第177章 25th November,1839(1)
To the Rev.A.Brandram (ENDORSED:recd.Dec.19,1839)PRISON OF SEVILLE,Novr.25,1839.
REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-I write these lines as you see from the common prison of Seville,to which I was led yesterday,or rather dragged,neither for murder nor robbery nor debt but simply for having endeavoured to obtain a passport for Cordova,to which place I was going with my Jewish servant,Hayim Ben Attar.
It is necessary for me here to give you some information respecting my proceedings since I last wrote.I wished to distribute some more Testaments in Seville before I left the country,and accordingly procured a considerable number from Madrid.Everything was accomplished with the utmost secrecy,and the blessed books obtained considerable circulation.I likewise sent agents into the country,and went myself in my accustomed manner.All went well,the entire stock which had reached me was circulated,and I rested from my labours for a little time;for indeed I had need of quiet,being indisposed.