

Volatile market environment has changed the way of enterprises' competition. It is from the point to the line, the surface competition, and highlights the importance of enterprises network symbiosis. Accordingly, the enterprise organization form has developed from a single to cluster, to networks, and gradually from order to disorder, to order. The change is a process of the fractal and chaos, and has the nature of the complex and non-linear dynamic evolution. The network symbiosis is a typical characteristic of network organization development. The network organization is a result of enterprises' symbiosis based on specialization fractal. It is beyond the geographical boundaries of the cluster through opportunity-oriented and spread-gather-spread. Its mechanism is the continual friction of the enterprise borders under the pressure of the external environment for the relative motion resulting from their difference development speed. On the one hand, the friction makes the plastic deformation of enterprise boundary fused with each other, and show fuzzy state. It has enhanced the emergence of the network organization with two purposes. Firstly, it can optimize and integrate the outside resources of the enterprise to produce submarkets in order to grasp the rapidly changing market opportunities based on the increasing co-factors, and extend its life cycle. Secondly, it can optimize the allocation of the regional resources to achieve the harmonious development of regional economy through the submarket effects. On the other hand, the friction also produces the X-inefficiency at the enterprise border and the chaos phenomena of the network organization. It enables the enterprise take greater risks, and adds to the business operation uncertainty. Therefore, we should not use the conventional method to analyze the network organization stability but should use the fuzzy reliability theory to identify the factors that affect the stability and the key link through the comprehensive evaluation of the fuzzy reliability based on the specialization fractal, and then to improve them to enhance the stability of the network organization symbiosis and drive the harmonious development of the regional economy.

Key Words: Specialization fractal, Network organization, Symbiotic superiority, Co-evolution