This book could be divided into six parts.
The First Chapter introduced the research background and its theoretical and practical significance, summarized the present domestic and abroad research situation, research contents, and finally put forward study methods and innovative point of this thesis.
The Second Chapter, as an introduction section, mainly discussed the basic theory of network born digital resources and their social value. This chapter studied the network born digital resources' definition, classifications and characteristics. Based on network born digital resources' social value connotation, this chapter classified their social values from different perspectives—the target audience, realization of their value, mode of action, scope of working time, effects upon production activities, labor value theory, different significances to social subjects, effects upon social subjects, and effects upon social subjects' activity areas. Finally this chapter discussed the characteristics of network born digital resources'social value—unity of objectivity and subjectivity, coexistence of sociality and historicity, interaction between multidimensionality and one-dimensionality, interdependence between value preservation and value increment, complementarity relationship between normalization and driveability and relative independence, etc.
Chapter Three, as a connecting link section between the preceding and the following, illustrated the manifestation of network born digital resources' social values: facilitating to unveil and adopt public opinions; providing space and tools to gather academic achievements; serving as the“encyclopedia”in ordinary people's daily life; generating the driving source for the development of network economy; motivating social culture networked; and providing information sources for leisure and recreation. A large number of facts, figures, and charts are listed to support their social values' manifestation.
Chapter Four, as a key section of this book, discussed how to evaluate the social value of network born digital resources. This chapter analyzed evaluation perspective of network born digital resources' social value, including perspective of publishers of network born digital resources, perspective of their receivers, perspective of ontology, and the perspective of network platform, etc. Then, it elaborated the principle to evaluate network born digital resources' social value: the targeted role principle, the comparability principle, the objectivity principle and the principle of inclusive. At last, the evaluating methods for network born digital resources'value are introduced, including transfer technique, topic or event method, the subject correlation method and so on, which are illustrated with data.
Combined with the key points of the previous sections discussed, Chapter Five made a case study of network born digital resources in Sina microblog to illustrate the social value of network born digital resources.
As the conclusion part, Chapter Six summarized the main argument points discussed in this paper, and pointed out the direction that needs to further in-depth study and discuss.