Writing a book is not a solo effort, so acknowledgements are in order. First I need to thank my family—my wife, Corinne, who gave me continual support and acted as my muse when I was blocked; and, my daughter, Plynlymon, who reviewed uncounted rewrites and helped me phrase things less academically.
I would also like to thank Dr. Ginger Levin and Cathy Kreyche, who were always available to answer my repetitive, naive questions about language and style. They provided me invaluable guidance concerning content and gave me many ideas on expanding on certain concepts.
The Project Management Institute’s Risk Special Interest Group was gracious enough to allow me to include its Risk Management Lexicon in this book. For an up-to-date version of the lexicon, as well as an extensive reference list, I direct the reader to the Risk SIG Website: www.risksig.com.
Finally, but no less importantly, I must acknowledge my employer, CIBER, Inc. They provided encouragement for me to write the book and allowed me to use our internal project management methodology, e.Acceleration™, as a starting point for certain risk management processes (i.e., project opportunity assessment, risk identification and response planning, and continuing risk management).