Section 3 Advanced 高级飞跃
□We tend to... 我们倾向于……
□such a“hot” topic among 在……之间……是非常热门的话题
□The short answer is... 简单地说就是
□answers to age-old questions 回答古老(由来已久)的问题
□The issue here is 这里的问题是,问题在于
□read subtle body language 看懂微妙的肢体语言
□buy into 相信
□avoid misunderstandings 避免误解
□I can't vouch for all of it. 我不能保证全部(内容)的真实性/正确性。
□make for ……有助于,走向
□engage people in face-to-face conversations 进行面对面交流
□greatly expand 大大增加,极大地扩大
1. We tend to...
释 We are inclined to...我们倾向于……
例 We tend to increasingly ignore bad behavior.
2. such a“hot” topic among
释 such a controversial topic among在……之间……是非常热门的话题
例 The economy is a“hot” topic among people of all ages these days.现在,无论是在什么年龄段,经济都是一个热门话题。
3. The short answer is...
释 a brief answer/put simply简单地说就是
例 A: How can I improve my English fluency more rapidly?我怎样才能更快地提高自己的英语口语流利度?
B: The short answer is practice.
4. answers to age-old questions
释 answer questions that have been asked for ages/a long time回答古老(由来已久)的问题
例 Scientists have been delving into some age-old questions and have come up with some surprising answers.
5. The issue here is
释 the matter at hand is这里的问题是,问题在于
例 The issue here is whether or not there's a market for this product.这里的问题在于这种产品是否有市场。
6. read subtle body language
释 read body language that is not very noticeable看懂微妙的肢体语言
例 It takes years to become a master at reading subtle body language.
7. buy into
释 accept/believe相信
例 I could tell he wasn't buying into the plan. He had serious doubts about it.
8. avoid misunderstandings
释 try not to cause misunderstandings避免误解
例 We should try to make an effort to get to know each other better. That will help us all avoid misunderstandings in our day-to-day dealings with each other.
9. I can't vouch for all of it.
释 I can't guarantee the authenticity/correctness of all of it.我不能保证全部(内容)的真实性/正确性。
例 A: What's your take on this new book, claiming we're all in for some nasty global weather?
B: I can't vouch for all of it.
10. make for
释 promote/have the effect of... ……有助于,走向
例 The invention of gunpowder by the Chinese is a decisive moment in world history and makes for interesting reading as well.
11. engage people in face-to-face conversations
释 have face-to-face conversations with people进行面对面交流
例 Following a huge spike in online chatting, psychologists are advising people to engage in more face-to-face conversations.
12. greatly expand
释 greatly increase大大增加,极大地扩大
例 The Internet has greatly expanded our knowledge but has also undermined our sense of certainty.
Bob: We are all communicators. Wouldn't you agree?
Tina: Yes.But we communicate in different ways.We tend to use more body language than verbal language to express ourselves.
Bob: So that's why body language is such a“hot”topic among scientists, consumer research groups, and people working in sales and marketing. But tell me, why do you think it's so important?
Tina: The short answer is revenue. With more and more money devoted to consumer research,scientists can help find answers to the age-old questions:Why do we buy?Why don't we buy? Companies and department stores then use that research to induce customers to spend more.But the issue here is not just about buying a commodity. It's also about communication.
Bob: I see. So, if I know and understand all the signals a person makes, then I can understand the unspoken communication and respond in the right way.
Tina: Yes.Most of us can't read subtle body language very well.This subtle body language will tell us whether a person will buy or not,buy into or not buy into what you're selling or proposing.
Bob: It can also tell us if someone is being truthful or lying to us.
Tina: Right. I for one, would encourage people to learn as much as they can about body language around the world. This can help them avoid or even eliminate misunderstandings that arise in day-to-day dealings with people.
Bob: There's a lot of popular literature about body language and interpretations of body language out there.
Tina: I know.I can't vouch for all of it,but some of it can make for interesting readings. The best way to really understand body language is to engage people in face-to-face conversations as much as possible.Traveling will also greatly expand your knowledge on the subject.
Bob: I think that's really useful advice.
从每24小时运送的乘客数量、所覆盖的面积、线路数、车站数量以及站与站之间距离等方面来衡量,世界地铁第一的位置当属伦敦地铁(London Underground)。它是欧洲最大、也是最古老的地铁网络,从1863年开始运营,全长253英里(约合407公里),每年运送乘客近10亿人次。巴黎地铁(Paris Metro)也是世界最好的地铁之一,和它的高效相比,乘客们更为津津乐道的是每个站点独特的艺术设计。纽约地铁(New York City Subway,简称NYCS)的好评度有所下降是因为它是世界上票价最贵的地铁之一,也是最不安全和最不卫生的地铁。近年来亚洲地铁在世界的排名有所上升,包括有282个站点的东京地铁(Tokyo Metro)和堪称世界上最拥挤的地铁之一的首尔地铁(Seoul Subway)。