更新时间:2021-07-08 11:11:41
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Chapter 1. Getting Started with CentOS
Installing CentOS using Anaconda in graphics mode
Installing CentOS using Anaconda in text mode
Coordinating multiple installations using Kickstart
Running a cloud image with Amazon Web Services' EC2
Installing a container image from the Docker Registry
Installing the GNOME desktop
Installing the KDE Plasma desktop
Chapter 2. Networking
Setting a static IP address
Binding multiple addresses to a single Ethernet device
Bonding two Ethernet devices
Configuring the network firewall with FirewallD
Configuring the network firewall using iptables
Installing a DHCP server
Configuring an NFS server to share a filesystem
Configuring an NFS client to use a shared filesystem
Serving Windows shares with Samba
Chapter 3. User and Permission Management
Escalating privileges with sudo
Enforcing password restrictions
Setting default permissions for new files and directories
Running binaries as a different user
Working with SELinux for greater security
Chapter 4. Software Installation Management
Registering the EPEL and Remi repositories
Prioritizing repositories using the Priorities plugin
Automating software updates with yum-cron
Verifying installed RPM packages
Compiling a program from source
Chapter 5. Managing Filesystems and Storage
Viewing the size of files and available storage
Setting storage limits for users and groups
Creating a RAM disk
Creating a RAID
Replacing a device in a RAID
Creating a new LVM volume
Removing an existing LVM volume
Adding storage and growing an LVM volume
Working with LVM snapshots
Chapter 6. Allowing Remote Access
Running commands remotely through SSH
Configuring a more secure SSH login
Securely connecting to SSH without a password
Restricting SSH access by user or group
Protecting SSH with Fail2ban
Confining sessions to a chroot jail
Configuring TigerVNC
Tunneling VNC connections through SSH
Chapter 7. Working with Databases
Setting up a MySQL database
Backing up and restoring a MySQL database
Configuring MySQL replication
Standing up a MySQL cluster
Setting up a MongoDB database
Backing up and restoring a MongoDB database
Configuring a MongoDB replica set
Setting up an OpenLDAP directory
Backing up and restoring an OpenLDAP database
Chapter 8. Managing Domains and DNS
Setting up BIND as a resolving DNS server
Configuring BIND as an authoritative DNS server
Writing a reverse lookup zone file
Setting up a slave DNS server
Configuring rndc to control BIND
Chapter 9. Managing E-mails
Configuring Postfix to provide SMTP services
Adding SASL to Postfix with Dovecot
Configuring Postfix to use TLS
Configuring Dovecot for secure POP3 and IMAP access
Targeting spam with SpamAssassin
Routing messages with Procmail
Chapter 10. Managing Web Servers
Installing Apache HTTP Server and PHP
Configuring name-based virtual hosting