第118章 13th May,1838
To the Rev.A.Brandram (ENDORSED:recd.May 23,1838)MADRID,May 13[1838].
REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-Post is just about to start,but I am compelled to write a few words.The Bible cause has triumphed in Spain.Whatever I do in future connected with the Gospel is to have the sanction of the Government,who have expressed a desire to co-operate with the Bible Society towards the civilization of the country.
I left prison yesterday,and this morning was sent for to the British Embassy,where Sir George entered into an infinity of details which I cannot state at present.Sir George has commanded me,however,to write to the following effect:-Mr.Graydon must leave Spain,or the Bible Society must publicly disavow that his proceedings receive their encouragement,unless they wish to see the Sacred Book,which it is their object to distribute,brought into universal odium and contempt.He has lately been to Malaga,and has there played precisely the same part which he acted last year at Valencia,with the addition that in printed writings he has insulted the Spanish Government in the most inexcusable manner.A formal complaint of his conduct has been sent up from Malaga,and a copy of one of his writings.Sir George blushed when he saw it,and informed Count Ofalia that any steps which might be taken towards punishing the author would receive no impediment from him.
I shall not make any observation on this matter further than stating that I have never had any other opinion of Mr.Graydon than that he is insane -insane as the person who for the sake of warming his own hands would set a street on fire.Sir George said to-day that he,Graydon,was the cause of my harmless shop being closed at Madrid and also of my imprisonment.The Society will of course communicate with Sir George on the subject:I wash my hands of it.
I remain,dear Sir,most truly yours,GEORGE BORROW.