The Origins of Contemporary France


(Correspondence of M. de Bercheny, July 21, 1790.)[60] Mercure de France, March 19, 1790. Letter from Amien, February 28. (Mallet du Pan publishes in the Mercure only letters which are signed and authentic.)[61] "Archives Nationales," KK, 1105. (Correspondence of M. de Thiard; letters of Chevalier de Bévy, December 26, 1789, and others up to April 5, 1790.) - Moniteur, sitting of February 9, 1790. -Mercure de France, February 6 and March 6, 1790 (list of chateaux).

[62] "Archives Nationales," KK, 1105. (correspondence of M. de Thiard.) Letters of the Mayor of Nantes, February 16, !790, of the Municipality of Redon, February 19, etc.

[63] Mercure de France, February 6 and 27, 1790. (Speech of M. de Foucault, sittings of February 2 and 5) - Moniteur (same dates).

(Report of Grégoire, February 9; speeches by MM. Sallé de Chaux and de Noailles, February 9.) - Memorandum of the deputies of the town of Tulle, drawn up by the Abbé Morellet (from the deliberations and addresses of eighty-three boroughs and cities in the province).

[64] In allusion to the feudal custom of paying seignorial dues on the first of May around a maypole. See further on. [TR]

[65] Criminal Courts without appeal.-[TR.)[66] Moniteur, sitting of March 4, 1790. - Duvergier, decrees of March 6, 1790, and August 6-10 1790[67] The address is dated February 11, 1793. This singularly comic document would alone suffice to make the history of the Revolution perfectly comprehensible.

[68] "Archives Nationales," F7, 3203. (Letters of the royal commissioner, April 30 and May 9, 1790.) - Letter of the Duc de Maillé, May 6. - Report from the administrators of the department, November 12, 1790. - Moniteur VI. 515.

[69] "Archives Nationales," F7, 3225. Letter of the Directory from Ille-et-Vilaine, January 30, 1791, and letter from Dinan, January 29- Mercure de France, April 2 and 16, 1791. Letters from Rennes, March 20th; from Redon, March 12.

[70] So expressed in the minutes of the meeting.

[71] Moniteur, sitting of December 15, 1790. (Address of the department of Lot, December 7.) - Sitting of December 20 (Speech by M. de Foucault.) - Mercure de France, December 18, 1790.

(Letter from Belves, in Perigord, December 7.) - Ibid., January 22, 29, 1791. (Letter from M. de Clarac, January 18.)[72] December 17, 1790.

[73] January 7, 1791.

[74] Revolutionary archives of the department of Creuse, by Duval.

(Letter of the administrators of the department, March 31, 1791.) -" Archives Nationales," F7, 3209. (Deliberation of the Directory of the Department, May 12, 1791 - Minutes of the meeting of the municipality of La Souterraine, August 23, 1791.)[75] "Archives Nationales", F7, 3269. - Order of the directory of the district of Ribérac, August 5, 1791, and requisitions of the prosecuting attorney of the department, August 24, and September 11.

- Letter of the king's commissioner, August 22.

[76] A sort of export duty.-[TR.]

[77] "Archives Nationales," P7, 3204. - Letter, from the Directory of the Department, June 2, 1791; September 8 and 22. -Letter from the Minister of Justice, May 15, 1791. - Letter from M. de Lentilhac, September 2. - Letter from M. Melon-Padon, Royal Commissioner, September. - Mercure de France, May 14, 1791.

(Letter of an eye-witness, Loyac, April 25, 1791.)[78] "Archives Nationales," F7. 3204. Letters from M. de Saint-Victour, September 25, October 2 and 10, 1791. - Letter from the steward of his estate, September 18.