019 How soon...?多久后……?【西方人这么询问“多久以后”! 】
How soon will you finish the phone call? 你要多久能打完电话?
How soon will you be ready? 你要多久能准备好?
How soon will we know the results? 我们要多久才能知道结果?
How soon can we come up with a down payment? 我们需要多久才能凑齐头期款?
How soon you forget your own past, James. 这么快你就忘记自己的过去了,詹姆斯。
So tell me when it will be over now, how soon? 告诉我这一切何时结束,还要多久?
The problem is how soon, not how late.问题是这会有多早而不是会有多迟。
“How soon...”放在句首引导句子,询问的是时间,这时后面的句子倒装。下面我们来看看这个句式在日常生活中的用法吧:
1.A: How soon can we have a holiday? I'm really tired physically and mentally and I could really do with a long holiday.我们多久才能有假期?我真的是身心疲惫,真的需要一个长假。
B: In a week, I guess.我想,一周之后吧。
2.A: I will finish the translation as soon as possible. I promise.我会尽快完成那份翻译的。我保证。
B: But how soon? It's urgent, and you knew that.但是,要多久呢?很紧急的,你之前是知道的。
3.A: How soon time has passed by since we last met ten years ago!自从我们十年前见了一面之后,时间过得可真快呀。
B: Yes, how time flies.是啊,时光飞逝啊。
温馨提示:此外,“how soon”还可以引导感叹句,这时,后面的句子不必倒装,如对话例句三中所示。另举一例,“How soon she has grown up to be a young lady! I still remember holding her in my arms when she was a baby.(她这么快就长成大姑娘了!我还记得她还是个小婴儿的时候我抱她在怀里呢。)”