatest Chinese novels like The Dream of the Red Chamber, which convince the reader that through the novel he is seeing reality itself rather than an artfully contrived semblance of reality. (2013年社科院考博试题)
A. appearance
B. criticism
C. occurrence
D. contrast
【真题链接 2】In the early 20th century, at the advent of the telephone, it was considered a superfluous instrument which would never be of practical use in the average household.(2003年中国社会科学院考博试题)
A. appearance
B. popularity
C. dominance
D. consolidation
【答案】A。本题中,advent的意思是“出现,到来”。A项“appearance出现”符合题意,如:His sudden appearance surprised her. (他的突然到来使她很惊讶。)其他三项“popularity普及,流行;dominance优势,统治;consolidation巩固,合并”都不正确。
appendix [ə'pendiks] n. ①附录,附属物②阑尾
appetite ['æpitait] n. ①食欲;胃口
【同】taste, stomach, desire, inclination
to lose one's appetite食欲不振
【同】desire, passion, longing
sexual appetite性欲
【考题精解】Don't eat anything that will spoil your_____for dinner.
A. appetite
B. taste
C. interest
D. appreciation
【答案】A。appetite n. 食欲,胃口;欲望(如:She ate slowly,without appetite. At the moment he had no appetite for work/reading.)。taste n. 味觉,滋味;鉴赏力,口味;喜好,爱好(have no taste for不喜欢),interest in和appreciation of是习惯搭配。
applaud [ə'plɔːd] vt. ①鼓掌欢迎,欢呼
【同】shout welcome
【同】approve, cheer, acclaim
vi. 鼓掌欢迎,欢呼
【同】acclaim, cheer, clap
applause [ə'plɔːz] n. ①鼓掌,喝彩
【同】acclamation, clapping, cheer
【同】cheer, praise
【反】abuse, disapproval, reproof
【派】applaud, applausive
apple ['æpl] n. 苹果
【习惯用语】the apple of sb.'s eye珍爱之物
appliance [ə'plaiəns] n. ①器械,装置
【同】machine, mechanism, device, apparatus, tackle
【同】application, exercise, employment, practice
【词义辨析】apparatus, appliance, equipment, facilities, implement, instrument和utensil apparatus:指某种职业及工作所用的仪器、工具装备或体育、娱乐活动所用的器械和设备。appliance:指用手操纵,但往往采用外部能源,尤其是电源的器具或装置。equipment:一般指为了进行有效操作或服务所需的一切事物,如极地考察队的equipment就包括船只、工具、雪橇、狗和补给品,但有时用法有限制,如:实验室的equipment就只指直接用于实验的成套设备,而apparatus除包括equipment之外还有供电装备等。可引申为人完成某项工作所需的素质和技能。facilities:常用可数形式,尤其指图书、仪器、交通运输工具、运动器械、专用场地等。implement:一般为了实现某目标或进行工作所必需的东西,可专指耕耘土地的器具,以及历史上举行宗教仪式所需的物件和原始人所用的一切工具武器。instrument:指构造精巧,需要人熟练精巧操作的器具,有时可以引申为“手段”。utensil:一般指做家务活,如烹饪、清扫等所用的器具和容器。
【考题精解】Today, housework has been made much easier by electrical_____.
A. facilities
B. appliances
C. instruments
D. equipment
【答案】B。appliance n. 器具,器械,装置(electrical appliances家用电器)。facility n. 便利,容易;(pl.)设备,设施。instrument n.(科学)仪器;器械;乐器。equipment n. 装备,设备,器材(注:equipment在英国英语中多作不可数名词,在美国英语中可用复数形式)。
applicable ['æplikəbl] a. ①生效的;可应用的The new law on the protection of the environments is applicable to everybody from next year. 新的环境保护法明年起将生效。
This rule is not applicable to foreigners.
【习惯用语】①be applicable for可应用到……;对……很合适②be applicable to(适)用于
【考题精解】Yesterday's solutions are not always_____to today's problems.
A. favourable
B. complementary
C. supplementary
D. applicable
【答案】D。applicable (to) a. 可应用的;生效的;适当的,合适的(如:This rule is not applicable to foreigners. The new law is applicable from next Monday.)。favourable (to) a. 有利的,顺利的;赞成的,称赞的。complementary (to) a.(互相)补足的;协调的。supplementary a. 增补的,补充的。
applied [ə'plaid] a. 应用的,实用的
applied science应用科学
【考题精解】Scientific discoveries are often_____to industrial production methods.
A. introduced
B. practiced
C. applied
D. adopted
【答案】C。apply (to) vt. 应用,运用(如:Would you apply that rule to everyone? The term is rarely applied to animals. The rules of safe-driving apply to everyone.)。introduce (into) vt. 引进,传入。practise/-ice vt.执行;从事;练习,实习。adopt vt. 采取,采用。
apply [ə'plai] vt. ①申请,请求(+for)②应用,使用 ③适用,适合(+to)
appoint [ə'pɔint] vt. 任命;约定
【同】designate, place, nominate, arrange, fix, agree upon
【派】appointive, appointee
【考题精解】He_____Donald McHenry as ambassador to the United Nations.
A. assigned
B. appointed
C. made
D. proposed
【答案】B。appoint (as) vt. 任命,委派;约定,指定(时间、地点)(如:They appointed him (to be) (as) chairman. Mr. Pearson was appointed to the Chairmanship of the Committee)。assign vt.指派,选派;分配,布置(作业)。可以说make sb. sb.;不能说make sb. as sb.;可以说propose sb. for chairman建议让……当主席,不能说propose sb. as sb.。
appointment [ə'pɔintmənt] n. 任命;约会
【同】date, engagement, arrangement, designation, nomination, commission
【习惯用语】①break an/one's appointment违约,失约 ②by appointment按照约定,照章③have an appointment with sb. at要在某时间和某人有约会
【考题精解】I've made a(n)_____for you to see the dentist at 5 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
A. appointment
B. interview
C. meeting
D. audience
【答案】A。appointment n. 约会,约定;任命,委派(have/get/make an appointment with sb.)。interview n. 接见,会见;面谈,面试。meeting n. 聚集,会见。audience n.听众,观众;(国王或国家最高领导人给予下级的)接见。
approach [ə'prəutʃ] n. 接近;途径;方法
【同】arrival, access, means, method, manner, angle, viewpoint, aspect, outlook, come close to, advance, tackle, handle, cope with, deal with, draw near, round the corner
【长难例句1】This approach, originated abroad, offered inventors medals, cash prizes and other incentives.
【长难例句2】For retailers, who last year took in24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the cautious approach is coming at a crucial time.
approval [ə'pruːv(ə)l] n. ①赞成;赞许
【同】favo(u)r, agreement, consent, permission, sanction, acceptance
He showed his approval by smiling.
【习惯用语】①for sb.’ s approval求某人指正[教] ②give one's approval to批准 ③nod one's approval点头同意
approve [ə'pruːv] v.
My parents don't approve of my smoking cigarettes. 我的父母不准许我吸烟。
【同】authorize, pass, permit, appreciate
【反】disapprove, reject
I don't approve of wasting time.
【习惯用语】approve oneself证明自己是
【派】disapprove, disapproval, approvingly
【考题精解】I_____of his course of action,so I told him to go ahead.
A. assented
B. consented
C. approved
D. agreed
【答案】C。approve (of) v. 赞成,同意,对……感到高兴,喜欢,赞佩;(of) vt.“批准,核准”(如:I quite approve of the idea of your plan. I do not approve of his moral character. Congress approved the budget.)。assent (to) vi.(书面语)同意。consent (to) vi. 同意,赞成。agree(to) vi.同意。
approximate [ə'prɔksimeit] a. 大致的,近似的
【同】about, around, rough, near, close
vi. 接近,近似
April ['eipr(ə)l] n. ①四月
April fool在愚人节受愚弄之人;在愚人节开的玩笑
April Fools’ Day愚人节(四月一日)
April shower忽下忽停的春雨
apt [æpt] a. ①恰当的,适当的
②(+to) 易于……的,有……倾向的(=likely, be liable to, inclined)
aptitude ['æptitjuːd] n. 才能,资质,天资(for)
【同】ability, talent, gift, capacity
【真题链接】The great American scientist Edison had a remarkable_____for inventing new things.(2002年复旦大学考博试题)
A. requirement
B. aptitude
C. obligation
D. vulnerability
Arabian [ə'reibiən] a. ①阿拉伯的
the Arabian Desert阿拉伯沙漠
arbitrary ['ɑːbitrəri] a. ①任意的,武断的
【反】rational, reasoned
【同】dictatorial, compulsory
【考题精解】I was unaware of the critical points involved, so my choice was quite_____.
A. mechanical
B. rational
C. arbitrary
D. unpredictable
【答案】C。arbitrary a. 任意(性)的;主观的,武断的,随心所欲的。mechanical a. 机械的;机械学的,力学的;机械似的,呆板的;手工操作的。rational a. 理性的,合理的。unpredictable a. 不可预料的。
【真题链接】John was not selected_____;he was chosen for the job because he had the most experience. (2014年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. deliberately
B. alternatively
C. momentously
D. arbitrarily
arch [ɑːtʃ] n. 拱门,弓形结构
【同】archway, bow, curve
architect ['ɑːkitekt] n. ①建筑师
【同】builder, designer, draftsman, creator, founder, father, originator
Therefore, he went to work in an architect's office in order to learn how to design buildings. 于是,他就到一家建筑事务所去工作以便学习如何设计建筑物。
architect of his own fortunes他自己命运的设计师
【派】architecture, architectural
【考题精解】A (n)_____is a person who designs and sometimes supervises the construction of buildings, etc.
A. archaeologist
B. designer
C. physicist
D. architect
【答案】D。architect n. 建筑师,设计师;(引申)缔造者(如:Christopher Wren is my favourite architect. One should be the architect of one's own happiness.)。archaeologist n. 考古学家。designer n. 设计者;制图者;谋划者。physicist n. 物理学家。
architecture ['ɑːkitektʃə(r)] n. ①建筑学;建筑术
【同】style, design, fashion, structure, framework
archives ['ɑːkaivz] n. 档案,案卷,档案室
【同】files, record, chronicles
arctic ['ɑːktik] a. 北极的
n. 北极
area ['ɛəriə] n. ①范围;区域
【同】region, zone, district, belt, field, territory, range, scope, dimension
We are going to build a school in this area.
In some areas, there are small schools serving a few farm families, and the children walk to school. 有些地区,设有小规模的学校为少数几个农民家庭服务,孩子们走着去上学。
the area of a rectangle长方形的面积
【词义辨析】area, district和region
argue ['ɑːɡjuː] v. ①辩论;争论;论述
【同】discuss, debate, dispute, maintain, insist, testify, justify, persuade, convince
argue a case讨论一个案子
The way he spends money argues him to be a rich man. 他的花钱方式表明他是个有钱人。
Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers. 另外一些人认为应该开辟更多的公交路线,因为公共汽车载客多。
【习惯用语】①argue about [on, over] 辩论[争论]某事 ②argue against反驳 显示出与……相反的结论,证明……是站不住脚的 ③argue (sb.) down驳倒某人
【派】arguer, argumentation, argumentative
【长难例句】The true enemies of science, argues Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University, a pioneer of environmental studies, are those who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other consequences of industrial growth.
【词义辨析】argue, dispute和debate
argument ['ɑːɡjumənt] n. ①理由;论据
【同】debate, dispute, conflict, disagreement, point, subject, theme, topic, reason, proof, evidence, ground
There are many arguments against smoking.
We must settle this by argument not by fighting.我们应当用说服而不是用打架来解决这个问题。
The argument among the two parties was blown up by the press. 双方的争论被新闻界夸大了。
【长难例句】The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds on which to base his argument in favor of the new theory.(1995年真题)
【考题精解】Despite all the heated_____they had, they remained the best of friends throughout their lives.
A. viewpoints
B. standpoints
C. differences
D. arguments
【答案】D。argument n. 争论,争辩;理由,论据。viewpoint n. 观点。standpoint n. 立场,观点。difference n. 差别,差异;差额;(意见)分歧。
arise [ə'raiz] vi. ①出现;发生
【同】get up, wake up, stand up, turn up, rise, appear, occur, merge
That question did not arise. 那个问题没有出现。
I arose early in the morning. 我每天早上起得很早。
【习惯用语】arise from/out of由……而引起,由……而产生;从……中产生
【长难例句】New forms of thought as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as they have in the past, giving rise to new standards of elegance.
【考题精解】Some confusion has_____about who can join the association.
A. arisen
B. lifted
C. raised
D. risen
【答案】A。arise vi. 出现,发生;由……引起,起源于(from)(如:A difficulty arose right here.)。lift v. 举起;(雾等)消散,消失。raise vt. 举起,提高,升起;引起,惹起;提出(问题):养育,饲养。rise vi. 升起,上升;上涨,增高;起义,奋起。
arithmetic [ə'riθmətik] n. 算术
arm [ɑːm] n. 手臂,臂状物;扶手
【同】limb, support
v. 武装;配备
【同】furnish, equip
【习惯用语】①arm in arm臂挽着臂 ②at arm's length保持安全距离 ③with open arms热烈欢迎
【派】armament, disarm, disarmament
【词义辨析】arms, weapon和armament
armchair ['ɑːmtʃeə(r)] n. 扶手椅
army ['ɑːmi] n. ①陆军②军队③大群;大军
【同】troop, military, multitude, crowd, flock, array, host
an army of workers劳动者大军
around [ə'raund] ad. 在……周围;到处
【同】about, everywhere, throughout, about, roughly, approximately
prep. 在……四周(或附近)
【同】about, near, nearby, enclosing, encircling
【习惯用语】have been around见过世面;经验丰富
arouse [ə'rauz] v. 唤醒;激起,引起
【同】awaken, wake, excite, stir up, rouse, incite, bring about
arrange [ə'reindʒ] vt. 排列;整理
【同】array, order, lay out
He arranged the books on the shelf.
vi. 安排;准备
【同】organize, plan, prepare
We have arranged a party. 我们准备了一个晚会。
【习惯用语】①arrange for安排,准备
②arrange with sb. about sth.与某人商定某事
【考题精解】Myra, in her efficient way,_____for Mrs. Morrison to come and light the fire and give her old mother breakfast every day.
A. arranged
B. made
C. let
D. invited
【答案】A。arrange vt. 安排,筹划;布置,整理(句型:arrange sth.;arrange to+动词原形/with sb. to+动词原形;arrange for sb. to+动词原形;arrange that sb. do sth.)(注:make/let sb. do;invite sb. to+动词原形)。
array [ə'rei] n. ①一系列,大量
【同】series, multitude, host, collection
【同】display, arrangement, order
【反】disarray, disorder
vt. 展示
【同】display, arrange, order
【反】disarray, disorder
arrangement [ə'reindʒmənt] n. ①排列;整理
to make arrangement for a party为晚会作准备
【习惯用语】①come to an arrangement谈妥;达成协议 ②make arrangement for为……作好准备;为……作好安排 ③make arrangement with(sb.)与(某人)商定或约好,(和某人)达成协议;作好准备;作出安排
arrest [ə'rest] vi./n. ①逮捕
【同】capture, catch, seize, detain, seizure, detention, imprisonment
【反】discharge, release, liberate, liberation
The criminal was arrested yesterday.
【习惯用语】①under arrest拘留 ②be under arrest被拘留
【派】arresting, arrestee, arrestment
arrival [ə'raivl] n. ①到达;抵达
【同】approach, coming, attainment, comer
【反】departure, leaving
The arrival of the train was delayed.
arrive [ə'raiv] vi. ①到达;抵达
【同】come, get to
【反】depart, leave, go
to arrive home到家
to arrive at a port抵达港口
【习惯用语】①arrive at获得(结果);达到(目的)②arrive at a decision达成决议
【派】arrival, arriver
arrogant ['ærəɡənt] a. 傲慢的,自大的
【同】conceited, proud, self-important
arrow ['ærəu] n. ①箭
【同】pointer, needle
art [ɑːt] n. ①美术
【同】work of art, painting, sculpture, humanities
I am an art student. 我是个学美术的学生。
work of art艺术品
【派】artist, artistic(al), artistically, artificial
articulate [ɑː'tikjuleit] a. ①善于表达的,发音清晰的
【同】clear, fluent, expressive, communicative
【同】expressive, communicative
vt. ①明确有力地表达
【同】express, convey
【派】articulation, inarticulate, articulator
artificial ['ɑːti'fiʃl] a. ①人造的;人工的
【同】synthetic, man-made
【反】genuine, natural
artificial flowers假花
【同】unnatural, pretentious
【长难例句】Between 1897 and 1919 at least 29 motion pictures in which artificial beings were portrayed had been produced.
【考题精解】They tried_____respiration but it was of no avail.
A. artificial
B. unnatural
C. false
D. unreal
【答案】A。artificial a. 人工的,人造的;假的,矫揉造作的。unnatural a. 不自然的,奇怪的,不正常的。false a. 不真实的;假的;虚伪的。unreal a. 虚假的,不真实的。
artist ['ɑːtist] n. ①艺术家;美术家
【同】painter, artisan
artistic(al) [ɑː'tistik(əl)] a. 艺术(家)的,美术(家)的
【真题链接】To my surprise, the house which looked rather shabby outside was luxuriously and_____furnished inside. (2015年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. artificially
B. arrogantly
C. arbitrarily
D. artistically
as [əz, æz] conj. 由于;正当;像……一样
prep. 作为,当作
ad. 同样地
【习惯用语】①as is按现状(出售),概不保证(维修)②as it were或者说He is my best friend, my second self, as it were. 他是我最好的朋友,或者说,是第二个我。③as of right依照法律
【考题精解】She would go home,_____usual,for Christmas.
A. like
B. as
C. than
D. for
【答案】B。as usual像平常一样,照例(如:As usual,he arrived last. I have forgotten something as/is usual.)。than usual比平常……像(用在比较级的句子中)(like usual/for usual不是成语)。
ascend [ə'send] v. 上升,攀登
【同】rise, climb, mount
【词义辨析】ascend, climb和mount
【真题链接】He leaned out of an upstairs window and felt a current of warm air_____from the street.(2013年3月中国科学院考博试题)
A. exalting
B. ascending
C. swaying
D. fluctuating
ascertain ['æsə'tein] vt. 查明,弄清
【同】make clear, make certain, determine, discover, find out
【派】ascertainable, ascertainment
ash [æʃ] n. ①灰,灰烬
【同】dust, charcoal, ruins, remains
【习惯用语】①as pale as ashes面如死灰,面无人色 ②burn[reduce] to ashes(=lay in ashes)把……烧成灰烬,化为乌有 ③put ashes on one's head表示忏悔
ashamed [ə'ʃeimd] a. ①羞愧的;惭愧的
【同】embarrassed, humiliated, shy
I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed(of myself)now.
She was ashamed to ask such a simple question.她不好意思提这么简单的问题。
【习惯用语】①be ashamed of以为……是耻辱②be ashamed of oneself for害羞,为……而害羞③feel ashamed for sb. 替某人感到羞愧
【考题精解】He was_____of having asked such a silly question.
A. sorry
B. ashamed
C. guilty
D. miserable
【答案】B。ashamed (of) a. 惭愧的,害臊的。sorry(for/to+动词原形) a. 对不起的,抱歉的;难过的,惋惜的;可怜的,使人伤心的。guilty(of) a. 内疚的;有罪的(在本句使用该词虽然符合句型要求,但显得有些过分,所以不可入选)。miserable a. 悲痛的,悲惨的,可怜的。
ashore [ə'ʃɔː(r)] ad. 上岸,在岸上,向岸上
Asia ['eiʃə] n. 亚洲
Asian ['eiʃn,'eiʒn] a. 亚洲的,亚洲人的n. 亚洲人
aside [ə'said] ad. 在一旁,在旁边
【同】alongside, sideways
ad. 在旁边;向旁边;撇开
He stepped aside to let her pass. 他往旁边站,好让她过去。
【习惯用语】aside from除了……以外
【考题精解】He sets_____a sum of money every week for his old age.
A. about
B. off
C. aside
D. apart
【答案】C。set(sth.)aside拨出,留出;把……置于一旁,不予理会(如:Each week he set aside a few dollars of his salary. Let's set aside our personal feelings. I warned them not to do it, but my objections were set aside.)。set about着手,开始(做)(如:set about one's task;set about making tea. I want to make a dress for myself,but I don't know how to set about it.)。set off出发,启程;激起,引起;引爆。set…apart (from)(常以某人的品质或性格特点做主语)使分离,使分开;使显得突出,使不同于(如:His intelligence set him apart from the others.)。
ask [ɑːsk] vt. ①问,询问
【同】inquire, question
ask him a question向他问个问题
“Who are you?”she asked.“你是谁?”她问。
They asked me the time. 他们向我打听时间。
【同】demand, require, request, plead
ask her a favor请她帮个忙
ask her for the money向她要钱
【同】invite, call for
He asked £5 for the book. 这本书他索价5英镑。
【习惯用语】ask for trouble自找麻烦,自讨苦吃
【词义辨析】ask, inquire和question
asleep [ə'sliːp] a. ①睡着的
Is the baby still asleep? 这个婴儿还在睡觉吗?
【习惯用语】fall asleep入睡;死
aspect ['æspekt] n. ①模样;面貌
【同】appearance, outlook
of pleasing aspect令人喜爱的模样
【同】side, angle, respect
only one aspect of the problem
a house with a southern aspect朝南的房子
【长难例句】However, the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world's more fascinating and delightful aspects.
【真题链接】The Jatakana culture encompasses every_____of life from beliefs, superstitions,and practices to art, education and tourism.(2010年中国人民大学考博试题)
A. respect
B. inspect
C. aspect
D. suspect
aspiration ['æspə'reiʃn] n. 强烈的愿望,志向,抱负
【同】ambition, goal, objective, aim, target, desire, want, wish
【真题链接】With its own parliament and currency and a common_____for peace, the European Union declared itself—in 11 official languages—open for business. (2014年厦门大学考博试题)
A. inspiration
B. assimilation
C. intuition
D. aspiration
【答案】D。句意为:有了自己的议会、货币和对和平的共同渴望,欧盟用11种官方语言宣布其成立了。四个选项中只有A项和D项可以和for搭配,inspiration for…表示“灵感来源”,不与peace搭配,而aspiration for peace表示“对和平的渴望”,故选D项正确。
aspire [ə'spaiə(r)] vi.(to, after)渴望,追求,有志于
【长难例句】Americans no longer expect public figures, whether in speech or in writing, to command the English language with skill and gift. Nor do they aspire to such command themselves.
assassinate [ə'sæsineit] vt. 暗杀
assassination [ə'sæsi'neiʃn] n. 刺杀,暗杀
【同】murder, killing
assault [ə'sɔːlt] n. 攻击 vt. 袭击
assemble [ə'sembl] vt. ①集合;聚集
【同】gather, bring together, accumulate
All the people assembled at Mary's house. 所有的人都聚集在玛丽的屋子里。
【同】put together, equip, furnish
【反】take apart
【派】assembler, dissemble
【考题精解】A hush fell over the guests who had_____for the wedding celebration.
A. assembled
B. participated
C. attended
D. summoned
【答案】A。assemble v. 集合,聚集;召集;装配(如:People began to assemble on the platform. If we can assemble everybody then we can leave. It took two hours to assemble the bicycle.)。participate (in) vi. 参加。attend vt.出席。summon vt. 召集,召唤;传讯,传唤。
assembly [ə'sembli] n. ①集合;集会
【同】meeting, gathering, convention, congress, session, installment
【词义辨析】assembly, conference和gathering assembly:较为正式,专指多人的集会或按计划为某一目标而召开的会议,以进行商议、集体行动或宗教活动。conference:指正式的大规模会议,其重要代表参加讨论并作出决策的会议。还常指正式的立法或评议机构。gathering:指两人以上的集会,尤其指一些人非正式或无组织地聚集在一起进行集体活动。
assert [ə'səːt] vt. ①宣称,断言
【同】state, declare, allege, claim
【同】maintain, hold
【派】assertion, assertive
【真题链接】You must_____yourself, or they will continue to bully you, so you will go on living in disgrace.(2002年厦门大学考博试题)
A. promote
B. strengthen
C. assert
D. assess
【答案】C。本题空格处是说“你必须坚持自己的权利,否则他们将继续欺侮你”。四个选项中,assert的意思是“断言,声称”, assert oneself的意思是“坚持自己的权利,表现自己的权威”;promote的意思是“促进,提升”;strengthen的意思是“加强,巩固”;assess的意思是“估计,评估”。只有C项符合题意。
assess [ə'ses] vt. 估价,评价
【同】evaluate, estimate, weigh
【派】assessable, assessment, assessor
【真题链接 1】The apartment was_____at$20,000 and its owner was happy about that. (2009年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. assaulted
B. assessed
C. asserted
D. avenged
【答案】B。四个选项的意思分别是:assaulted攻击,突袭;assessed评价,估值;asserted断言,宣称;avenged报仇,复仇。根据句子意思可知,正确答案是B选项。如:The lawyers assessed the property at$35,000(律师们估计这笔财产价值35000美元。)
【真题链接 2】It is too early to_____the effect of the new measure.(2004年湖北省考博试题)
A. administer
B. assess
C. elevate
D. contribute
【答案】B。本题意为“评价新措施的影响为时尚早”。B项的“assess评价,评估”符合题意,如:Damages were assessed at 1,000 RMB.(损失估计达1000元人民币。)其他三项“administer管理,支配,执行;elevate抬起,使升高;contribute捐献,投稿”都不正确。
assiduous [ə'sidjuəs] adj.勤勉的 刻苦的
assist [ə'sist] v. 协助,援助
【同】aid, help
【反】hamper, hinder
We all assisted in mending the roof. 我们都帮助修理屋顶。
【习惯用语】assist sb. with [to do, in doing] sth. 帮助某人做某事
【真题链接】The nurse_____the doctor in the operation room.(2003年西南财经大学考博试题)
A. insisted
B. resisted
C. assisted
D. persisted
assistance [ə'sistəns] n. 援助,帮助
【同】aid, help, support, service
assistant [ə'sistənt] a. 助理的,辅助的
【同】subordinate, supplementary
n. 助手,助理;助教
【同】helper, supplement
【词义辨析】assistant, helper和adjutant
associate [ə'səuʃieit] v. 使联想;交往
【同】relate, link, ally, unite, combine, connect, couple, join, cooperate
【反】disassociate, separate, disconnect
n. 伙伴,合作人
【同】colleague, companion, fellow, partner,mate, ally
[ə'səuʃiət] a. 副的
【习惯用语】associate member(协会)准会员
【派】association, associative
【考题精解】A healthy life is frequently thought to be_____with the open countryside and homegrown food.
A. tied
B. associated
C. bound
D. involved
【答案】B。associate (with) vt. (在思想上)把……联系在一起,使结合在一起(如:We associate the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution. Cigarette smoking has been associated with lung cancer. In children's minds doctors are associated with injection and pain.)。tie vt. 拴,扎,捆;把……打结,系上。bind vt. 捆绑,捆扎。involve (in) vt. 使卷入,使参与;牵涉;包含,含有,使……成为必要。
【真题链接】The scientist decided he didn't want to be_____with the project, and left.(2004年湖北省考博试题)
A. reconciled
B. associated
C. negotiated
D. accommodated
【答案】B。本题意为“这位科学家决定不介入这个项目,起身走开了”。B项的“associate使发生联系”符合题意,如:We associate China with the Great Wall.(我们想起中国,就联想到长城)。其他三项“reconcile使和解,使和好;negotiate议定,谈判;accommodate容纳,接纳”都不正确。
association [ə'səusi'eiʃn] n. ①协会
【同】society, organization, league, union, band
According to the American Automobile Association, since 1964 all cars sold in the United States have been equipped with seat belts.
【同】connection, combination, partnership
【习惯用语】①in association with与……联合[结交, 有关联] ②association book因与名人有关而受珍视的书 ③association football英式足球
【长难例句】Some have breathed sighs of relief, others, including churches, right to life groups and the Australian Medical Association, bitterly attacked the bill and the haste of its passage. But the tide is unlikely to turn back.
【考题精解】They are building the dam in_____with another firm.
A. association
B. correspondence
C. touch
D. step
【答案】A。in association with与……合作。be in correspondence with与……保持着书信来往。in touch with和……有联系。in step with与……步调一致。
assume [ə'sjuːm] vt. ①假定;假设
【同】suppose, imagine, fancy, pretend, put on
I assume you always get up at the same time.
【同】undertake, take on
to assume new duties承担新的职务
【派】assumptive, assumed
③呈现(~a bad cook脸色很差)
【考题精解】Scientists_____that there is no animal life on Mars.
A. assume
B. resume
C. consume
D. presume
【答案】A。assume vt. 假定,设想,假想;承担;呈现(句型:assume sth.;assume sth. to be;assume that…; assume a look of surprise/the appearance of; assume office/command/ power/duties)(注:assume作“认为,假定”解时后面只能接带to be的复合结构,不能跟带不定式的复合结构,如可以说assume sb./sth. to be sth.,不能说assume sb. to+动词原形;但用被动态时后面可以跟不定式,如:A witness is assumed to know the facts in a murder case.)。resume v. (中断后)重新开始,继续,恢复(后面不跟从句)。consume vt. 消耗,花费(后面不跟从句)。presume
v. 推测,假定(区分:assume主要表示没有根据地凭空想象,这样的想象可能符合实际,也可能完全不符合实际;presume主要表示根据经验所作出的假定、假设,这种设想可能符合实际,也可能不符合实际。
【真题链接】President Clinton_____power when the US economy was slow.(2004年西南财经大学考博试题)
A. presumed
B. consumed
C. resumed
D. assumed
【答案】D。本题的意思是“克林顿在美国经济发展缓慢时当选了美国总统。”D项的“assumed开始从事,承担,担任”符合题意,如:assume the reins of government(执政,开始掌权)。其他三项“presumed假设,假定;consumed消耗,消费;resumed继续,重新开始”都不正确。
assumption [ə'sʌmpʃn] n. 假定,设想
【同】supposition, accepting
【考题精解】We will order tea for twelve people on the_____that all twelve will come.
A. condition
B. resumption
C. assumption
D. consumption
【答案】C。assumption n.假定,臆断;担任,承担(如:They rented the old house on the assumption that the landlord would paint it. His assumption of power was not liked by many.)。condition n.(先决)条件(on condition that…如果,条件是)。resumption n. 重新开始。consumption (of) n. 消耗,消费;消耗量,消费量。
assurance [ə'ʃuərəns] n. ①确信,信心,把握
【同】belief, certainty, confidence, conviction
【同】guarantee, promise, pledge, insurance
【真题链接】He gave me his_____that the job will be finished on time.(2006年中国矿业大学考博试题)
A. acceptance
B. diffidence
C. assurance
D. insurance
assure [ə'ʃuə(r)] vt. ①保证
He assured me that he had finished.
【同】convince, make certain
【同】guarantee, promise, pledge
【派】assured(ly), assuring(ly)
【长难例句】Craig assured his boss that he would call forth all his energies in doing this new job.
【词义辨析】assure, ensure, insure和secure
【考题精解】The patient has been_____of the safety of the operation.
A. assured
B. guaranteed
C. entrusted
D. confirmed
【答案】A。assure (sb. of/that) vt. 使确信,使放心;向……保证(如:I can assure you of my full support for your plan/that I will fully support your plan. This will assure you comfort.)。guarantee vt. 保证,担保(句型:guarantee sth./to+动词原形/that)。entrust vt. 托付(句型:entrust sth. to sb.;entrust sb. with sth.)。confirm vt. 证实,肯定;进一步确定;批准,确认(句型:confirm sth. / that…/ sb. in his belief /suspicion)。
astonish [ə'stɔniʃ] vt. 使吃惊,使惊讶
【同】amaze, shock, surprise
【习惯用语】be astonished at sth. 对某事感到惊讶
【派】astonishing(ly), astonishment
astronaut ['æstrənɔːt] n. 宇航员
astronomy [ə'strɔnəmi] n. 天文学
【派】astronomer, astronomic(as)
asylum [ə'sailəm] n. 避难所,庇护所,避难
【同】refuge, shelter
at [ət, æt] prep. ①在;于
at home在家
at 120 miles在120英里处
at 85 于85岁时
A red bus is stopping at the bus stop.
Look at me. 看着我。
Aim straight at the mark. 对目标瞄准。
I laughed at his silliness. 我笑他的愚蠢。
【真题链接】Go and see what your mother is_____now.(2013年厦门大学考博试题)
A. for
B. at
C. about
D. busy
athlete ['æθliːt] n. 运动员
【考题精解】Ball-players, runners, boxers,swimmers, etc are_____.
A. gymnasts
B. athletes
C. fencers
D. competitors
【答案】B。athlete n.(泛指)运动员。gymnast n. 体操运动员。fencer n. 击剑手。competitor n. 竞赛者,比赛者。
Atlantic [ət'læntik] a. 大西洋的
atmosphere ['ætməsfiə(r)] n. ①大气
【同】air, sky, heavens
【同】environment, mood
the exciting atmosphere of a football match
【派】atmospheric, atmospherically
【长难例句】Just as the soil is a part of the earth, so is the atmosphere.
【考题精解】The talk between the countries has been conducted in a friendly, cordial_____.
A. means
B. form
C. climate
D. atmosphere
【答案】D。atmosphere n.(本义)大气,大气层;空气;(引申)气氛(如:the Earth's atmosphere地球大气层;carry out a nuclear test in the atmosphere;the cheerful atmosphere of Christmas;He grew up in an atmosphere of love and trust.)。means n.方法,手段。form n. 形式,形状;表格。climate n. 气候。
atom ['ætəm] n. ①原子 ②微粒
【习惯用语】①blow sth. to atoms(用爆炸)彻底毁坏某物 ②break [smash] …to atoms把……砸[炸]得粉碎 ③not an atom of一点也没有,丝毫没有
atomic [ə'tɔmik] a. ①原子的
attach [ə'tætʃ] vt. ①加上;连上;附上
【同】fasten, stick on
attach label to parcel给包裹贴标签
Mary was attached to her brother.
【习惯用语】①attach oneself to依附;参加(党派等);热爱,依恋 ②attach to认为有(重要性、意义等);归因于,适用于 ③attached please find [书信用语]附上……请查收
【考题精解】Your failure in the final examination is due to the fact that you didn't _____enough importance to your English.
A. put
B. attach
C. render
D. place
【答案】B。attach importance/significance to重视(如:He did not attach any importance to the question. You attach too much significance to the Prime Minister’ words.)(注:importance一般不与其他三个动词搭配;可以与importance搭配的是emphasize the importance of)。
【真题链接】Since Japan_____importance to education and technological innovation, its economy has developed at a high speed.(2002年上海交通大学考博试题)
A. relates
B. applies
C. attaches
D. connects
【答案】C。本题前半句是说,自从日本重视教育和科技改革以来。attach importance to的意思是“重视”,符合题意。因此C项为正确答案。
attachment [ə'tætʃmənt] n. ①附属物,附件
【同】love, affection
【同】connection, dependence
attack [ə'tæk] vt./n. ①进攻;攻击
【同】aggress, assault, raid, seize, contract, aggression, seizure, breakdown
The enemy attacked on the left flank.
The disease attacked his bones.
attain [ə'tein] vt. ①达到
【同】get to, reach, achieve
【反】fall short (of), miss
【同】gain, accomplish, acquire, procure
【反】give up, lose
【考题精解】In a typhoon, winds_____a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.
A. assume
B. accomplish
C. accelerate
D. attain
【答案】D。attain vt. 达到(目的),获得(成就)(如:You will attain your object. He attained maturity/his ambition/success/a height of…;He attained to fame/greatness.)(有时后面加to表示“达到理想的状态”)。assume vt. 假定,设想;承担;呈现。accomplish vt. 完成,实现。accelerate v. (使)加快,(使)增速。
attempt [ə'tempt] n./v. 企图,试图;努力
【同】endeavo(u)r, try
【习惯用语】attempt on sb.'s life企图杀害某人
【词义辨析】attempt, endeavor和strive attempt:指实际开始或冒险从事某件事情,但往往含有可能失败或受挫之意。只用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词及不定式。endeavor:正式用词,反映为达到某个目标或获得某种结果而付出极大努力,并克服巨大障碍。后多接不定式,或与介词after、for等连用,译作“争取……,努力追求”等。strive:不仅需做出巨大的努力克服极大困难,而且含有要战胜对方的意思,或与指为了使某个事物趋于完美而“不懈努力,不懈奋斗”,后可接不定式。
【考题精解】Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first_____.
A. intention
B. purpose
C. attempt
D. desire
【答案】C。attempt n. 企图,试图(注:名词attempt后面多接at或不定式作定语,如:make an attempt to solve/at solving the problem;如果说“在做第几次尝试时,一般用介词on,如:on his first/second…attempt)。intention n. 意图,目的(没有on one's first intention的说法)。purpose n.意图,目的(可以说do sth. on purpose故意做某事;没有on one's first purpose的说法)。desire n. 欲望,愿望(可以说have a desire to+动词原形/for sth.;不能说on…desire)。
attend [ə'tend] vi. 注意;留意
【同】be attentive, serve, follow
vt. 出席;到场;照看;照料
【同】go to, be present at, tend, look after, care for, take care of
attend school上学
【习惯用语】①attend on [upon] 服侍,照料;陪,随从 ②attend to倾听,注意,留心,关心,照顾,护理;办理
【派】attentive, attendant
attendance [ə'tendəns] n. ①照看;照料
She is in attendance on the sick man.
【同】presence, appearance
attendance at school上学,到校
a high attendance出席的人很多
【习惯用语】①dance attendance on [upon] sb.奉承[讨好]某人;追随某人;侍候某人 ②in attendance负责;值班 ③take attendance点名
attendant [ə'tendənt] n. ①随从,随员
a. ①出席的,在场的
attention [ə'tenʃn] n. ①注意;专心
【同】awareness, observation
【反】inattention, disregard
to pay attention to me注意我
Please give it your attention. 请对此多加关注。
to stand at attention立正站着
【习惯用语】①attract [draw] attention引起注意 ②be all attention十分注意,全神贯注③bring sth. to sb.'s attention使某人注意某事
【长难例句】A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so called digital divide—the division of the world into the info (information) rich and the info poor.
attitude ['ætitjuːd] n. ①姿势
【同】perspective, viewpoint, angle, approach
People's attitude towards the skyscrapers varies widely. 人们对这些摩天大楼的态度很不相同。
What is the Municipal Authority's attitude to the proposal of a tunnel across the river? 市府当局对这条过江隧道的提案有什么看法?
【长难例句】The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her hostile attitude toward customers.
attract [ə'trækt] vt. ①吸引
【同】magnetism, fascination
She was attracted by the novel advertisement.
Flowers attract many bees. 鲜花招引来许多蜜蜂。
【词义辨析】attract, charm和fascinate
【考题精解】Never before had he felt himself so powerfully_____to the scientific ideal.
A. interested
B. absorbed
C. attracted
D. devoted
【答案】C。attract vt. 吸引;引起……的注意(如:The scenery attracts many tourists. be attracted by/to sb./sth.)。be interested in对……感兴趣。be absorbed in全神贯注于。be devoted to专心致志于,献身于,忠于;热爱,喜欢。
attraction [ə'trækʃn] n. ①吸引,吸引力The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays. 现时去国有企业就职的想法对年轻人没有多大吸引力。
The tides are caused by the attraction of the moon for the earth. 潮汐是由月亮对地球的引力引起的。
【真题链接】The Great Wall is a great tourist_____, drawing millions of visitors from all parts of the world every year.(2002年上海交通大学考博试题)
A. attention
B. appointment
C. attraction
D. interest
attractive [ə'træktiv] a. ①有吸引力的
【同】charming, magnetic, appealing
【同】good-looking, handsome, beautiful
attribute [ə'tribjuːt] vt. 把…扫向于(~+to)归属,归回
['ætribjuːt] n. 属性,性质
【派】n. attribution
audience ['ɔːdiəns] n. ①听众;观众
【同】spectators, listeners, attendance
Three thousand audience crowded the concert hall. 3000名听众挤满了音乐大厅。
【习惯用语】①be received [admitted] in audience by被……召见,赐见②captive audience (不管愿不愿意都得听的)被强迫的听众 ③give audience(to)听取,倾听;正式接见
【长难例句】Often it's the delivery which causes the audience to smile, so speak slowly and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a light-hearted remark.
audio ['ɔːdiəu] n./a. ①音频(的),音响(的)②声音(的),听觉(的)
【同】sound, auditory
audit ['ɔːdit] vt. 审计,查账
【同】investigate, inspect, check
【派】auditor, auditorium
auditorium ['ɔːdi'tɔːriəm] n. ①礼堂(hall)
augment [ɔːɡ'ment] vt. 扩大,增加,提高
August ['ɔːɡəst] n. 八月 a. 威严的;令人敬畏的
aunt [ɑːnt] n.①伯母;婶母;舅母 ②阿姨;大婶
Aunt Lena has just left for America.
aural ['ɔːrəl] a. 听觉的;听力的
Australia [ɔ'streiliə] n. 澳大利亚,澳洲
Australian [ɔ'streiliən] a. 澳大利亚的,澳洲的n. 澳大利亚人
authentic [ɔː'θentik] a. ①真的,真正的
【同】genuine, actual, real, true
【反】artificial, fake, forged, imaginary
【长难例句】But the cult of the authentic and the personal, “doing our own thing”, has spelt the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and music.
author ['ɔːθə(r)] n. 作者,创作者;创始者
【同】writer, composer
【习惯用语】①Like author, like book. [谚]什么样的作家写什么样的作品;文如其人。②the author of evil魔王,恶魔
authority [ɔː'θɔrəti] n. ①权威;威信
【同】power, might, prestige
You don't have any authority for entering this house. It's private. 你们没有任何权力进入这所房子,这是私宅。
【习惯用语】①approving [reviewing] authority [律]核准当局(特指有权批准军事法庭判决的司令官)②by the authority of得到……许可;根据……所授的权力;经……许可 ③carry authority有分量;有影响;有势力;有权威
【长难例句1】The integration of independent states could best be brought about by first creating a central organization with authorities over technical economic tasks.
【长难例句2】After six months of arguing and final 16 hours of hot parliamentary debates, Australia's Northern Territory became the first legal authority in the world to allow doctors to take the lives of incurably ill patients who wish to die.
【考题精解】The’ Oxford English Dictionary’ is the best_____on English words.
A. power
B. expert
C. edition
D. authority
【答案】D。authority (on) n.(某个领域的)权威(人士或东西)(如:In course of time he became an authority on art and literature. He is a great authority on the subject of international law.)。power n. 权力,势力;政权;能力。expert n. 专家,里手(an agricultural expert; an expert in mathematics/on foreign affairs/at fancy skating) (注意后面跟的三个介词的不同含义:in强调学科领域;on强调对外交事务的研究;at偏重强调技巧)。edition n. 版,版本。
【真题链接】Among the lowest of the judicial ranks, justices of the peace nevertheless frequently exercise jurisdiction over a variety of misdemeanors. (2002年中国社会科学院考博试题)
A. guidance
B. sovereignty
C. authority
D. suzerainty
【答案】C。本题中,jurisdiction的意思是“权限”。C项的“authority职权”符合题意,如:Deputies were given authority to make arrests.(代表们被授予拘捕权。)其他三项“guidance指导;sovereignty主权;suzerainty宗主权”都不正确。
authorize ['ɔːθəraiz] vt. ①授权,委托
【同】empower, entitle
【同】approve, permit, license
【真题链接】I was_____by the court to repossess this property.(2004年湖北省考博试题)
A. approved
B. rectified
C. authorized
D. endowed
auto ['ɔːtəu](=automobile)n.汽车
auto parts汽车零件
automatic ['ɔːtə'mætik] a. ①自动的
【同】involuntary, spontaneous
The heating system in the hotel has an automatic temperature control. 旅馆里的取暖系统具有自动调温装置。
【同】mechanical, instinctive
automation ['ɔːtə'meiʃn] n. ①自动,自动化②汽车
autonomy [ɔː'tɔnəmi] n. ①自治,自治权
【同】independence, self-rule, liberty
【派】autonomic, autonomous
【真题链接】Superficial differences between the special problems and techniques of the physical sciences and those of the biological sciences are sometimes cited as evidence for the_____of biology and for the claim that the methods of physics are therefore not adequate to biological inquiry.(2014年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. autonomy
B. vitality
C. purposefulness
D. obsolescence
automobile ['ɔːtəməbiːl] (=auto) n. 汽车death from automobile车祸死亡
autumn ['ɔːtəm] n. ①秋,秋季(美国普通称fall)
in autumn在秋天
【习惯用语】①come to one's autumn过了中年,到了衰老之年;到了受报应的时候;自食其果②autumn of (one’s) life中年之后,垂老之年
auxiliary [ɔːɡ'ziliəri] a. 辅助的,补助的
【同】aiding, assisting, secondary
【反】chief, main
n. 辅助人员
available [ə'veiləbl] a. ①可得到的;可利用的
【同】usable, convenient, obtainable, accessible, handy, valid
Chinese commodities available for export are varied. 中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。
Is the manager available? 经理在不在?
【习惯用语】make sth. available to[for]使……可以享受某物;使……买得起某物
【考题精解】None of the servants were_____when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message.
A. available
B. approachable
C. attainable
D. applicable
【答案】A。available a. 可利用的;可得到的;有空的,清闲的(如:The teacher is not available now.)。approachable a.(场所)可进入的,可接近的,(人)易亲近的,可亲近的。attainable a. 可达到的,可达成的。applicable a. 可应用的;适用的,合适的。
【真题链接】Free medical service is_____to nearly all the college students in China. (2011年南京师范大学考博试题)
A. favorite
B. available
C. convenient
D. average
avenue ['ævənjuː] n. ①林荫道 ②大街
That is Madison Avenue. 那就是麦迪逊大道。
explore every avenue寻找任何途径
【习惯用语】explore every avenue (=leave no avenue unexplored) 探索各种途径;想尽一切办法
avert [ə'vəːt] vt. ①防止,避免
【真题链接】It is the first of several agreements that United States hopes to reach as it attempts to reduce, labor costs by$5.8 billion and_____bankruptcy.(2003年厦门大学考博试题)
A. dispel
B. revert
C. transfer
D. avert
【答案】D。本题空格处是说“避免了破产”。D项“avert避免”符合题意,如:Accidents can be averted by careful driving.(谨慎驾驶可避免发生事故。)其他三项“dispel驱逐,驱散;revert恢复;transfer转移”都不正确。
aviation ['eivi'eiʃn] n. ①飞行;航空②航空工业
【派】aviator, aviatress, aviatic
avoid [ə'vɔid] vt. ①避开;避免
【同】withdraw, escape
【反】confront, encounter
I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me. 我横穿马路以便避开他,但他看到了我并朝我跑过来。
Are you trying to avoid me? 你是不是想躲开我?
【派】avoidable, avoidance
【长难例句】Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage is to be avoided.
【词义辨析】avoid, escape和shun
await [ə'weit] vt. ①等待
【同】wait for, expect, anticipate
awake [ə'weik] a. 醒着的
【同】wake, arouse, awaken, rouse
【反】slumberous, sleeping
v. 唤醒;(使)觉醒,醒悟到
【同】wake up, realize, alert, conscious, watchful
【反】asleep, sleeping
【习惯用语】wide awake完全醒着的;不受欺骗的
【词义辨析】awake, awaken, wake和waken
awake:强调完全清醒过来或恢复知觉,多用于借喻,指“醒悟、觉悟、领会”,与介词to连用。awaken:语体更为正式,多指及物动词,在引申意义中常用于短语awaken sb. to /towards sth.,意为“唤起,使觉悟到”等。wake:多作不及物动词,指自己醒来或补唤醒,引申意义为“激发,激励,使奋起”,常与介词up连用。waken:多作用物动词,较为正式。引申意义又指唤起来激发出某些心理、精神或智慧方面的力量,使之变为行动。
award [ə'wɔːd] vt. ①颁奖,授奖;授予
【同】grant, accord, confer, honor, prize
The school awarded Merry a prize(for her good work). 学校(因为她工作好而)奖励了梅丽。
Mrs. Jones was awarded$1000.00 monthly alimony by the court when she was divorced from her husband.
【考题精解】The best students are_____special scholarships.
A. awarded
B. rewarded
C. presented
D. provided
【答案】A。award vt. 授予,给予(如:They awarded John the first prize.)。reward vt. 酬劳,奖赏;报答。present vt. 赠(送);呈献(present sb. with sth./sth. to sb.)。provide vt. 供给,提供(provide sb. with sth.;provide sth. for sb.)。
aware [ə'wɛə(r)] a. 知道的;明白的
【反】unaware, unconscious
I was not aware of the fire. 我没有意识到火。
【习惯用语】①be aware of知道,意识到
②become aware of发觉,注意到
away [ə'wei] ad. ①离开
Go away! 走开!
The water boiled away. 水烧干了。
to work away一直在工作
【习惯用语】keep away from保持距离
【考题精解】His face gave him_____when he told a lie.
A. off
B. up
C. away
D. out
【答案】C。give away(有意或无意地)泄露,暴露(秘密);分发,赠送。give off释放,放出。give up辞去;放弃;停止。give out分发。
awe [ɔː] n. 敬畏,惊惧
vt. 使惊畏,使惊惧
【真题链接】The travelers were_____into silence by the Sight of a distant mountain.(2008年北京航空航天大学考博试题)
A. enlivened
B. awed
C. forced
D. frightened
【答案】B。awe into有“使由于敬畏而……”的意思,故正确答案为B。
awful ['ɔːfl] a. ①可怕的
【同】dreadful, terrible, frightful, horrible
an awful accident一次可怕的事故
awful weather恶劣的天气
【词义辨析】awful, dreadful和fearful
awkward ['ɔːkwəd] a. 笨拙的;尴尬的;棘手的
【同】embarrassing, clumsy, unskillful, unhandy, difficult to deal with
【反】skillful, handy
【考题精解】The shy girl felt_____and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher's questions.
A. awkward
B. amazed
C. curious
D. amused
【答案】A。awkward a. 尴尬的;棘手的;(人)笨手笨脚的,笨拙的;(工具)使用不方便的。amazed a. 感到惊奇的,惊愕的。curious a. 好奇的。(curious about sth./to know/to hear)。amused a.高兴的,开心的,感到有趣的。
ax (e) [æks] n. 斧子
axis ['æksis] n. 轴,中心线
【派】axle, coaxial, uniaxial