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Chapter 1. Getting Started with ROS
What does ROS do and what are the benefits of learning ROS?
Which robots are using ROS?
Installing and launching ROS
Creating a catkin workspace
ROS packages and manifest
ROS nodes and ROS Master
Turtlesim the first ROS robot simulation
ROS commands summary
Chapter 2. Creating Your First Two-Wheeled ROS Robot (in Simulation)
Creating and building a ROS package
Building a differential drive robot URDF
Chapter 3. Driving Around with TurtleBot
Introducing TurtleBot
Loading TurtleBot simulator software
Launching TurtleBot simulator in Gazebo
Setting up to control a real TurtleBot
Networking the netbook and remote computer
TurtleBot hardware specifications
Move the real TurtleBot
Introducing rqt tools
TurtleBot's odometry
TurtleBot automatic docking
Chapter 4. Navigating the World with TurtleBot
3D vision systems for TurtleBot
Configuring TurtleBot and installing the 3D sensor software
Testing the 3D sensor in standalone mode
Running ROS nodes for visualization
Navigating with TurtleBot
Chapter 5. Creating Your First Robot Arm (in Simulation)
Features of Xacro
Building an articulated robot arm URDF using Xacro
Controlling an articulated robot arm in Gazebo
Chapter 6. Wobbling Robot Arms Using Joint Control
Introducing Baxter
Baxter's arms
Loading the Baxter software
Launching Baxter Simulator in Gazebo
Baxter's arms and forward kinematics
Introducing MoveIt
Configuring a real Baxter setup
Controlling a real Baxter
Inverse kinematics
Chapter 7. Making a Robot Fly
Introducing quadrotors
Understanding quadrotor sensors
Preparing to fly your quadrotor
Using ROS with UAVs
Introducing Hector Quadrotor
Introducing Crazyflie 2.0
Introducing Bebop
Chapter 8. Controlling Your Robots with External Devices
Creating a custom ROS game controller interface
Creating a custom ROS Android device interface
Creating ROS nodes on Arduino or Raspberry Pi
Chapter 9. Flying a Mission with Crazyflie
Mission components
Loading software for the mission
Setting up the mission
How to control Crazyflie
Flying Crazyflie
Chapter 10. Extending Your ROS Abilities
Controlling a robot with your voice
Enabling a robot to speak
Enabling a robot to recognize faces