059【“提供建议”这样说!】You'd better...你最好……
You'd better look before you leap. 你最好三思而后行。
You'd better control your diet. 你最好控制饮食。
You'd better listen to me as I'm more experienced than you.我比你有经验,你最好听我的。
You'd better turn on the air-conditioner. lt's too hot here.这儿太热了,你最好把空调打开。
You'd better go over the lessons tonight to prepare for your examination tomorrow. 明天考试,你今晚最好复习下功课。
You'd better seize this good chance. 你最好抓住此次良机。
You'd better give up drinking. 你最好戒酒。
You'd better not read in the sun. 你最好别在阳光下看书。
1.A: I'm going out.我要出门了。
B: You'd better take an umbrella. Weather forecast says there will be a heavy rain today.你最好带把伞,天气预报说今天有大雨。
A: But I don't believe in the weather forecast, they never get it right.我可不信什么天气预报,就没报准过。
B: Come on! Good watch prevents misfortune. Just take it.拜托,有备无患嘛。快拿着。
2.A: Are you alright, Lucy? You don't look very well.露西,你还好吗?你看起来不太舒服啊。
B: I'm fine, just a little headache.我没事儿,只是有点儿头痛。
A: You'd better go to see the doctor if you're not feeling well.身体不舒服的话最好去找医生看看。
3.A: It's already 11 at night. You'd better not stay up too late as you have to get up early tomorrow morning.已经半夜11:00了。明早你还得早起,别睡太晚了。
B: OK.I'll be in bed after finishing reading a few pages of this book.好的,我再读几页书就睡。